Linear Essays

  • The Decipherment of Linear A and Linear B

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    the first one he discovered. Evans called these forms of writing Linear A and Linear B. Linear A and B is a form of writing systems that were used by ancient Crete. Evans named them “Linear” because the writings were formed in a linear structure instead of being a pictograph which was a very popular writing form during that time. Evans also discovered that Linear A was a predecessor of Linear B. The writing forms Linear A and Linear B opened up a new world of discovery for the archeologist of that

  • Linear Programming

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    The development of linear programming has been ranked among the most important scientific advances of the mid 20th century. Its impact since the 1950’s has been extraordinary. Today it is a standard tool used by some companies (around 56%) of even moderate size. Linear programming uses a mathematical model to describe the problem of concern. Linear programming involves the planning of activities to obtain an optimal result, i.e., a result that reaches the specified goal best (according to the mathematical

  • Current Technology on Winding Linear Generators

    897 Words  | 2 Pages

    Current Technology on Winding Linear Generators Abstract This paper is an overview of the materials and winding technology that is currently used on today’s linear generators. It contains information on the types of wire used as well as the epoxy used to hold the coil windings in place. Furthermore, it contains information on the possible orientations that the coils can have with respect to the permanent magnets. Introduction Linear generators/motors have been around since the early

  • Linear Programming Essay

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    study, suggestions of how linear programming method could be widely applied in decision making in construction would be offered. BRIEF REVIEW OF LITERATURE: Linear Programming is a powerful quantitative tool used by operations managers and other managers to obtain optimal solutions to problems that involve restrictions, such as the available materials, budgets, and labor. These problems are referred to as constraint optimization problems. There are numerous examples of linear programming applications

  • One Hundred Years of Solitude: Linear and Circular Time

    678 Words  | 2 Pages

    One Hundred Years of Solitude: Linear and Circular Time Cien Anos de Soledad Style in Gabriel Garcia Marquez's One Hundred Years of Solitude is closely linked to myth. Marquez chooses magic realism over the literal, thereby placing the novel's emphasis on the surreal. To complement this style, time in One Hundred Years of Solitude is also mythical, simultaneously incorporating circular and linear structure (McMurray 76). Most novels are structured linearly. Events occur chronologically, and

  • A Pragmatic Approach for Comparative Analysis of Linear and Rotary Generators

    1592 Words  | 4 Pages

    A Pragmatic Approach for Comparative Analysis of Linear and Rotary Generators ABSTRACT This paper identifies the need for consolidating analysis techniques for the purpose of designing linear electrical generation systems. Additionally, it identifies a need for concise system development tools that help designers make practical comparisons between linear and rotary machines. INTRODUCTION The basic principles for converting mechanical energy to electrical energy have been known for over

  • Linear Algebra in Computer Science

    708 Words  | 2 Pages

    Linear algebra is a useful tool with many applications within the computer science field. This paper will cover the various applications of linear algebra in computer science including: internet search, graphics, speech recognition,and artificial intelligence. A major focus of linear algebra in computer science is internet searches, which involves finding techniques for effectively storing and searching through information. In the year 2000 there was an estimated 2.5 billion web pages on the internet

  • Linear Regression Analysis Apple

    1663 Words  | 4 Pages

    with the simple linear regression analysis as seen in FIGURE 1-3. FIGURE 1-3 Simple Linear Regression Analysis Analysts will input the following information into a simple linear regression model provided in Excel QM using a simple linear regression formula Yi =b_0+ b_1 X_1. In FIGURE 1-3 the highlighted Coefficients are provided. The b_0 is -18.3975 and the b_1 is 26.3479, these coefficients are added to the formula that is represented in figure 1-4. FIGURE 1-4 (Simple Linear Regression Model)

  • Speed Control of Linear Induction Motor

    2325 Words  | 5 Pages

    prepared for detailing how to design and build the structure of LabVIEW simulation for speed control of Linear induction motor and explaining the characteristic of V/F Speed control for Induction motor obtain the data by LabVIEW. The design and build of simulation has two parts, part one is simulation of LED indicator for motor speed recognize and part 2 is simulation of V/F speed control of Linear induction motor. Firstly, design a control function in front panel of LabVIEW, it use for a control

  • Regression Analysis And Simple Linear Regression

    1425 Words  | 3 Pages

    Montgomery, Peck, & Vinning, 2012). Simple linear regression: Simple linear regression is a model with a single regressor x that has a relationship with a response y that is a straight line. This simple linear regression model can be expressed as y = β0 +β1+xε whereβ the intercept 0 and β the slope 1 are unknown constants and ε is a random error component . Multiple linear regression: If there is more than one regressor, it is called multiple linear regression. In general, the response variable

  • Regression Analysis: Analysis Of Linear Regression And Correlation

    1475 Words  | 3 Pages

    Linear Regression and Correlation Correlation and regression analyses are interrelated in an approach that they both deal with the relationship between variables. Correlation portrays the strength of a relationship between two variables, and is entirely proportioned, the correlation between X and Y is identical as the correlation among Y and X. However, if the two variables are associated it means that when one changes by a definite amount the other changes on an average by a certain amount. While

  • Using OLS Linear Regression Analysis Estimates two Models

    1653 Words  | 4 Pages

    The OLS linear regression analysis is a crucial statistics tool to estimate the relationship between variables. Usually, the estimator indicates the causality between one variable and the other (A Sykes, 1993) (e.g the product price and its demand quantity). This report will analyzes the product ‘Supa-clean’, a new cleaning agent in Cleano-max PLC, though two model: a demand function and a multivariate demand function. After analysing the estimator, the weakness and the room of improvement of this

  • The Application of Linear Algebra in Our Daily Life

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    Eigenvalues and eigenvectors is one of the important topics in linear algebra. The purpose of this assignment is to study the application of eigenvalues and eigenvectors in our daily life. They are widely applicable in physical sciences and hence play a prominent role in the study of ordinary differential equations. Therefore, this assignment will provide explanations on how eigenvalues and eigenvectors will be functional in a prey-predator system. This will include background, history of the concept

  • Linear Perspective

    577 Words  | 2 Pages

    The term linear perspective is more common in the vocabulary of artists. It is a method employed by artists to create an illusion of depth on a given flat surface. Drawings are usually two dimensional but employing this technique gives the specified art a three-dimensional feeling. Linear perspective helps the drawing gain a more realistic feeling. Aside from depth, linear perspective gives the drawing texture, gradient and relative size. This mode of art was invented by Filippo Brunelleschi, an

  • Hypertext as a Rhizome

    713 Words  | 2 Pages

    internet. It provides flexibility for both authors and readers because of the way ideas are linked to one another. One of the most experimental forms is the hypertext novel. Until recently, readers were limited to only linear text. The introduction of hypertext allows for non-linear forms of text, which allow readers to move from one point in the text to another simply by clicking a link. One of the main features of hypertext is this interconnectivity. The way in which the parts of text are linked

  • Linear Motion: The Physics Of Linear Motion

    1611 Words  | 4 Pages

    In chapter 3, we learned about linear motion. Linear motion is the motion of an object in a straight line. Moving objects must have a speed at which they travel, this is found by dividing the distance the object traveled by the time that it took to get there. Objects that travel in a straight line path need to have a speed and a direction, this is what is defined as velocity. Velocity can change by either an object 's speed or its direction changing. When velocity changes, it is called acceleration

  • Angular Momentum

    1417 Words  | 3 Pages

    To understand angular momentum easier it is wise to compare it to the less complex linear momentum because they are similar in many ways. "Linear momentum is the product of an object's mass and its instantaneous velocity. The angular momentum of a rotating object is given by the product of its angular velocity and its moment of inertia. Just as a moving object's inertial mass is a measure of its resistance to linear acceleration, a rotating object's moment of inertia is a measure of its resistance

  • "Crossing Brooklyn Ferry" by Walt Whitman

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    recurring images and motifs that can be seen. Whitman develops these images throughout the course of the poem. The most dominant of these are the linear notion of time, playing roles, and nature. By examining these motifs and tracing their development, ones understanding of the poem becomes highly deepened. Whitman challenges the linear notion of time by connecting past with future. This can be seen in the first stanza, as the poem opens: "And you that shall cross from shore

  • I Will Use My God Given Talents in the Practice of Law

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    I believe that time is a gift from God and it is up to individuals to make wise decisions regarding how they will invest the time that God has granted them. My perception of time dictates, to a degree, how I chose to use it. I believe that time is linear - there is a beginning and an end - God, the creator of time. For this reason, I strive to use my time wisely. One day I will be unable to live like I do now, so I believe that it is important to make the most of what time I have. However, I also

  • Matchstick Staircase Investigation

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    table I'm going to make a general rule, in terms of letters. Number of matchsticks on perimeter = P Number of base = b Perimeter difference = 4 (always) When the perimeter difference is always the same therefore the general rule will be linear pattern: P = 4b Prediction: =========== I predict that, I can find the number of matchsticks on the perimeter using this general rule, P = 4b Example 1: Number of matchsticks on base = 9 Perimeter difference = 4 Therefore: