Library classification Essays

  • The Map of Art History Uses Order and Classification by Listing of Fields, Library System, and Plotting in Space and Time

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    itself through order and classification. From many observations and theories it considers three subject: first is the listing of fields in art history, second is the library system is for categorizing art books, and third is the plotting of space and time in art history from survey texts. Also in the discussion the writer talks about the geography of art history such as where does the idea appear from? Other questions he asked was how and why do disciplinary classifications aspire are global remain

  • Life Without Classification Essay

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    known as classification; the aim of which to bring order and logics to things and thought. We are exposed to classification in every aspect of our life, for example the filing of patients records in a doctor’s office, the way supermarket arrange groceries on their shelves and the layout strategies garments stores use to display their products. Classification is one of the main activities of cataloguing and involves the assigning of numbers to represent subject content. Without classification, access

  • The Dewey Decimal Classification: Western and Non-Western Cultures

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    Introduction DDC: From West to East This paper is examining how the Dewey Decimal Classification System (DDC) has been adapted and translated in both Western and non-Western Nations and the problems that have arisen during this process. In this paper we will first examine what the DDC is which includes looking into its history specifically into how Mr. Custer helped the DDC become an international classification system. Next we will focus on the problems that arise during the process of adapting

  • Not the Sound of Silence Footnoting the Pop/Rock Sounds of the Library

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    Not the Sound of Silence Footnoting the Pop/Rock Sounds of the Library While in the University of Arizona's Music Library evaluating their reference collection for a class project, I came across the following book and annotated it for my pathfinder: Green, J. (2002). The Thematic Guide to Popular Music, Nashville: Professional Desk References. This massive guide categorizes music by lyrical theme(s) and/or song titles. For instance, there are listings of songs by days of the week, women's

  • Metadata Essay

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    allows. In the text Metadata and Its Applications in the Digital Library: Approaches and Practices Liu writes “…no one can deny that the philosophy behind metadata has existed for a very long time. The bibliographic records for the documents carved on the clay tablets in the library of Assurbanipal in the seventh century BC are metadata. “ (Liu, 2007) Despite the origins of metadata it has become common in the majority of academic libraries to apply metadata practices while cataloging electronic and digital

  • Classification of Restaurant Customers

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    Classification of Restaurant Customers “I’ve been here for ten minutes and my server hasn’t taken my order yet!” This is a direct quote from me before I worked at a restaurant. I never looked to see how many tables my server actually had or how much running I made them do. The sad truth is most people do not notice these details either, which may affect the tip their server will receive. By looking at the attitude and maintenance of restaurant customers, you can classify them into three categories

  • Report on Classification Of Business

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    Report on Classification Of Business Classification of Businesses according to their types of activity: Primary Sector Businesses: The gathering of raw materials, such as fish, oil, or coal from the land or sea or growing using the earth to grow things such as crops or trees Examples: Rio Tinto (Mining), JCI Gold (Mining), Anglo Amer (Mining), BP (Oil and Gas), and Soco International (Oil and Gas). Secondary Sector Businesses: The processing of raw materials into finished goods. Examples

  • Classification Essay - The Types of Kids that Make Up My Generation

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    Classification Essay –The Types of Kids that Make Up My Generation One of the things that has troubled me as of late is my generation. The generation that is referred to is the group of people currently aged 15-21 - whether or not this is a "generation," so to speak, is irrelevant. These people, for the most part, disturb me. It frightens me to know that the people that I've grown up with are going to be leading the country and the world in the decades to come. The overwhelming majority of the

  • Motorcycle Rider

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    Evolution of the Motorcycle Rider My first motorcycle was a Kawasaki Eliminator 250 street bike. I consider it to have been my training bike, and it was somewhat generic in the sense that it was not easily identifiable as a member of a specific style of motorcycle. And, more importantly, by associating with other riders, I realized that I was not easily identifiable as a member of a specific class of riders. Riders are a species all their own; and, though there are many sub-classes within

  • Uses of Support Vector Machine

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    becoming more common in text classification. In essence, support vector machines define hyperplanes, which try to separate the values of a given target field. The hyperplanes are defined using kernel functions. The most popular kernel types are supported: linear, polynomial, radial basis and sigmoid. Support Vector Machines can be used for both, classification and regression. Several characteristics have been observed in vector space based methods for text classification [15,16], including the high

  • Cynical Classification of Sexual Partners

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    Cynical Classification of Sexual Partners When any thought of cynicism arises, it conjures an image of bitter thirty something divorcees, single alcoholic fathers, or disillusioned old maids. However, this disease is rampant now among "Gen X'ers", and it is certainly no surprise with the miasma of food, cars, money, drugs, and of course sex that assaults early twenties men and women with the frenetic pace of a moving el-train. Yet there is no better example of the reason for American youths

  • Classification Essay - Three Types of Cheaters

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    Plagiarism - Three Types of Cheaters "Fools make researches and wise men exploit them." Merriam-Webster's dictionary defines the word plagiarize as to pass off as one's own the ideas or words of another. Every student knows that plagiarism is dishonest and wrong. Why do so many students do it? Students themselves may not believe that they are plagiarizing. Many students plagiarize because of the diverse types of plagiarism which are often unknown to students. The three major types of plagiarism

  • The Classification and Hierarchy of Values

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    The Classification and Hierarchy of Values ABSTRACT: I attempt to look into the issue of the ranks of values comprehensively and progressively. Anti-values can be classified into the following six categories by ascending order: (1) the act of destroying the earth-of annihilating humankind and all other living organisms; (2) the act of mass killing of people by initiating a war or committing treason; (3) the act of murdering or causing death to a human being; (4) the act of damaging the body

  • Classification Of Vegetarians

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    Classification Of Vegetarians According to the research, there are a number of different types of vegetarians. The first four listed are considered to be "true" vegetarians because by definition the term vegetarian diet is composed mainly of plant foods and may or may not include eggs and dairy products. Any person who chooses to omit animal products uses a vegetarian diet. Vegetarian diets are often classified by the extent to which animal products are excluded ("Vegetarian Diet" 39). The table

  • Classification Essay - Friends

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    Classification of Friends On a conscious level, we rarely spend much time actually thinking about and classifying our friends. However, since I was a small child, my mother taught me to recognize and appreciate various types of friends. I have discovered that there are three different types of friends. I group them according to how well I know them and how well they know me. We encounter each type of friend everyday, whether in school, home, or at the gym. First, there are the "pest friends"-

  • The Legal Classification of Men and Women

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    Usually sex classifications were challenged by women who felt they deprived of equal legal treatment, but they were also challenged by men who felt women were given unfair legal protection. Originally, most of the gender specific legislation in the United States was passed because stereotypes regarding women pervaded the mentalities of many of our nation's lawmakers. Slowly the government realized that women had been sealed into the domestic sphere and attempted to reverse this discrimination by

  • Classification of Gifted and Talented Students

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    Classification of Gifted and Talented Students Many people have varying views on what classifies a student as gifted and talented. According to the Office of Gifted and Talented, six qualities determine giftedness. These qualities are intellectual ability as well as talent, scoring in the 97th percentile and above on aptitude tests, creative thinking, leadership ability, talents in the fine arts, and psychomotor abilities. Using the definition supplied by Bruce User, “a school system could

  • Classification Essay - Cats

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    There are three types of domestic cats: indoor domestic cats, outdoor domestic cats, and indoor-outdoor domestic cats. Though these cats would look very similar if they were clean and sitting next to each other, they would also be very different. Indoor cats are generally very clean, since they do not have to work for their food. The excess time allows them to clean and pamper themselves on a daily basis. The fact that they are usually fed on regular intervals makes an indoor cat overweight

  • Classification of Beer

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    Classification of Beer What's more refreshing on a hot summer day than a nice cold beer? Or how about drinking a nice cold one with some buddies after work at a local bar, sound nice doesn?t it? Beer has been around for many years and will probably be around for many more. A beer is any variety of alcoholic beverages produced by the fermentation of starchy material derived from grains or other plant sources. The production of beer and some other alcoholic beverages is often called brewing. Most

  • Classification Essay - Weight Lifters

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    Classification Essay - Weight Lifters Entertainment has been an established part of the American culture almost since its founding. The types of entertainment that most Americans enjoy in today's world are going to the movies, going out to eat, and exercising. Different forms of exercise vary from running and playing sports to weight lifting. Those who enjoy weight lifting can choose to do so in the privacy of their home, in a community center like the YMCA, or in a health club. At a health