July 2009 cyber attacks Essays

  • Cyber Warfare

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    Cyber Warfare Introduction Many nations in the world - the United States, China, Russia, Iran, Germany, and more- use cyber warfare as a method of conducting sabotage and espionage. Nations, such as China and Russia, use espionage in order to prevent their economy and their military technology from falling behind by stealing advanced nations’ technology. Other nations, including Israel and Iran, focus on sabotaging other nations to cripple them, by sending malwares that destroy important data on

  • The Dangers of Cyber-Terrorism

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    future, cyber crime will become the leading threat to the safety and security of the American people. Experts on cyber crime agree that cyber crime is an issue that needs to be focused on more in-depth because the wide-spread use of computers by the global economy has made the use of computers and internet vital to everyday life (Siegel, 2009; FBI, 2011). There are 3 major types of cyber crime which includes: cyber fraud, cyber vandalism, and cyber terrorism (Seigel, 2009; Thio, 2010). Cyber terrorism

  • CyberSecurity and the Threat to National Security

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    areas of cyber security and its impact on our most critical institutions. This presentation will focus on the aforementioned three entities where national security is in jeopardy in part due to cyberculture and its intentional use for disruptive and destructive purposes. Breaches of security to the United States Department of Defense, the national power grid and the Chamber of Commerce are very real and omnipresent. The Defense Department made an admission of the first major cyber attack upon its

  • Causes And Disadvantages Of Cyberbullying

    809 Words  | 2 Pages

    Cyber Bullying in its various forms is one of the fastest developing problems that many youths have to face daily. Cyber bullies tend to be motivated by several different things, from anger at their victims, to jealousy; to personal problems in their lives. Some cyber bullies attack victims for entertainment purposes or to feel some form of power. With so many aspects of technology at any given bully 's disposal, cyber bullying is neither difficult nor uncommon. The foundation of cyber bullying can

  • What is Cyber Security?

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    What is Cyber Security? Cyber Security can be defined as “measures taken to protect a computer or computer system (as on the internet) against unauthorized access or attack”. (Bullock 283). In other words, an attempt by individuals to protect their personal information and other digital resources from attacks from the cyber world. Why is Cyber Security important? Cyber security was created because of the sensitive information that is frequently stored on computers that are attached to the Internet

  • The Pros And Cons Of Computer Vulnerability

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    attacker access to the flaw, and attacker capability to exploit the flaw. To exploit vulnerability, an attacker must have at least one applicable tool or technique that can connect to a system weakness. In this frame, vulnerability is also known as the attack surface. (Wikipedia). With this previous definition we can assume that a threat occurs when a weakness is Identified and attacked from an outside source for malicious purposes. By doing things like threat assessments we can tell the best course of

  • State and Non-state Actors that Pose the Greatest Cyber Threat to the United States

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    NON-STATE ACTORS THAT POSE THE GREATEST CYBER THREAT TO THE UNITED STATES External global threats are on the rise. Cyber-attacks against the U.S. government are notably targeted for intrusions focusing on exfiltration information some of which are attributed to the Chinese government military (Kirk, 2013). Stolen information by China may be valuable for defense and technology, U.S. policy makers in China, and military planners. (Kirk, 2013). It’s noted that Cyber warfare abilities may intercept military

  • Argumentative Essay On Cybercrime

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    crime were developed much more rapidly than could be anticipated and handled. The need for and effective system of cybercrime policing swiftly became apparent. Unfortunately, as Shinder (2011) points out, identifying the need for an effective form of cyber policing is only a small step in a series of considerable leaps necessary for the actual establishment of such a system. Jurisdictional issues as well as the problem of pinpointing the name and location of offenders can get in the way of such a system

  • The Effects Of Cyber Bullying In Today's Society

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    communication protocols” (para. 1). One of the main concerns with internet use is the effects of cyber bullying and the nature in which it is increasing. Something as simple as negative emails directed at another person or as big as a revealing photo of an individual posted without permission can be considered cyber bullying. Firstly, this essay will look at what the internet is, then it will define what is cyber bullying, the effects it can have on an individual also the concerns in today’s society, what

  • Twitter's Histor Fom 2006 To Now

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    Twitter is a social media website frequently used on the internet. Twitter was founded by Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Evan Williams, and Biz Stone. Twitter was created on March 21, 2006, but wasn't yet launched on the internet until July 15, 2006. Twitter's main headquarters is located in San Francisco, CA, but also has offices in New York City, Boston, San Antonio, annd Detroit. Twitter, also has many featues that you can favorite a tweet, retweet it, or even tweet the same tweet.(Philadelphia

  • Cyber Bullying

    1461 Words  | 3 Pages

    Stutzky suggests that cyber bullying is the use of modern communication technologies to embarrass, humiliate, threaten, or intimidate an individual in the attempt to gain power and control over them. Bullying has been around since the beginning of time. These days however, bullying isn’t just happening on the playground, it’s happening on the internet and mobile phones, making it possible to bully a child 24 hours a day. Cyber bullying follows children around the clock and into the safety of their

  • Threats To America Essay

    1183 Words  | 3 Pages

    threatens missile deployment. November 8, 2008. http://articles.cnn.com/2008-11-05/world/russia.missiles_1_missile-shield-interceptors-russian-missiles?_s=PM:WORLD (accessed November 14, 2010). Cooper, Simon. How China Steals US Military Secrets. July 10, 2009. http://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/military/news/3319656 (accessed November 14, 2010). Drysdale, Peter. The state of Sino-American relations - Weekly editorial. February 15, 2010. http://www.eastasiaforum.org/2010/02/15/weekly-editorial-the-state-of-sino-american-relations/

  • Cyber Warfare: STUXNET Discovery and Evolution

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    hear the word Stuxnet, we believe this to be one of the first incidents involving the term "Cyber Warfare". As the term Cyber War is still not exactly defined, we know that in the present day, cyber attacks are on the rise and are constantly happening around the world. The cyber domain introduces a new attack vector for military war. The event of Stuxnet brings people into perspective of the logical cyber and computer realms affecting the actual physical world. Although the events of Stuxnet are

  • Operation Aurora And The Cyber Attack

    840 Words  | 2 Pages

    Paper Mr. Pannah, Em Operation Aurora The cyber-attack that was dubbed “Operation Aurora” by Dmitri Alperovitch from McAfee was initiated in China by a senior member of China’s government at the “Politburo Standing Committee level.” (Fahmida). Operation Aurora proved that technology and the internet was entering into a new era of high risk where cybercrimes are no longer targeting the government but all corporations with valuable information. The attack was classified as an advanced persistent threat

  • The Dangers Of Using Too Much Social Media

    753 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Dangers of Using too Much Social Media These days’ social media is used widely among Americans. As many as seventy-four percent currently use some form of it, with the majority using Facebook. While most use these sites to catch up with friends and family, there are some who use it to commit crimes on those who over share. Everyday companies are hacked, homes are burglarized, and people bullied because of the status comments left for the public to see. Everyday millions of friend requests are

  • Mobile Device Attacks

    1627 Words  | 4 Pages

    Mobile Device Attacks Mobile devices are more prevalent today than ever. In fact, escalation of the pure power and speed of mobile processors, advancements in mobile operating systems, and the overwhelming attractiveness of mobile broadband make cell phones and tablets the best candidate for mobile computing devices (Wong, 2010). With this increased use, though, both by the general populace and by businesses, the need for security and awareness of the risks inherent in their use is paramount. Unfortunately

  • Secret Service History

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    The idea of the ECTF network is to bring together not only federal, state and local law enforcement, but also prosecutors, private industry and academia. The common purpose is the prevention, detection, mitigation and aggressive investigation of attacks on the nation's financial and critical infrastructures. Secret Service investigates identity crimes which is defined as the misuse of personal or financial identifiers in order to gain something of value and/or facilitate other criminal activity

  • The Origin Of Computer Viruses

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    Torpig affects Windows by turning off anti-virus applications. In July of 2009, cyber attacks occur and the W32.Dozer attack the United States and South Korea. Passwords for online games were steeled by the Daprosy Worm. It intercepts all keystrokes and sends to its author which is a very dangerous worm that can affect business-to-business systems. In June of 2010, a Windows Trojan called Stuxnet was found. It was the first worm to attack the SCADA systems. In September, the Kenzero virus spreads online

  • Capital Punishment for Cybercrime: The Case in Nigeria

    2016 Words  | 5 Pages

    countries national infrastructure from cybercrime by criminalizing various cyber activities. (Goitom, 2014) The death penalty is already used in Nigeria for other crimes such as murder and armed robbery, in some northern states sexual crimes are punishable by death. (Ikenna, 2007) These type of crimes could be regarded as being violent crimes in that they directly kill or threaten the life of other individuals. (Felson, 2009) Cybercrime however is an interaction with computers and technology and not

  • Expensive Military Planes

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    1987 purchase order from the 132 to just 21. A 2008 crash leaves the current number at 20. The B-2 is hard to detect by the infrared, the acoustic, the electromagnetic, the visual or the radar signals. This stealth capability makes it just able to attack the enemy targets with less fear of the retaliation. In use since the 1993, B-2 has also been deployed to both the Iraq and the Afghanistan. F-22 Raptor First conceived during Cold War as airframe to vie with the Soviet aircraft that was never built