Jules Verne Essays

  • Biography of Jules Verne

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    Introduction Jules Gabriel Verne (1828 - 1905) was a novelist, poet and playwright, renowned as one of the pioneers of science fiction as a genre. As a person who was born, brought up and lived most of his life in France, it should come to no one’s surprise that his primary language was French. As a science fiction fan myself, I thought that one of the first writers to take this genre seriously would be the perfect subject for this essay. Undeniably Jules Verne has had a huge impact on literature

  • Jules Verne: A Brief Biography

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    science fiction. Jules Verne has entertained multiple generations with his fantasizing vision of the future and technology. Jules Verne should be studied because modern influence and creation of science fiction. Jules Gabriel Verne was born on February 8, 1828 in Nantes, France. Born to lawyer, Pierre Verne, and housewife, Sophie Allotte; Verne was the eldest of the two boys and three girls (Press 7). At a very young age, Verne was interested in new experiences and travel. Verne would go on sailing

  • Jules Verne

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    Jules Verne Going to moon, a balloon trip around the world, adventure under the sea, all this in the late 1800s? All this was possible in the writings of Jules Verne. Jules Verne was born in Nantes on February 8, 1828. He had a vivid imagination and as a child, he often sailed down the Loire River with his brother. He always wondered about air and undersea travel. In the 1800s, none of these advances were discovered. His father was a lawyer and wanted young Verne to be one, too. Jules was sent

  • Journey to the Center of the Earth - Jules Verne

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    “Science, my lad, has been built upon many errors; but they are errors which it was good to fall into, for they led to the truth.” Journey to the center of the earth by Jules Verne is a science fiction that tell the story of a man Axel discovering a deciphered text, his strong head uncle Professor Lidenbrock, a man intelligent in science and Hans Bjelke, a Danish speaking Icelander and well hunter.Once Axel reveals the code to his uncle the Professor, he departs for Iceland immediately. He takes

  • A Brief Biography Of Jules Verne

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    Jules Verne was a family man who loved his wife and children, but also had a true passion for writing. He spent much of his time with his beloved spouse of thirty years and his three children that he loved deeply. When he wrote he would be inspired by the travels that he took with his family. Verne was born February 8, 1828 and he died on March 24, 1905. As he grew up he learned that he had diabetes that later killed him. In Verne’s seventy-seven year life he dabbled in the stock market to try

  • The Influences of Politics, Science, and Discovery on Jules Verne’s Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea

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    Jules Verne’s science fiction novel Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea delivers profound insight into historical events which influenced the work. Through Verne’s descriptive style, one is able to ascertain various political and foreign policy aspects that involved France during the time the novel was written. In addition, worldly issues and struggles can be accurately assessed. Due to Verne’s “detail and determination to explore questions of liberty and authority,” it is evident that he largely

  • Louis Gabriel Veerne Research Paper

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    Biographical Summary Jules Gabriel Verne was born on February 8, 1828, to parents Sophie Allote de la Fuÿe and Pierre Verne. He was born a French citizen, on an artificial island called Île Feydeau. The island was situated in Nantes on the Loire River. His father was an attorney and his mother was from a family of Scottish navigators. Verne had three sisters, Anna, Mathilde and Marie, and one brother, Paul. He was the oldest of the five children. Verne had a stable household throughout his childhood

  • Analysis Of Journey To The Mysterious Island

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    -The novel called ”Journey to the mysterious island” is one of the most famous and known works by the French author Jules Verne. The book tells the adventures of five Americans that gets stranded on an uncharted island that's is believed to be somewhere in the south pacific. The story begins during the American Civil war,As famine and death ravages during this period in the US, five prisoners of the civil war decides to escape by the hijacking a balloon. The ones that escaped are a railroad engineer

  • 20, 000 Leagues Under The Sea

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    Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea is a novel by French author Jules Verne which is about perils, adventures, and discoveries of a fictitious submarine voyage in the first person narrative. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea was published in 1870 as apart of Verne's Voyages Extraordinaires serialization, which included up to fifty-four novels. Many well known Verne novels are included in this serialization, such as: Journey to the Center of the Earth, Around the World in 80 Days, and From the

  • Nellie Bly's Impact as a Muckraker and Feminist Within the Progressive Era

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    A: Research Question What impact did Nellie Bly have as a muckraker and feminist in the progressive era? In order to determine the impact Nellie Bly had as a muckraker, the publicity she received from the press is going to be examined. In addition, her accomplishments in reforming mental asylums as a journalist and her strides towards feminism are going to be examined. First hand accounts of the conditions in mental asylums at the time, from Nellie Bly and other reformers, are going to be examined

  • History Of H. G Wells And The Fathers Of Science Fiction

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    Fiction One hundred and forty three years ago, on May Day science fiction was created (May). Some people consider H.G Wells, and Jules Verne to be the Fathers of science fiction. Many people have been influenced by both of the writers work and Stories. Science fiction has changed and adapted through time, but the classics have still remained. H.G wells and Jules Verne have astounded many people with their imagery and how the plot is simple but has little twists here and there to keep the reader on

  • 2000 leagues under the sea

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    before me again!" - Captain Nemo. These strong words that echoed through out the natallius showed that a man thought to be good and science loving, could turn it into such an evil thing. Pierre Aronnax in the story 20000 leagues under the sea by Jules Vernes, faces a large conflict with only two ways out in the past he kept his conformity, but after the death of two people it puts him off the edge. His decision was difficult for it was the choice of knowledge, science and biology over the choice of

  • Frank Herbert and His Classic Novel, Dune

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    origins. Frank Herbert’s complicated book, covering a variety of themes, took six years to complete (Wikipedia). Frank Herbert was born in Tacoma Washington on October 8, 1920. At an early age, he carried around books by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Jules Verne, and H.G. Wells in a Boy Scout backpack. At the age of eight, he stood on the kitchen table and declared that he wanted to be an author. His maternal grandfather, John McCarthy, said that Frank, only a small child, was much smarter than his age

  • 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea

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    wonder, how am I going to get out of this one? Suddenly, a large metal object plants itself beneath your feet. A porthole opens and men carry you inside the belly of the large iron beast floating nether you. What’s going to happen now? In Jules Verne’s Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, this is exactly what main characters M. Aronmax, his servant Conseil, and Ned Land the harpooner, were thinking. After a hefty six-hour wait of being locked in a dark cell, the door opens. A man who

  • Tom Clancy's The Hunt For Red October

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    Silent War Machine Since the beginning of man, people have been fighting for what they want. Tom Clancy shows that through his main character, Marko Ramius, who was doing everything he could to save his crew from the grip of Communism. In Clancy’s novel The Hunt for Red October, Clancy depicts that what someone will do to fight for their freedom. Tom Clancy was born on April 12th 1947 in Baltimore, Maryland. He and his parents, a mail carrier and a credit employee lived a normal life for all

  • The Mysterious Island

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    The Mysterious Island by Jules Verne is based on a true story Alexander Selkirk who had survived on an uninhabited island for 5 years. In this novel, 5 prisoners of war and 1 dog, escape from Richmond on a hot air balloon, but crash land on an unknown island. Without any tools or resources, which they had thrown overboard to avoid crashing into the ocean, the castaways must try to survive with just the clothes on their back, not knowing when they will be rescued. On the island, the 5 men encounter

  • 20,000 leagues under the sea

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    20,000 Leagues under the sea is a classic scientific fiction novel. The book was written by the prolific author Jules Verne who was born in 1828 and died in 1905. The book was published in 1870 and received a vast amount of positive feedback eventually being turned into a movie in 1954. The book consists of a few different characters the main ones being Dr. Pierre Aronnax, Ned Land, and Captain Nemo. The Story begins by introducing an unknown monster that has been destroying ships and spreading fear

  • Gem Of The Ocean Play Review Essay

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    Gem of the Ocean was a magical production, Gem of the Ocean written by August Wilson and directed by Kent Gash at the South Coast Repertory. The play is climatic and is set in 1904 and is about the life of former slaves and their adventure to having their soul cleansed. The cast consists of Black Mary played by Shinelle Azoroh, Citizen Barlow played by Preson Butler III, Aunt Ester played by L. Scott Caldwell, Solly Two Kings played by Cleavant Derricks, Eli played by Matt Orduna, Cesar played by

  • Finding Nemo: Who's To Blame?

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    Hey you! Now that I have your attention may I ask you if you have ever seen the movie Finding Nemo? If so, then you would know why he was taken, right? IF you haven’t then all that can be said is that it was his fault. It could have easily been avoided if he had listened to his father. Although it was just a Disney movie, it still relates to the topic that people in a fatal situation should be held accountable for their actions. Like the men aboard the James Carid, some life or death situations

  • Island Of The Blue Dolphins Summary

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    Imagine being able abandoned on an island for eighteen years with no human companionship. In Island of the Blue Dolphins this was Karana’s life. When Karan’s and her brother Ramo collect food for their village, they notice a peculiar ship heading towards their island. After the ship comes to shore, the captain of the Aleuts negotiates a deal with the chief of the village, Karana’s father to hunt otter on their island in exchange for goods. Though during the Aleuts time hunting there was a large