Indian National Congress Essays

  • Impact of Indian National Congress

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    both political scientists and other social scholars. Studies have identified and confirmed that national political movements in India are the most influential elements whose ideologies and transformation agenda dates back into the pre-colonial times. Indian National Congress has been the most influential and transformative movement since its establishment on December 28, 1885. The India, which most Indians are proud of today, owes much to the activities of this movement. It is a movement which has a

  • Mohammad Ali Jinnah: Early Life: Quaid-E-Azam

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    Career Indian National Congress Once Jinnah was established in the legal profession, he officially stepped into politics in 1905. He joined the platform of the Indian National Congress. Mohammad Ali Jinnah went to England with Gopal Krishna Gokhale in that year, as a member of a Congress delegation for the cause of India Self-government during the British elections. After one year, he performed his choles as a Secretary of Dadabhai Noaroji, who was at that time was the Indian National Congress President

  • Could Violence Have Been Avoided in India's Rebellion of 1857 and Its Partition in 1947

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    are several reasons that caused the Rebellion of 1857. The three main reasons were the EIC political policies, the economic policies, and the belief that Indian religions were under attack. The rebellion broke out on May 10, 1857 at Meerut when Indian soldiers rebelled and killed the British colonel because he had ordered the execution of Indian soldiers who refused to use the new rifles that were created. The soldiers marched to Delhi and they declared Bahadur Shah Zafar the revolt leader. Hindu

  • Partition Literature of India

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    Israel and Palestine has led to several Arab-Israeli wars and the conflict still continues. Timeline 1600-British East India Company is established. 1857-The Indian Mutiny or The First War of Independence. 1858-The India Act: power transferred to British Government. 1885-Indian National Congress founded by A. O. Hume to unite all Indians and strengthen bonds with Britain. 1905-First Partition of Bengal for administrative purposes. Gives the Muslims a majority in that state. 1906-All India Muslim

  • Government in India Today

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    is elected by the legislature. This contrasts with our own system with its separation of powers. In the US, the president (leader of the executive branch) and Congress (the legislature) are elected separately by the people. The Lower House of the legislature is called the Lok Sabha. Currently, up to a week or two ago, the Congress Party held a majority of seats in the Lok Sabha, so its leader was the Prime Minister of India. The other house of the legislature is the Rajya Sabha and like the

  • The Hero Of Mahatma Gandhi: A Hero

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    unsuccessful law practice, he decided to accept an offer from an Indian business man,Dada Abdulla, in which Gandhi would traveled ... ... middle of paper ... ...for his plans to liberate India. In 1942 Gandhi issued a last call for independence by eloquently, in a speech, asking every Indian to lay down there life if it need be to earn India freedom from Britain. In response, Britain arrested both Gandhi and nearly the entire Congress and held them locked up until the conclusion of the war. India

  • Mohammad Ali Jinnah

    1226 Words  | 3 Pages

    British left India divided in two separate countries, which were founded on the basis of religion. There were several reasons for the partition of India and three different parties all contributed to it. These parties were the British, the Indian National Congress, and the Muslim League. The British had based their knowledge of the people of India on their religious backgrounds and on the innate differences rather then the way that they were in the present time. The British were also fearful of the

  • Elections in India: Rahul Gandhi vs. Narendra Modi

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    hands of these two people. These people who come from two very different background and and have two very different ideologies will battle it out to become the 22nd prime minster of the country .It is a battle between Rahul Gandhi of the Indian national congress and Narendra Modi of the Bharatiya Janata Party or so called BJP and these two people are two very different people and the most important differences between them are their backgrounds, their ideologies and finally their past achievements

  • The Decline of Congress in Uttar Pradesh

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    it has the largest number of legislators in the Indian Parliament. The political might of this state can be imagined when one thinks of the fact that eight of India’s fourteen prime ministers are from Uttar Pradesh. Maharashta with 48 seats has the second largest number of seats in Lok Sabha, 32 less than Uttar Pradesh. In terms of population, if Uttar Pradesh was an independent nation, it would be world’s fifth most populated country. Congress was once a dominant force in the state during the

  • The Past, Present, and Future of India

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    Advent of the Europeans Vasco da Gama landed at Calicut, sailing via the Cape of Good Hope in 1498. This marked the beginning of the European era in Indian history. The lucrative trade in spices of Malabar - in modern Kerala - had tempted the Portuguese and inspired the search for a sea route to the Indies. The Portuguese had already established their colony in Goa by the first decade of the 16th Century but their territorial and commercial hold in India remained rather limited. In the

  • Reasons for the Formation of the All India Muslim League

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    FORMATION OF THE ALL INDIA MUSLIM LEAGUE After the creation of the Indian national Congress and its time as a ‘representative’ party for the people of the Indian sub-continent, there was felt a need to re-evaluate its claims at unbiased representation. Since its inception, Congress had shown clear its interest to only safeguard the rights of Hindus. The three key factors which contributed in keeping the Muslims away from the Congress were: 1. The advice and prediction of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan that

  • The Indian Independence Movement

    688 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Indian independence movement was a movement against the British who had ruled over India for over 200 years. They first came to India for their raw resources. India eventually wanted to be self-sufficient and independent. Mohandas Gandhi was the leader of the Indian Independence movement and led a nonviolent revolution. Gandhi’s independence movement is very significant because it changed the life of Indians drastically from being under British rule to becoming independent. The British easily

  • Mahatma Gandhi`s Persecutions in South Africa and India

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    a law practice in Bombay, with little success. Two years later an Indian firm with interests in South Africa retained him as legal adviser in its office in Durban. Arriving in Durban, Gandhi found himself treated as a member of an inferior race. He was appalled at the widespread denial of civil liberties and political rights to Indian immigrants to South Africa. He threw himself into the struggle for elementary rights for Indians. Resistance to Injustice Gandhi remained in South Africa for 20 years

  • Partition Between India and Pakistan

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    felt that their interests and goals would not be heard, but instead they would be quelled. For example, one of the Hindu’s policies which startled the Muslims was the attempt to enforce “Bande Matram,” a national anthem which, in the past, had been connected to anti-Islamic sentiment, including Indian schools where Muslim students were made to to sing it against their will. Support for Great Britain was banned by the Hindus in the midst of World War 2, and conversely, the Muslims promised to completely

  • Partition Of India Case Study

    1556 Words  | 4 Pages

    What were the reasons for the partition of India that led to more conflicts between India and newly formed Pakistan from the years of 1947 to 1971? Sant Patel A: Plan of Investigation The investigation evaluates the reasons India was partitioned in to two countries. It also assessed the significance of the conflicts that aroused after the independence and the partition of India. In order to evaluate the reasons the country was partitioned, the investigation examined each

  • Gandhi's ideology in the Film

    5329 Words  | 11 Pages

    Mahatma Gandhi and Indian Cinema Mahatma Gandhi was a multi-faceted man, one whose writings spanned every subject under the sun, including: agriculture, education, science, sanitation, economics, literature, industry, women, children, health, family planning, religion, and, of course, politics. Many were surprised to learn of his prolific writing, and were astounded to hear that he had probably written more than anyone else in history (his collected works run to over 100 volumes, several hundred

  • India Before 1947

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    unified nation would only lead to marginalization of Muslims and, eventually, violence and civil war. The Indian National Congress also made many small decisions that convinced many members of the Muslim League that a unified India was not possible. In the end, there were several reasons for the birth of a separate Muslim homeland in the subcontinent, and all three parties — the British, Indian and Muslim elites played a major role. As the Hindu’s in northwest India moved south, the Muslims moved

  • Gandhi`s Achivements and Failures

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    work in their office in Durban. Once Gandhi arrived in Durban he found himself being treated as a member of an inferior race. He was shocked at the denial of civil liberties and political rights to Indian immigrants to South Africa. He then "threw" himself into the struggle for basic rights for Indians. Gandhi stayed in South Africa for 20 years, being imprisoned many times. In 1896, after being attacked and beaten by white South Africans, Gandhi began to teach a method of "passive resistance,"

  • Book Biography Of Rajiv Gandhi

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    was actually served as his political downfall, he remained one of the respected Prime Minister of India. Rajiv Gandhi belonged to one of the famous political family in India. His grandfather, Jawaharlal Nehru, was an Indian leader of independence and subsequently became the first Indian Prime Minister. Rajiv, together with his younger brother Sanjay, was raised in Delhi and Allahabad. He was educated at an exclusive school for boys at the Doon School and at the Welham Boy’s School then later sought

  • Analysis of India in Comparative Politics

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    countries and the interna... ... middle of paper ... ...feld.kashmir/index.html 1 Cable News Network. “U.S. warns of doomsday scenario.” June 1, 2002. The Indian Express. Guatam Bhatia. “The city against itself.” July 1, 2002. India Mart. 1997-2002 trade policies.