Indemnity Essays

  • Double Indemnity: A Conspiracy with Motives

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    In Billy Wilder’s 1944 blockbuster hit Double Indemnity, a fast-talking insurance salesman named Walter Neff (Fred MacMurray) visits the home of the seductive Phyllis Dietrichson (Barbara Stanwyck) to renew the insurance policy on her husband’s automobiles. A romantic affair shortly ensues, and Walter is soon coerced by Phyllis into plotting a murder. Walter then comes up with an idea to receive double the amount Phyllis had previously intended, and they eventually deceive Mr. Dietrichson (Tom

  • Double Indemnity Movie Comparison

    1099 Words  | 3 Pages

    In 1943, James M. Cain wrote one of his most selling novella “Double Indemnity”. The following year, Billy Wilder, a movie director, with the help of Raymond Chandler, a screenwriter, took the book and adapted it to the big screen while keeping the original title. Eventually, the movie became very popular and nowadays, “Double Indemnity”, widely regarded as a classic, is often considered as a paradigmatic film noir since it has set the standard for films that followed in that genre. The movie adaptation

  • Double Indemnity Walter Relationship

    1586 Words  | 4 Pages

    Double Indemnity is a film noir directed by Billy Wilder and was released in 1944. The film follows Walter Neff (Fred MacMurray), an insurance salesman, and Phyllis Dietrichson (Barbara Stanwyck), a housewife who is unhappy with her marriage, as they carry out a plan to kill Phyllis’ husband, set it up as an accident, and collect $100,000 worth of insurance money to keep for themselves. While many viewers would say the primary relationship in the film is between Walter and Phyllis, there is a unique

  • Women in Film as Portrayed in the Movie, Double Indemnity

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    Women in Film as Portrayed in the Movie, Double Indemnity Introduction American commercial cinema currently fuels many aspects of society. In the twenty-first century it has become available, active force in the perception of gender relations in the United States. In the earlier part of this century filmmakers, as well as the public, did not necessarily view the female“media image” as an infrastructure of sex inequality. Today, contemporary audiences and critics have become preoccupied with

  • Double Indemnity Movie Essay

    1107 Words  | 3 Pages

    A film about murder and the promise of love and money, Billy Wilder’s Double Indemnity is a classic film noir movie. The protagonist, Walter Neff is a single insurance salesman who catches the hots for Phyllis, one of his customer’s, Mr. Dietrichson’s, wife. In the opening sequence of Double Indemnity, Wilder heavily illustrates the themes and plot that will be presented throughout the film. Wilder achieves this by symbolism, dialogue, and lighting. The film begins with a title sequence consisting

  • The Film Noir in Double Indemnity

    656 Words  | 2 Pages

    Presented in low-lighting and skewed angles, film noir was meant to psychologically disturb and disorient it viewers. The film, Double Indemnity, is a prime example of film noir in that it accomplishes the goal of film noir to unsettle its audience through its style, setting, characters, and themes. Directed by Billy Wilder and released in 1944, Double Indemnity, was adapted from James M. Cain’s novella of the same name, a piece of American hard-boiled fiction. Fred MacMurry plays Walter Neff, an

  • Double Indemnity And Body Heat Comparison

    887 Words  | 2 Pages

    Double Indemnity and Body Heat are two movies that deal with heated passion, tainted love, and reckless murders. Double Indemnity was created before Body Heat in the 1940's setting the tone for the film noir period of movies. Whereas the movie Body Heat created in the 1980's is a Neo-noir film that recreated certain elements from the film noir type movies. On a side note, Double Indemnity and Body Heat were both directed by men which is another similarity between the two movies. Double Indemnity clearly

  • Double Indemnity Book Vs Movie Essay

    1127 Words  | 3 Pages

    Double Indemnity is a crime novel that was written by author and journalist, James M. Cain. The plot of Double Indemnity is about an insurance salesman by the name of Walter Huff who fell in love with the married woman, Phyllis Nirdlinger. Throughout the novel, both Huff and Nirdlinger pursue their love for each other and faces the drama from everyone around them. The novel was successful enough that Hollywood adapted the book into a film in 1944. The film Double Indemnity would then be directed

  • Auditor Liability

    2114 Words  | 5 Pages

    their argument are as follows: Limiting recovery of loss has a detrimental effect on those which are harmed by alleged negligence. The cost of liability is reasonable when compared to total revenues, and in light of a CPA's public responsibility. Indemnity insurance spreads risk in the aggregate therefore removing the element of risk at the f irm level. The threat of litigation provides public accountants with a deterrent against negligent work. Finally, the results of lawsuits cause the profession

  • WW2 And American Involvement

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    become isolationists: a national policy of abstaining from political or economic relations with other countries. The U.S was so serious about staying out of any war that when the USS Panay was sunk by Japan, they accepted an apology and a $2 million indemnity. In Asia however there was a different dominant country, Japan. Japan had stayed and watched things go by in Asia for years, they were like a dormant volcano waiting to erupt. They had watched countries like America, England, France and even Holland

  • An Unsuitable Job For A Woman: Two Detectives

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    While reading, An Unsuitable Job for a Woman, by P.D. James and Indemnity Only, by Sara Paretsky, one is given the opportunity to slip in to the life of a female private detective and experience the aspects of what occurs during the process of a murder investigation as seem through the eyes of two very independent women. P.D. James’s character of Cordelia Gray and Sara Paretsky’s character of V.I. Warshawski are two private investigators that display great passion for their jobs and will stop at

  • Chinatown as Film Noir

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    characteristics with earlier noirs. That is, of course, except for the fact that ?Chinatown? is filmed in color. Because of this, it is more difficult upon the first viewing to immediately classify the movie to this genre. In movies such as ?Double Indemnity? even scenes that take place during the daytime are dark, and since it is a black and white film, this is easy to do. However, in a film with color it is much harder to create this dark effect, especially in scenes that are filmed outdoors. Polanski

  • Women in Movies

    1522 Words  | 4 Pages

    1940’s though the 1990’s. In the 1940’s women did not have predominate roles in movies. In the few movies that were based around women, the woman’s character was written by a man, and the woman was portrayed as a sex symbol. In the movie Double Indemnity, a woman named Phillis is plotting to have her husband killed because she wants to collect his life insurance and be freed from an unhappy marriage. She uses her sexuality and good looks to convince Walter Neff to help her in her scheme. In this

  • Contracts of Indemnity

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  • Persuasive Essay On Car Insurance

    714 Words  | 2 Pages

    If you are included in a car accident, its essential that you enlighten your guarantor concerning it when you can so not to refute your spread. Making a car insurance claim After an accident or a theft or flame, contingent upon how much blanket you have, its important to be readied with the goal that you make the car insurance case process simpler. In the event that you were included in an accident with another driver's car, bring down the accompanying portions and be readied to respond: • The enrolment

  • Menschen Am Sonntag: Film Analysis

    1747 Words  | 4 Pages

    This Hollywood classic starred Gloria Swanson as a washed up silent screen actress with a younger paramour played by William Holden. His character could be compared to that Of Barbara Stanwyck in Double indemnity because of the age difference between him and Gloria Swanson. The themes are easily showcased with the older person and younger paramour being dissatisfied with the relationship and finding some relief in the hope of a relationship with a person

  • Principles Of Indemnity Insurance

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    holding company to cover all the risks of the subsidiaries. One such subsidiary is a marine operation operating from the Durban harbour and that has a boat valued at R20 million. The theory surrounding the fundamental principles of insurance, namely indemnity insurance, materiality, duty to disclose and insurable interest will be discussed. Thereafter, the above for mentioned concepts will be applied to the report at hand. Additionally, the outcome of Lorcom Thirteen (Pty) Ltd v Zurich Insurance Company

  • Double Indemnity Stereotypes

    818 Words  | 2 Pages

    as: fast talking, heavy smoking or drinking, dark lighting, and a voice over or narration. It was not very surprising when many of these stereotypes appeared in Double Indemnity; however, the film used what are now considered clichés to tell a fascinating story of a man, a woman, and their plot to runaway together. Double Indemnity (1944) is a classic Film Noir movie that has many strong qualities. One of the film’s

  • Double Indemnity Film Noir

    572 Words  | 2 Pages

    The film Double Indemnity a 1944 black and white film directed by Billy Wilder, is classified as a Film Noir. Walter Neff is the main character, first seen getting out of a car by an extreme high camera shot, inches above the car panning forward slowly. Neff then is seen

  • Analysis Of Double Indemnity

    1319 Words  | 3 Pages

    Double Indemnity - Scene Analysis Billy Wilder’s Double Indemnity is one of the best representatives of the film noir era in Hollywood as it contains all the main characteristics of the genre. The general darkness present throughout the movie is embodied in the plot which reveals the moral bankruptcy of the main characters. It is also present in the mise-en-scene choices such as the dark costumes and modest lighting with the great emphasis on shadows. The main character’s voice-over, another important