HarperCollins Essays

  • The Illustration Style of Garth Williams

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    The Illustration Style of Garth Williams Several Laura Ingalls Wilder books were illustrated by Garth Williams. Williams was born in 1912 and died only a few year ago in 1996. During his lifetime he has illustrated more than sixty books for many well-known authors of children's books. He has also written and illustrated a few of his own books. In the following paragraphs you will read about the difference styles Williams used in Little House on the Prarie, by Lara Ingalls Wilder and Charlottes

  • To Hell With Dying as an Autobiography

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    [Walker’s] wish that she could have returned the favor" (13). Works Cited Walker, Alice. "Remembering Mr. Sweet." The Harper Anthology of Fiction. Ed. Sylvan Barnet. New York: HarperCollins, 1991. Walker, Alice. "To Hell With Dying." The Harper Anthology of Fiction. Ed. Sylvan Barnet. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 1991. Winchell, Donna Haisty. Alice Walker. New York: Twayne Publishers, 1992. Works Consulted Short Story Criticisms. Vol. 5. Detroit: Gale Publishers, 1990.

  • A Writers Style

    1223 Words  | 3 Pages

    one of Momaday’s books or other writings. This style of writing that Momaday uses is very evident in his work “The Way to Rainy Mountain,” and made even more apparent by reading a review of the book House Made of Dawn found on a web site run by HarperCollins Publishers. Throughout the essay “The Way to Rainy Mountain”, Momaday uses very descriptive words, which brings the places he is describing to life in the minds eye. The essay begins with his description of the homelands of his Kiowa people

  • Class Participation Essay

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    According to the English dictionary, lifelong learning is the “use of both formal and informal learning opportunities throughout people's lives in order to foster the continuous development and improvement of the knowledge and skills needed for employment and personal fulfillment.” This means that lifelong learning is the progressing growth of knowledge and abilities that many people undergo after proper schooling and throughout their lives. We learn by taking classes, by talking to other people

  • to killa mockaosdf

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    issuing a remastered ...." Newsweek Web Exclusives. 31 Jan. 2012 eLibrary. Web. 19 Feb. 2014. O'Neill, Aliah. "To Kill a Mockingbird Turns 50." Irish America. 01 Aug. 2010: 86. eLibrary. Web. 19 Feb. 2014. “To Kill a Mockingbird." by Harper Lee. HarperCollins Publishers. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Feb. 2014. Leerhsen, Charles. “Harper Lee’s Novel Achievement.” Smithsonian Magazine. N.p.,n.d.Web.19 Feb.2014. "Harper Lee." The Big Read. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Feb. 2014.

  • The Crying of Lot 49 by Thomas Pynchon

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    In Thomas Pynchon’s novel The Crying of Lot 49, we meet Oedipa Maas; she travels down a rabbit hole of her own making, like Lewis Carrols Alice, from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Where Alice comes to self realization, Oedipa’s life ends up falling apart as she becomes more and more isolated and ends up with no closure. She goes through her life, in this story, assigning importance to things that may not be important at all, making a picture into a puzzle. In Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures

  • Interpreting Jeremiah in the Jewish and Christian Scriptures

    768 Words  | 2 Pages

    There have been many passages in the bible that are appealing to different people. What one person may find inspiring, another may view it as just another message in the bible. One of the passages in the bible that I found inspiring was that of one of the prophets, Jeremiah. The one particular passage that I would like to focus on in this paper would be that of Jeremiah's views on the subject of sin. I found that his thought on this subject made me look at how people act in a different way than I

  • A Family in Turmoil in Today Will Be A Quiet Day

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    A Family in Turmoil in Today Will Be A Quiet Day In Amy Hempel’s story, "Today Will Be A Quiet Day," a father takes the day off to spend time with his two children at a place called "Petaluma." The title suggests that this day was one of calmness and relaxation, but in reality the title should be " A Family in Turmoil." Throughout the trip, the children argue, complain, and bicker which seems to suggest that the day is rather depressing and quite humbling for the father (Baker 170). The father’s

  • Cathedral by Raymond Carver

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    Cathedral: A Lesson for the Ages Raymond Carver’s short story, “Cathedral,” portrays a story in which many in today’s society can relate. We are introduced from the first sentence of the story to a man that seems to be perturbed and agitated. As readers, we are initially unsure to the reasoning’s behind the man’s discomfort. The man, who seems to be a direct portrayal of Raymond Carver himself, shows his ignorance by stereotyping a blind man by the name of Robert, who has come to stay with he

  • In Contempt By Christopher Darden: A Review

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    In Contempt by Christopher Darden: A Review This report is based upon the book In Contempt, written by Christopher A. Darden with Jess Walter. This book is published by Regan Books an imprint of Harper Collins Publishers and is copyrighted 1996 by Christopher A. Darden. Introduction of the Author The book In Contempt was written by Christopher A. Darden. Chris Darden is famous for being one of the prosecuting attorneys in the court case, The People vs. Simpson. He has worked hard his whole life

  • Power of Art, Creativity, and Imagination in Children’s Literature

    651 Words  | 2 Pages

    Power of Art, Creativity, and Imagination in Children’s Literature “Imagination is the true magic carpet ride,” as Norman Vincent Peale once said. Indeed this proves to be true in Crockett Johnson’s, Harold and the Purple Crayon, when Harold, a small boy with a large imagination, creates his world using a purple crayon. Also, Leo Lionni uses a mouse named Fredrick to capture “colors” and “sunrays” in his Caldecott winning book Fredrick. However, imagination is not the only tool utilized in

  • Educating Women During the Cultural Revolution

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    Educating Women During the Cultural Revolution Through the reading of background historical information and the novel of the same time period, one can see that literature is the reflection of the time period about which it was written. Historical data and fictitious characters are woven together to produce a realistic result. During the Cultural Revolution, the traditional attitude about educating woman changed as shown through Chinese history and as written by Bette Boa Lord in Spring Moon

  • Comparing Little House on the Prairie and Sarah Plain and Tall

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    Comparing Little House on the Prairie, written by Laura Ingalls Wilder, and Sarah Plain and Tall, Written by Patricia MacLachlan Little House on the Prairie, written by Laura Ingalls Wilder, bears some resemblance to Sarah Plain and Tall, written by Patricia MacLachlan. Within both of the texts one can find two families that are adjusting to life out on the Prairie. Even though the books are written some fifty years apart they still portray the aspects of living on the prairies in the Midwest

  • The Last Day Of The Year

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    In the poem 'The Last Day of the Year,'; Annette Von Droste-Hülshoff uses imagery and references to God to express the coming of the end of the year. The poem, however, seems to reflect the impending freedom of women from a patriarchal society. This poem's imagery and outside references suggest that it is in fact a plea for the end of the suffering of women, and that the coming of their empowerment is near. The three things that I will use to prove this point are how one year represents the time

  • Built To Last

    1166 Words  | 3 Pages

    To be successful in today's global marketplace, an organization must learn to adapt in order to stay one step ahead of the competition. Mission statements, goal setting, and planning methods alone are simply not enough anymore. Management fads have given way to time-tested management principles that distinguish good companies from truly great companies. Many organizations have found success by utilizing a technique of balancing their core ideology, stimulating progress, and seeking support by aligning

  • Winter Clothes Poem Analysis

    1931 Words  | 4 Pages

    1. Kuskin, Karla. Winter Clothes. Mexico: Bridgewater Books, 1993. 49. Print. Winter Clothes is a poem about clothes that one would wear during the winter. The to me brings the image of Randy from A Christmas Story, where his mother puts layer upon layer of winter clothes on him to the point when he can not put his hands down to his sides, He falls over and due to the layers cant get up. The poem describes a kid with layer over layer of winter clothes. The topic of this poem is one kids can relate

  • Through the Eyes of the Blind in Cathedral by Raymond Carver

    909 Words  | 2 Pages

    Through the Eyes of the Blind in Cathedral by Raymond Carver You can never seem to know what's going on in another ones life, unless you put your feet in there shoes, so to judge, is simply ignorance. Raymond Carver's "Cathedral" is a story about how the narrator is uncomfortable with having his wife's blind friend, Robert, over. Roger has lost his wife, and to cope with her death, he planned to visit the narrator's wife. Without any knowledge whatsoever on how to act in accompany towards a

  • Treadway Tire Company Case Study

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    Introduction Human Resource Director, Ashley Wall, with 10 years of experience at Treadway Tire Company, has decided to conduct a thorough analysis of the line foremen job dissatisfaction problem within a short frame of time and devise a plan of action to correct it. Using an action research approach to understand the problem from different viewpoints, Ashley is determined to solve the problem as soon as possible by uncovering key issues at the plant using formal and informal documentation. According

  • A Happier Tomorrow in Today Will Be a Quiet Day

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    A Happier Tomorrow in Today Will Be a Quiet Day In the story "Today Will Be a Quiet Day" written by Amy Hempel, one may be inclined to believe that there is a tone of depression or sadness among the father and the two children. This is shown in the opening sentence, while the three are stalled in traffic on the Golden Gate Bridge. The boy states, "I think if the quake hit now the bridge would collapse and the ramps would be left" (Hempel 1202). We also learn that the boy had a best friend who

  • Peace and Calm in Today Will Be A Quiet Day

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    Peace and Calm in Today Will Be A Quiet Day It seems that everyone thinks that all disaster has struck in Amy Hempel’s "Today Will Be A Quiet Day." I disagree. I think that everything might seem to be going bad, but when the day is over the children’s father realizes that everything is absolutely fine. The situations in the beginning of the story lead you to believe that the story will be depressing. But throughout the story I pick up little hints that this day was exactly what everybody needed: