Guinea pig Essays

  • Guinea Pigs Research Paper

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    all, the guinea pig. Not only are they lovable and caring, they are quite easy to care for. The only problem is they’re kind of spendy. A normal guinea pig can cost up to thirty dollars, not including all the supplies you need to care for them. When choosing a piggie companion keep in mind which one will be perfect for you. There are up to eleven different breeds of guinea pigs. The American, Abyssinian, Peruvian, Silkie, Teddy, Texel, White-Crested, Rex, Himalayan,Cuy, and The Skinny Pig. Each one

  • Essay About Guinea Pigs

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    Guinea pigs have been eaten in South America for hundreds of years, long before they became pets in the West. Eating roasted or fried guinea pig is an ancient tradition in parts of South America, and still common today. But in other parts of the world the animal is known as cuddly pets for children. In the Andean mountains of Ecuador, guinea pigs aren’t treated as pets; they’re bred, boiled and deep-fried for dinner. Guinea pig or Cuy as it is called in South America is a local delicacy that’s unique

  • Hamsters vs. Guinea Pigs As Pets

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    pet. Hamsters are often the first choice while its close relative the guinea pig is often overlooked. While both creatures are loveable, the bigger guinea pig makes a better pet for children. At a pet store the guinea pig will cost roughly three times as much as a hamster. If cost is a large concern, pigs and hamsters alike can be adopted for little to no cost and sometimes come with free cages. Naturally, the guinea pig as the larger rodent will need a bigger cage; however, after putting all

  • Guinea Pigs are Treated Like Royalty

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    and skinny animals called giraffes, and it also has short and fat animals called pigs. For me, though, the perfect sized animal is a part of the rodent family, and it is called a guinea pig. If I could be an animal for forty-eight hours, I would choose to be a guinea pig. I would want to be a guinea pig because they get treated like princes and princesses, they can taunt cats, and they are loved by many. Guinea pigs, from my experience, get treated like royalty. They get to be in a large cage which

  • Guinea Pigs Research Paper

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    Guinea Pigs Cavia porcellus Guinea pigs, also know as cavy, are a species of rodent belonging to the family Caviidae. Guinea pigs originated in the Andes and were introduced to the Western Societies in the 16th century by European traders. Since then Guinea Pigs have been view as household pets all over the world and are no longer seen in the wild. Guinea pigs make great pets due to their docile nature and easy handling ability. Guinea pigs

  • Essay On Guinea Pigs

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    the world a great deal. Guinea pigs help kids with autism spectrum disorder to show more positive social behavior. Recent studies have found that animals are a great way to help children who have autism. In the article Hess discusses research conducted by Queensland University. Researchers found,” When the autistic children interacted with the guinea pigs, they engaged 55% more social behaviors than when they interacted with toys,”(Hess,

  • Guinea Pig Autobiography

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    I knew I wanted guinea pigs for the longest time. They were the fluffiest and friendliest animals I had ever seen. I remember so vividly passing the tank they stayed in at our local pet store and longing for the day I could finally have one of my own. That day came several years later on a cold Tuesday morning during Winter Break. After asking my dad for what seemed like the billionth time, he caved. My excitement was immeasurable. I remember getting dressed as quickly as possible and begging my

  • Guinea Pigs In Bolivia Essay

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    Did you know that in Bolivia guinea pigs which they call “cuy” are used and eaten as a traditional meat. There are a lot of landforms in Bolivia, like rivers and volcanoes. In Bolivia they get a lot of rain, they have a dry and a wet season. Guinea pig is a major diet in Bolivia. They are the traditional meat because they take up less room than traditional livestock. In Bolivia they don’t only eat guinea pigs, they mostly eat corn, potatoes, beans, and rice. Guinea pigs is pretty much the only thing

  • Persuasive Essay: Should Kids Have Pets?

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    Should Kids Have Pets? Pets are all over the world, and a part of many people's everyday lives. After seeing my grandmas dog close to death about a week ago, it reminded me of how impacted I was when I lost a pet in the past. That’s when I realized that pets leave a very impactful mark on other people's lives. Then, I remembered not everyone has had pets in their lives due to various reasons like allergies and seeing them as dangerous. This led me to my research question; Should kids have pets in

  • Human Guinea Pigs: Prisoners

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    Since the beginnings of society’s division into a hierarchy of man’s importance, the bottom of the social pyramid was always those seen as lacking morals. Whether immoral qualities were synonymous with skin color or occupation, a supposed lack of moral integrity allowed for those higher in stature to impose at times grueling oppression upon the degraded. As society evolved many advances pushed for equality among the masses so that each man or woman was allowed the freedom of bias or judgment. However

  • Persuasive Essay On Becoming A Parent Of Turtles

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    Some of us might be really looking for pets that are not that ‘complicated’ and not that ‘boring’ to have. While dogs (though cute and irresistible) are a little messy to pet around and you can’t interact that much with a fish - you might be interested in petting turtles. What do you think? Turtles are definitely becoming popular as pets. They may not be that sweet, cuddly creatures but obviously, these sea animals are undeniably fascinating and the fact that it’s not that complicated to take care

  • Case Study Guinea Pig Rhealth

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    needs are рrореrlу mеt оn a rеgulаr bаѕiѕ. Grооming, рrореr fееding, and аррrорriаtе housing аrе the bаѕiс nееdѕ оf grоwing саviеѕ. Thiѕ article will discuss thе gеnеrаl саrе thаt every guinеа рiglеt ѕhоuld rесеivе. Prореr Feeding and Diеt Plаnѕ Guinea pig hеаlth is dirесtlу rеlаtеd tо thе еаting hаbitѕ of аll саviеѕ. If уоur саviеѕ соnѕumе аррrорriаtе аmоuntѕ оf nutriеntѕ and vitаminѕ, thеir lifе would lаѕt longer. It iѕ оkау to feed thеm with реllеtѕ because these рrерасkаgеd gооdiеѕ аrе

  • The Last Meow Summary

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    For the mass population of pet owners, pets are considered a treasure, so the conversation of how much is to be spend on them is a hot debut. I do agree with Burkhart Bilger's Argument that, “Our love affair with pets our pets has gotten out of control.” but I contend with the ideal that it is a widespread problem. I still insist that owners should show attention and love to their pet but so without the overspending in regards to your income. This topic is brought up in Bilgers’ article “The Last

  • Petco, Animals, and the Humans Who Control Everything

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    The other day I was sitting with a friend of mine in a class, all of a sudden she turns to me saying, "You got to see this." Expecting to be handed a phone to read some text or watch a video to my surprise she hands me a copy of National Geographic turned to an article about the domestication of foxes. "Borrow it from me, I know you're into animal stuff, you got to read it." Only my friends would do this, but this article is a really great starting point to discussing pets. I think it is important

  • Poverty In Guinea

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    Guinea: Poverty Guinea is one of the poorest in the world. It ranks 178th out of 187 countries classifies by UNDP, despite its great mineral wealth. About twenty percent live in poverty; food security and malnutrition is among children, widespread. Forty percent of Guinea children below the age of give years of age are malnourished. Development "depends on giving priority to investment in social services such as health and education and the strengthen pf agricultural sector to ensure food security"

  • A Most Influential Leader in Africa, Samori Ture

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    Samori Ture was one of the most influential leaders in Africa, especially in his revolutionary work against European colonization. He lived in the Malinke lands of West Africa, an area that includes modern-day countries of Mali, Ghana, and Guinea. Throughout his youth, he worked in the trading industry alongside his parents. When he was 20 years old, his mother was captured in a slave raid, and he offered to serve in the army of her captor in exchange for the release of his mother. Samori joined

  • Sierra Leone Narrative

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    My mission to Sierra Leone Africa started when my pastor invited to go. One morning after morning prayer he asked me to stay after the prayer; “Eduardo, I was thinking to invite you to join the missionary group this summer,” my answer was fast “yes” I said with a smile in my face, in this moment a lot things came to my mind. My first motivation was to travel to a new country and to do missionary work was because I just use, to see when my family had a subscription to a magazine from Misioneros

  • Ivory Coast

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    The Côte d'Ivoire, or Ivory Coast is located on the southern edge of West Africa and north of the Gulf of Guinea, it was given the name “Ivory Coast” due to the ability to trade large quantities of ivory. It’s a beautiful land that’s tropical along the coast and semi-arid farther inland. The Ivory Coast still suffers from relative instability and civil wars and has experienced both economic and social growth and atrophy. While the inhospitable coastline prevented many European expeditions from

  • Sierra Leone and the Blood Diamonds: Civil War and Children

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    day they’d be able to breathe. The cause of one of this devastating outcome is Sierra Leone’s Civil War. This war was a long bloody fight that took many lives and hopes of children and families. Being located in the west coast of Africa and between Guinea and Liberia, “Sierra Leone has an abundance of easily extractable diamonds”(BBC News). The diamonds had brought “encouragement” for violence in the country in 1991. Attacks of the Revolutionary “United Front (RUF) ,led by former army corporal Foday

  • Similarities Between The Bite Of The Mango And A Long Way Gone

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    Again, Beah was alone when he escaped Freetown and also when he illegally entered Guinea. Beah was fortunate that he reached safety but he had to leave his friends and extended family behind. His escape was not easy or prepared, he had little money to travel and he did not know much about traveling out of the country. He wrote that “Everyone