Game of Thrones Essays

  • A Game Of Thrones

    1593 Words  | 4 Pages

    This research paper, is about a book called A Game of Thrones. Written by, George R.R. Martin, who started the series 18 years ago. There is also a TV show on HBO that is going into its 4th season this spring. This book has a medieval setting on continent called Westeros. Westeros is divided into seven kingdom’s, with their own lords, houses and words, or mottoes. There is one King , that rules over all the kingdoms. The book follows a few main characters that are, Lord Eddard Stark, lord or Warden

  • Game of Thrones: The Birth of the Mother of Dragons

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    The series Game of Thrones is loved by countless people across the nation, and one of the most beloved characters is Daenerys Targaryen. She and her brother Viserys are related to the “Mad King,” who once ruled over the land, but after he was killed, they were exiled. Now they seek to reclaim the throne by building an army. Although she started as a meek, little girl who always did what she was told, she quickly evolved into a rather complex character. She not only greatly affected the Dothraki people

  • Game Of Thrones: Ruler Eddard And Jones

    782 Words  | 2 Pages

    Baratheons, and Arryns revolted and toppled the ruler. A short time later, Robert Baratheon was delegated ruler and Jon Arryn was named the "Lord's Hand." Meanwhile, Ned Stark came back to Winterfell, in the north, the seat of their energy and where A Game of Thrones starts. Ruler Eddard (Ned) Stark of Winterfell is a capable man who satisfies the expressions of his family: "winter is coming." He fathered a kid outside of wedlock however has

  • Game Of Thrones: Rape Myths Between Men And Women

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    second order rape myths among men and women” (Kahlor and Eastin, 217). Sex-related crimes account for 10% of all dialogue on television programs related to sex, and “most of it (80%) is found in fictional programs” (Kahlor and Eastin, 217). HBO’s Game of Thrones is no stranger to controversy concerning its depiction of women and sexual violence. Recently, the head writers of the show, David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, have received harsh criticism and backlash from female fans for their unnecessary use of

  • Game Of Thrones Themes

    2195 Words  | 5 Pages

    Game of Thrones Cast Leaves Westeros in Favor of Scandalous Addictions: Emilia Clarke, George RR Martin, Peter Dinklage, Sean Bean, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau George RR Martin, the Game of Thrones Books, and The Game of Thrones Cast We Love It’s true, I can’t get enough of the Game of Thrones-- and I am manically asking “when does Game of Thrones start?”WHEN? Our televisions are awash with incestuous love, the South Park weiner song, rage, unnecessary deaths, and sweet, sweet sadness. Our misery and

  • Theme Of Nudity In The Game Of Thrones

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    Game of Thrones is a fantasy series known for it’s violence and use of nudity. The story line in the show is complex and compelling. The viewer stays on the edge of their seats as the plot twists and turns. For the plot to succeed nudity is needed, and some sex scenes are key parts in the series. The problem in occurs due to the sheer amount of nudity. With an average of 5.6 boobs per episode it is clear that nudity plays a large part in the series.Game of Thrones deals with the social issue of oversexualization

  • Game Of Thrones: Sympathy For The Disabled

    572 Words  | 2 Pages

    Although disabled characters are uncommon in many TV shows, Game of Thrones not only distinguishes itself by being the exception to that rule, but the show also explores how disability affects the personal and social identities of its characters. Almost every single character in Game of Thrones is disabled in some way, both literally and in a metaphorical sense; Tyrion suffers from dwarfism, Jaime gets his hand cut off, Brandon becomes paralyzed, Jon is a bastard, etc. The episode, Cripples, Bastards

  • Walking Dead and Game of Thrones

    1353 Words  | 3 Pages

    The two TV shows which I have chosen for this topic are The Walking dead and Game of thrones. The Walking Dead: The main protagonist in the film is the deputy Sheriff Rick Grimes who has been shot and when he wakes up he finds himself in a post apocalyptic world in which zombies are everywhere. He gets out on a search for his wife and son and reunites with them later. He finds out that there are many survivors just like him who must fight each other and the zombies in order to survive. It is a

  • The Sympathetic Villain In Game Of Thrones

    1002 Words  | 3 Pages

    This paper will focus on the television show Game of Thrones, a fantasy drama series that centers around seven noble families fighting for the rule over a mythical land. The shows main antagonist (which I will try to complicate in my essay) is the brutal and calculating leader of one of the seven noble families. I want to read Game of Thrones as a show that, depending on the way you look at it, truly doesn’t have an explicit good or bad side. In this series, what appears to be a ruthless villain

  • Game Of Thrones Gender Analysis

    1228 Words  | 3 Pages

    Game of Thrones is a fantasy piece, set during the medieval times, which takes place in a country called Westeros. Although it is set in a different time and place than where we are today, the show still has the same constructs, and built by the same fabrics that define our gender roles here in America. This show is a great example of gender roles, and what happens when people follow these rules or stray from them. Taking an in depth view of the season one opener, “Winter is Coming” helps reveal

  • Game Of Thrones Gender Essay

    1471 Words  | 3 Pages

    Game of Thrones: Gender, Sexuality, Class, and Social Stratification It is very common for several TV shows or movies to reflect real life society, depending on what genre. Game of Thrones, a TV adaptation of George RR Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire series depicts our society very well; despite the fact that it takes place in a fantasy medieval-like land, called Westeros. This show puts an emphasis on both gender and sexuality, with men being dominant in that society while women are often referred

  • Gender Roles In Game Of Thrones

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    predisposed gender roles. At first glance, Games of Thrones appears to be one monopolistic fantasy after another, naked beautiful women and men holding all the power in society. Under the constant oppression of a society dominated by men, the women of the Seven Kingdoms have risen from their oppression and slowly began taking over power in the sixth season. From Arya Stark fending for herself to Daenerys Targaryen conquering city after city, the women of Game of Thrones are breaking through their gender confinements

  • Game Of Thrones: Cersei Lannister

    783 Words  | 2 Pages

    Lannister is one of the main antagonists in the television series Game of Thrones, an adaptation of the fictional series: A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin. Cersei Lannister is a member of one of the wealthiest and most powerful houses in the kingdom of Westeros, House Lannister. Cersei Lannister was the wife, now widow, of King Robert Baratheon. The marriage was arranged by Cersei’s father, who helped Robert Baratheon win the throne. Jaime Lannister, Cersei’s twin brother, is involved in an

  • A Game Of Thrones Character Analysis

    774 Words  | 2 Pages

    A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin is a complex novel filled with an equally complex and diverse set of characters. Martin explores and questions many aspects of humanity, society, and morality by creating three-dimensional, imperfect characters. For many of these characters, it is difficult to determine whether they should be considered good or evil due to the fact that they are so human and realistic. Some characters are easy to love, and others, like Joffrey Baratheon, are incredibly easy

  • Game Of Thrones By Karl Marx Analysis

    1634 Words  | 4 Pages

    George R. R. Martin’s epic fantasy saga Game of Thrones transcends the traditional boundaries of the fantasy genre, representing the harsh reality of class exploitation in feudalism and its dichotomous social structure: high birth (nobility) and low birth (peasant). Throughout the series, the interpersonal strife of the noble houses dictates the lives of the peasants. Family is the principle institution through which power is acquired, sustained, and imposed on others. The conflict and subterfuge

  • Thrones Research Papers

    709 Words  | 2 Pages

    Game of Thrones is a popular TV show that originated from the book series A Song of Ice and Fire by George RR Martin. Game of Thrones is set in a medieval world filled with magic, warriors, power hungry families and an occasional dragon. Game of Thrones is not a light easygoing show; it is a very graphic show, with a rich plot that you have to see from the beginning to understand what is going on. I would not suggest this show to anyone that is easily offended or is not interested in making the long-term

  • The Role Of Women In 'The Odyssey And Game Of Thrones'

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    in a patriarchal society, women lie at the bottom of the social hierarchy. A patriarchy judges women for their beauty and innocence rather than merit and intelligence. Throughout the twenty-four books of The Odyssey as well as Game of Thrones, a modern day rendition of medieval society written by George. R. R. Martin, women struggle for power in society. In these societies, in order to be accepted and respected, women need to submit to society. Most of the women in these two plots are mothers and


    697 Words  | 2 Pages

    Game of thrones is a television series that deals with medieval concepts with a touch of mysticism. As a series that tackles medieval concepts, political themes can be derived out of the series and can be used to expound on new modern themes and philosophies. Within this paper, major theme and supporting themes that can further explain the general theme that is found in the series. These themes will be given support by quotes and lines from the scenes in season three. These themes can be related

  • Game Of Thrones Point Of View Analysis

    897 Words  | 2 Pages

    The book Game of Thrones has many different narrators. Each one telling the story from different points of view, giving the reader an i Telling the story from so many different points of view gives the reader an in depth look into all the characters but it can also confuse the reader or prevent them from getting close to the characters. Do you think the novel benefits from having several narrators or would it have been better to only have one narrator? Why do you think the author choose the characters

  • Game Of Thrones: Women In Medieval Times

    1220 Words  | 3 Pages

    apparent in ancient society that women were seen as lesser than men, that their value was based off of who they were married to or who their father was. There was no way for a woman to have her own power, they could not do anything alone. The series Game of Thrones is set to be in medieval times, though not in our universe. It very blatantly shows themes of the time period, which are still seen in society today to a point. Blatant misogyny is shown throughout the series as the stronger female leads have