Finger Essays

  • The String Around My Finger

    1433 Words  | 3 Pages

    The String Around My Finger I work in a restaurant as a waitress and several days ago a co-worker of mine had to leave work. His ex-wife had called to tell him that their daughter had been rushed to the hospital because of a bicycling accident. He wasn't sure quite what to do. He'd talked to me before he asked the manager for permission to leave. He doubted that it was serious enough to get permission and asked whether or not I thought he should try. I told him that he had to go, and that I thought

  • Biometrics, Security and Wrinkled Fingerprints

    768 Words  | 2 Pages

    B. Wet and Wrinkled Finger Dataset To test the working of algorithm wet as well as wrinkled (WWF) dataset is used. In Wet and Wrinkled Finger (WWF) database . Data from 30 people for all ten fingers using a multispectral fingerprint scanner from Lumidigm (Venus series) was collected. 300 fingers were treated as separate identities. Multispectral sensors were specially used as they were effective for application . They were designed to function when the fingers are wet with dripping water, and they

  • Gesture Recognition Technology

    2866 Words  | 6 Pages

    Hand Posture and Gesture Recognition Technology This section discusses the requirements for hand posture and gesture recognition. It describes the two main solutions for collecting the required data to performrecognition, the glove-based solution and the camera- or vision-based solution, and looks at the advantages and disadvantages of each. Data Collection for Hand Postures and Gestures The first step in using hand posture and gestures in computer applications is gathering raw data. This raw data

  • Suspense and Tension in The Red Room by H.G.Wells and The Signalman by Charles Dickens

    1340 Words  | 3 Pages

    Charles Dickens, it is about a man who visits a signal man and hears how he has had supernatural encounters with someone or something. A story from after nineteen fourteen is 'Man from the South' by Roald Dahl. In this story a sailor bets his finger for a sports car. Finally I will discuss 'Farthing House' by Susan Hill. Like in 'The Signalman' someone encounters supernatural experiences, but in an old peoples home. In 'The Red Room' tension is built up immediately by the presence of the

  • Nails And Manicure

    854 Words  | 2 Pages

    ... middle of paper ... ...r hands and fingers also play a role in how quickly your nails will grow. People with long fingers grow nails faster than people with short fingers. The nail on the middle finger grows faster than the rest of the fingers. The thumbnail grows the slowest. To keep nails strong you may apply a nail strengthener about every three days. It generally takes around a hundred days to grow just one centimeter of nail on your finger tips and about four to six months to completely

  • Cultural Insights into Funeral Practices

    1305 Words  | 3 Pages

    A person 's height is shown by putting the fingers together with them pointing upward. The height of an animal is shown with a flat hand and palm facing downward. When one receives something, he should receive it with both hands especially if person is superior This shows respect and thankfulness

  • Boxer's Fracture Case Study

    737 Words  | 2 Pages

    playing baseball and he fell over another player. When he removed his glove the pain worsened and his coach of the baseball team proceeded to realign what he thought was a jammed finger. The small finger was rotated and under the ring finger. He did not have much pain unless there was any physical activity with the finger. DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING Images of the left hand were taken in the PA, Oblique, and Lateral projections by the Student Radiographer with assistance from the Radiologic Technologist and

  • The Cock Creative Writing

    1214 Words  | 3 Pages

    Moaning at her own taste she tilts her hips and lets her right hand trail down her body to begin rubbing her clit as she sucks him off slowly, savoring the taste of herself. Arching her back as she fingers herself, she forces her throat down onto His cock licking every bit of her juices off of Him. Ducking her head she begins to lick and suck His balls giving them a tongue bath and she wraps her hands around His shaft, licking up from His balls to the

  • Gender Roles And Feminism In 'Little Bee'

    1048 Words  | 3 Pages

    Do you believe in feminism? Or how about Meninism? In the novel,Little Bee,these are both huge issues. Throughout the novel the role of genders are very distinctive. Men roles and personality are very different than woman personalities and roles throughout the text. In, Little Bee, the men characters and the women characters are portrayed completely different. Men are portrayed as dangerous and destructive to Little Bee, Little Bee was always scared of the men coming to get her so they could kill

  • Laundry

    609 Words  | 2 Pages

    smooth out any folds. You can do an extra neat job by pulling gently on the side seams to smooth out the back. Now start folding. Fold the shirt lengthwise along the line of the outer edge of the collar or neck band. Smooth the sleeve out, using your fingers to pull at the seam, making it slightly taut. Fold the other side over. Fold it lengthwise, along the line of the outer edge of the collar. Repeat the sleeve-smoother technique. Fold the shirt in half. Take the bottom edge of the shirt with both hands

  • Funny Short Story

    864 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Scourge Of The Galaxy The pretty researcher walked up to the shack where he supposedly lived. Wendy had heard many stories about the scourge, but she had never seen him for herself. He was a local legend, and she had decided to do her thesis on this obese male. She knocked on the cheap wood door of the shanty, and the door fell off. Wendy anxiously tried to pick the door up, but before she could pick it up, a high-pitched bark came from the dark corridor of the hut. “It’s alright, girlie. Just

  • Banana Child Observation

    715 Words  | 2 Pages

    in front of his chest. Christen’s father then carries him in front of the fridge to get a closer look of the magnet banana. His father say “Christen look what’s this, what’s this? As he touches the magnet banana stuck onto the fridge with his index finger. Christen looks at the banana that his father is pointing to but doesn’t react, he looks at the magnet banana with no

  • Essay On Haptics

    2750 Words  | 6 Pages

    implement a few haptic related projects for the benefit of physically challenged people. This proposal develops an approach for haptic exploration of unknown objects by robotic fingers. Because haptic exploration is coupled with manipulation and exploration using a sequence of phases is presented. With specialized fingers and sensors and appropriate planning and control robots can also be enabled to explore the worlds through touch. Haptic exploration has applications in many areas including planetary

  • Descriptive Essay On The Wedding

    1713 Words  | 4 Pages

    The wedding reception was a lot of fun. The two couples had a great time with their guests. There was a lot of dancing, at one point every single person on the dance floor, young and old. The food was great. Everything was going as planned and it honestly felt like they were all floating on cloud nine, experiencing some sort of dream. But now the reception was over and the real fun was about to begin. The men were excited to show the girls their brand new homes. The girls would have no idea

  • Sand Dollar

    729 Words  | 2 Pages

    lips dragging off of my own as he pulled back. God, I loved that. He uttered a couple things in that beautiful native tongue of his while his finger played with one of the straps of my bra, as if he were looking for permission to remove it; and who was I to deny such a perfect man? I smirked and chuckled lightly, playfully touching his lips with my pointy finger. "Javier, you have my full consent." I felt a bit sheepish being so easily submissive, but any defenses I had were already breached by his

  • Reynaud's Syndrome Essay

    594 Words  | 2 Pages

    Treatment of Pain in Patients with Reynaud’s Syndrome Reynaud’s syndrome or the white fingers disease is a vessel abnormality that can lead to vessel spasm in the leg, arms and feet. The condition is caused by over activity of the smooth muscles located in the arterial walls. The condition was named after a Parisian Physician, Maurice Reynaud who discovered it in the latter half of the 19t century. The phenomenon is more pronounced in people less than 40 years old and is five times more frequent

  • The Guilty Of Jon Frost's Murders

    704 Words  | 2 Pages

    One day they were working a case and Rob stole something, and he got caught. He wouldn’t admit what or why he stole the thing and because of this he got fired. 10 years later there was a series of murders where the victims were missing their toes, fingers, and hair and at every murder scene there was a trail of toes that started with the big toe and after 10 yards there would be another toe. These trials lasted ten toes and they always led to the same place which was Mr. Howl Woolf the Landlord's apartment

  • Personal Communication Ethic

    656 Words  | 2 Pages

    Personal Communication Ethic I feel that that the best way to persuade people is with your ears — by listening to them. Feeling this way, I based my personal communication ethic on listening. If all you do is talk, then you probably don't have too many friends. I know that when I am interrupted in mid-sentence I feel like punching the other person. I feel as if the other person doesn't give a care in the world about what I think, and not only does that take away any respect I had for that person

  • The String Fingers Band

    971 Words  | 2 Pages

    state and country. Dan Carlucci and Dan Tressler are two Dans born to play music together, and The String Fingers Band is their brainchild. Bluegrass reinvented never sounded so tasty. Beginning as two young men on different musical paths, they have bonded and begun a unified musical exploration

  • Creative Writing: Ecstasy

    2028 Words  | 5 Pages

    I sensed Hank’s and Jen’s eyes on me. For a moment I felt ashamed, but Jason simply flung me around. His fingers went in deeper. He pushed me forward so that my body pressed against the wooden foot of the bunk bed. Without warning and with just the softest of grunts, Jason parted my legs and plunged his massive cock inside my folds. I was set on fire. With