Findings Essays

  • Finding Friendship in the film Finding Forrester

    573 Words  | 2 Pages

    Finding Friendship in the Film Finding Forrester In Finding Forrester a movie that takes place in the Bronx, there are two main characters, William Forrester and Jamal Wallace who find friendship in an unlikely way because of their passion for reading and writing. Though both are very different from each other they are drawn together by similar interests. The characters are different in many ways; Forrester is a male Caucasian in his mid seventies who graduated from Columbia University and

  • Life's Findings in Homer's Odyssey

    1137 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Odyssey:  Life's Findings Homer's The Odyssey can be truly considered as one of the best epic poems of all time. Odysseus' journey in returning home becomes a test to prove himself. Only on the testing grounds of life can one discover inegrity, loyalty and perseverance. Homer's craft is so profound that theme's found in the poem still pertains to man today. The Odyssey is truly remarable in that Odyseus' character, his morals, and his views are stil admired by people today. A man's actions

  • Finding Dory

    1470 Words  | 3 Pages

    about the powerful inspiring film Finding dory. In actuality, Finding dory is the by-product of the movie Finding Nemo; which was initially in theaters thirteen years beforehand. Finding dory is what Kim Edwards expresses in her article. “far more than a subpar cash-grabbing sequel to a beloved family classic, the latest from Pixar provides myriad opportunities to help young viewers reflect on such important issues as disability, difference, family and belonging.” Finding dory is the definition of different

  • Finding Nemo

    655 Words  | 2 Pages

    For my video paper I chose to do a Pixar movie called Finding Nemo. Although Pixar movies are more aimed for the younger generations, it is becoming more popular for these movies to be introduced in the classrooms. In our DeVito text it shows and explains all the different forms of communication that can be related back to Finding Nemo. Along with other Pixar movies, they all portray many different aspects of communication. Nonverbal communication is presented in the movie by using gestures/movement

  • Biblical Truths Confirmed by Archaeological Findings

    2782 Words  | 6 Pages

    Biblical Truths Confirmed by Archaeological Findings Abstract Statement I have chosen a subject that is very important to me. As a Bible major, I believe the Word of God is vital and essential and that it is the only clear direction in life. Personally, I believe by faith the Bible is true from the first word in Genesis to the last word in Revelation. However, there are times when we need physical evidence to confirm our faith proving that the Bible does not just contain interesting stories

  • Similarities Between Finding Dory And Finding Nemo

    694 Words  | 2 Pages

    Finding Dory, the newest Disney Pixar movie and the sequel to Finding Nemo, features our favorite Disney Fish, Dory, Marlin, and Nemo. Dory, a blue tang, and defined by her blue body and yellow stripe, suffers from short term memory loss. She meets Marlin, on his quest to find Nemo, after he gets taken by a scuba diver. Marlin is a clownfish, who is very overprotective over his son Nemo, after the rest of his family was killed. Nemo on the other hand, loves adventure, which comes from his father

  • Finding God on the Web

    1369 Words  | 3 Pages

    Finding God on the Web Almost overnight, the electronic community of the Internet has come to resemble a high-speed spiritual bazaar, where thousands of the faithful and equal numbers of the faithless- meet and debate and swap ideas(Ramo p.181). As far as history goes back, religion has been a very present, powerful force bringing people together to rejoice and celebrate and at the same time driving them into wars of hatred. On a much smaller scale, a similar circumstance of today is the argument

  • Finding Hope in Failure

    1820 Words  | 4 Pages

    It was a cold, dark morning when the phone rang. It was boisterously loud and the clock read six o'clock. The deafening noise jolted us again, and there was only one way to make it stop. Chris picked up the phone and in a tired, drowsy voice, answered, "Hello." "Wake up call," I could hear Coach on the other end of the line. "Wake everyone else up in the room and the bus will leave at seven." "Okay," and with that, Chris hung up the telephone. I could hear him bury his head back into his pillow

  • Finding Forrester Lessons

    1076 Words  | 3 Pages

    The movie Finding Forrester teaches many lessons about courage, dreams, and transformation, many of which can be relatable to people of all ages. The most iconic, however, are the lessons about trust. Finding Forrester is the story of leery old hermit, William Forrester, who hasn’t stepped foot outside his apartment in several decades, and his unlikely friendship with Jamal, an aspiring writer attending a public high school. After his brother’s death, Forrester secludes himself and decides not to

  • Summary of Finding Forrester

    612 Words  | 2 Pages

    Does anyone really like to be stereotyped? Does anyone want to be looked at and automatically judged just because of the way they look, by their skin color, their hair type, or even the type of clothing they wear? Finding Forrester is a film that in my opinion perpetuates stereotypes. The entire film is based on significantly different racial opinions, opinions of different writing styles and stereotyping of different people in general. Race is a huge issue in the film and many stereotypes are made

  • Finding Forrester Thesis

    1021 Words  | 3 Pages

    Whether people are black or white, rich or poor, do not let others beliefs shut down what potential someone has. Never let the difficulties in life demolish one's future but help us learn and thrive in life. In Finding Forrester, Jamal and The Man in the Window formed an indestructible bond helping each other throughout life. Breaking the bad habits each one had, and helping one another with choosing the best pathway for what is ahead of them. Everyday, everyone frequently brings themselves down

  • Plagiarism In Finding Forrester

    895 Words  | 2 Pages

    Having courage can open windows to new experiences for everyone involved. In the movie Finding Forrester, William Forrester is a recluse who has been hiding from society for about forty years. Occasionally, Mr. Forrester looks out his window with a pair of binoculars. Because of this, he draws the attention of some boys who are playing basketball in the court below his apartment window who thought the ¨Man in the Window” was spying on them. Among those boys is young Jamal Wallace, who is a brilliant

  • Racism In Finding Forrester

    1315 Words  | 3 Pages

    Unfortunately during our lives we also experience problems regarding our cultural and ethnical backgrounds. For some people these problems can be much more debilitating than most of the everyday problems people experience. The movie Finding Forrester is an example of this. Finding Forrester is the tale of an unlikely friendship that is formed over a mutual passion for writing. William Forrester is a reclusive famous author and Jamal Wallace, a young African-American boy that had recently moved to a prep

  • Finding Neverland Essay

    827 Words  | 2 Pages

    From the intricate costumes and elaborate scenery to the brilliant lighting that enhances the costumes, Finding Neverland was spellbinding and visually captivating. The decision to use a proscenium stage at the Segerstrom Center for the Arts allows most of the audience to focus their attention towards the same particular direction but at various levels of seating providing different viewpoints. As indicated by both the stunning scenery with Big Ben in the background and the words utter by the characters

  • Finding Forrester Essay

    801 Words  | 2 Pages

    Finding Forrester is an amazing movie about how an older man and a young adult become friends and mentors to each other. It is a wonderful movie directed by Gus Van Sant and has Sean Connery playing the role of William Forrester, Rob Brown as Jamal Wallace, and F. Murray Abraham as Professor Robert Crawford. Finding Forrester would be classified as a drama. The film starts off with young Jamal Wallace playing basketball with his friends on the basketball court below an apartment building where they

  • Finding Peace in Siddhartha

    798 Words  | 2 Pages

    Finding Peace in Siddhartha "I have become distrustful of teachings and learning and that I have little faith in words that come to us from teachers." (Page 18) Siddartha experienced this when he was with the Samanas, still seeking for peace of the innersoul. He distrusted teachings because to attain peace, he must learn everything from himself. However, along his journey, he was indebted by a beautiful courtesan, a rich merchant, a dice player, a Bhuddist monk, and Vasudeva, for they had

  • Finding Nemo Analysis

    741 Words  | 2 Pages

    The story of Finding Nemo is about how Marlin, a widowed clownfish travel thousands of miles to Sydney with the help of Dory, a blue tang fish who suffers from "short-term memory loss" to find Marlin's lost son, Nemo. The movie begins with Marlin and Coral, a lovely clownfish couple who are ready to be the parents of 400 unborn children. However, this happy home is destroyed by a marauding barracuda. Coral and 399 of her eggs are killed during the barracuda attack, leaving Marlin to look after the

  • Finding Dory Research Paper

    855 Words  | 2 Pages

    movies of the 2000s, Finding Nemo. The sequel which just premiered this year, Finding Dory, exceeds expectations of those who patiently waited ten years just to watch the adventures of Dory, Nemo, and Marlin. Finding Dory is directed by Andrew Stanton and features the famous actress Ellen DeGeneres who stars the main star, 'Dory'. Other actors voicing characters are Diane Keaton, Albert Brooks, and Hayden Rolence. This is under Walt Disney Studios and Pixar Animation Studios. Finding Dory is a wonderful

  • Persuasive Techniques In Finding Nemo

    780 Words  | 2 Pages

    In 2002, Disney Pixar premiered yet another jaw dropping film called Finding Nemo. Though the films vibrant scenery, all aged storyline, booming voices, and valuable lessons, Disney Pixar successfully portrayed an original, outstanding, enjoyable story. The film starts off with a dark and devastating scene. A huge barracuda swoops down and takes all of Marlin’s, the clownfish, baby eggs. He is left with one baby egg, and names him Nemo. Since Marlin is a single parent, he is very overprotective

  • Jamal Wallace In Finding Forrester

    542 Words  | 2 Pages

    In the film Finding Forrester, set in New York in the last 1900s; the main character Jamal Wallace is an inner-city kid from the Bronx who is a talented basketball player and is a genius at writing. While always a C student, Jamal gets the attention of a prestigious New York prep school scout; when he scores highly on the standardized tests. Jamal becomes friend with Claire and it quickly becomes more; while Jamal is given a heavy load at his new school, both he and the school know that the real