Film crew Essays

  • Line Producer In Production

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    financially very gratifying. The job of a line producer is to hire all the below the line production crew such as camera crews, lighting crews and catering staffs. He/she are also in charge of overseeing the production budget and the day-today operations. The line producer works closely to the executive producer in the case of a television show or else with the director if he/she is working on a film. This is to make sure they are properly executing on the creative vision. A line producer does not

  • Apollo 11

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    Apollo 11 From countdown to splashdown, Apollo 11's mission was filled with some surprising twists and turns. It took a combination of luck, determination and guts for the crew of Michael Collins, Buzz Aldrin, and Neil Armstrong to get the Eagle to the surface of the moon with only 30 seconds of fuel remaining! Experience the moments leading up to the lunar landing with me. On the morning of July 16, 1969 a 60-ton Saturn 5 rocket was given a thorough inspection on launch pad 39-A at the Kennedy Space

  • An Analysis of Das Boot

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    What is it that makes the film, "Das Boot", stand out in the plethora of war movies? Why was this film, with subtitles and about German World War 2 soldiers, popular enough in America to earn six Academy Award nominations? One possible answer is the characters. Like so many other epics, the sensation of viewing pleasure goes beyond the intense plot and into the intricacy and intimacy of the building blocks of every story: the characters. Director Wolfgang Petersen's mastery is in bringing

  • Defintion Essay - Is it Possible to Define Art?

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    presentation of a symphony, which may involve a composer, a conductor, players, and a lighting crew all working to create the art of the presentation. Also, art occurs in at least one level of abstraction removed from reality, a representation of the real thing. There is no requirement of beauty in art. Indeed, some of the highest quality in art is attained by some of the ugliest things. An example is the film, Schindler's List. Its representation of oppression and violence is revolting at times

  • A Sociological Analysis of Ron Howards Apollo 13

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    Ron Howard’s re-creation of the happenings aboard NASA’s Apollo 13 flight combined some of the biggest talent in Hollywood to produce a masterful film. Apollo 13 takes us back in time, to the late 1960’s and early 70’s, when America’s NASA space program was thriving and the world stood aside to see who would reach the moon first. The impacts of space program are still evident to this day. It is even said that by beating the Russians to the moon, we established ourselves are the top power in the world

  • The Titanic - Depth of the Heart of the Ocean

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    The Titanic - Depth of the Heart of the Ocean "Ahh, open your heart to me, Rose," pleads Caledon Hockley of the young Rose in James Cameron's film, Titanic, just after he gives her a most expensive diamond. The actor Billy Zane plays Hockley as a callous, jaded, been-there-done- that sophisticate who seems to want her heart simply because he believes it is for sale and he has a right to it. His blindness to higher motives in love totally disqualifies him from being worthy of

  • Addendum to Independent Study in Sound Design and Sound System Component Operation

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    Addendum to Independent Study in Sound Design and Sound System Component Operation This past year (2000) I have been working in the sound booth for The John Lyman Center for the Performing Arts. Here at the John Lyman Center (JLC) we have been going through a time of transition. The former resident technical guru who had taken care of JLC's happenings had retired, leaving the JLC in a semi chaotic state. The dance school season was just about to start which happens to be our busiest time of

  • An Analysis of the Form and Ideology of Hedgehog in the Fog

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    the story of an inquisitive hedgehog passing through a wood to visit his friend the bear cub to count the stars. It has won numerous awards for it?s style and originality after it?s release by Yuri Bonsovich Norstein (1941 - to date) and his small crew at the Soyuzmultfilm studios in Moscow in 1975. ?Hedgehog in the Fog? is the fifth of Norstein?s six completed works. All have a deceptive simplicity, a faux naivetîehat begs a deeper understanding of their origins and implications. Norstein has

  • Movie Essay - A Comparison of Satire in Voltaire's Candide and the Film Lexx

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    Voltaire's Candide is a story about a young man learning about the realities of the world; realities he never could have believed to happen in life because his education heavily involves the idea that this is the "best of all worlds." Salter Street Films' Lexx is a story about a group of misfit adventurers and the calamity that befalls them after they steal the Lexx, a Manhattan-sized insect with the ability to destroy planets. Though the two stories have more in common than one might expect, given

  • Dream Job Case Study

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    Part One: How I Will Use the Information in This Memo in My Dream Job It is no secret that working in the entertainment industry requires lots of teamwork. In my area of interest, especially, it is crucial that I know how to be a good team player in order to be successful one day. A few years from now, my dream job would be working as an art director on a prominent television show or movie. Based on my experiences working in art departments thus far, I can say that the information presented by Professor

  • The Importance of Airline Safety

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    prevent human error or repair faulty equipment. Sometimes I think the only reason an airplane could crash is if something on the plane were to break. However, most of the time that is not the case. A survey conducted by Boeing found that flight crews were responsible for at least seventy-three percent of all fatal airplane accidents. (Gray 17). Forty-one percent of these accidents occurred during landing because of unstable approaches. Also an investigation by the National Aeronautics and Space

  • Bradbury

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    Great Plains were to the pioneers, not just a frontier but a symbol of the future for the human race" (49). If space serves as a symbol of the future for the human race, the story "Kaleidoscope" has a large amount of symbolism. In this story, the crew of a spaceship is shot into space. "The first concussion cut the rocket up the side with a giant can opener. The men were thrown into space like a dozen wriggling silverfish. They were scattered into a dark sea; and the ship, in a million pieces

  • The Lumberjack

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    opportunities, he just wanted to be a lumberjack. So far this job was running smoothly. They were on schedule and there was an abundance of trees in British Columbia to keep them busy for the next while. It seemed so simple at first. Woody and his crew would cut down the trees and they would be shipped to a nearby river where they would be floated downstream to the new lumber mill. At least this was what was supposed to happen. After the first couple loads, there came reports that the logs weren't

  • Neil Armstrong

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    astronaut-training program. Gemini VII Mission In March of 1966, Armstrong completed his training and became the command pilot of the Gemini 8 mission. The crew of this mission was made up of David R. Scott and himself. In case of any emergencies with the two men before the launch, either physical or mental, a backup crew was made. The backup crew consisted of Charles Conrad Junior, and Richard Gordon Junior. The objectives of the mission were: A. (Main) Rendezvous and dock with Gemini Agena target

  • Nature

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    Moby Dick can be a nice sight but also deadly. In the book the captain of the ship lost his leg in a prior encounter with a whale. When the crew went after Moby Dick he snapped and swelled huge waves towards the boat and attacked. He wrecked the ship. The panicked crew was scattered around the boat. IN the end nature prevailed because moby dick scared the crew. But it was the humans who got the last word when they killed he gigantic whale. Frigid cold winters are another one of nature’s forces. Back

  • Paint a House

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    possible. The appearance of the home is a major factor in keeping its value. Painting the exterior of the house is not as hard as it appears; in fact it’s quite simple. In order to paint the house efficiently you will need a crew kit and a few different sized ladders. A crew kit is a large plastic bin with all of the tools needed for the job and more. Brushes and rollers are the two most known. Other tools include: scrapers, caulk guns, 5-in-1 tools, rags, drop clothes, pot hooks, buckets, self-priming

  • Analysis of It's Your Ship by Capt. D. Michael Abrashoff

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    while a Commander in the Navy. He takes the reader through the journey of having a cutting-edge ship handed over him, while finding his own leadership lacking his expectations. While defying conventional Navy leadership tactics, Abrashoff created “a crew of confident and inspired problem-solvers eager to take the initiative and responsibility for their actions.” He ultimately succeeded in turning the USS Benfold into the “best damn ship in the Navy” in a matter of months. Within two years his ship

  • Book Report On "the Lost World"

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    Malcolm Sarah Harding, Jack Thorne, and Eddie Carr, the top employee of Thorne. They were going to leave in two weeks when Thorne finds out that Levine has left for the island early wanting to be the first one to “ officially” find it. He and the small crew of people he took with him were attacked and all but Levine were killed. He would be found later. The team left for the island soon after to try and find him. Unknown to anyone, two of Levine's students at the middle school where he helps, sneaked

  • Personal Narrative- Suicide Aftermath

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    the automatic unlock button, and put the key in the ignition. I turned the key one click and the electric system forced the radio to blast into my ears. Simultaneously, thoughts I wasn’t aware were there came to the surface as I listened to Cutting Crew sing “I Just Died in Your Arms Tonight.” Damn one-hit-wonder-from-the-eighties-past music. I remind myself he is gone, and I have tried to grieve; it is time to move on. It has been fourteen years since middle school and eight months since he did

  • Inner Evil

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    Peace that lets his evil out is Quackenbush. Quackenbush is the head of the crew team at Devon School. He is always teased and harassed by the other students and consequently, Quackenbush has low self-esteem. He feels that by making fun of Gene, unleashing his inner darkness, that it will make him feel better. For the time being it makes him feel big and important. The first incident is when Gene starts as the Assistant Crew Manager and Quackenbush is above him. “…’Get some towels’…’How many?’…’As