Entity-relationship model Essays

  • The Entity-Relationship Model

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    Chen and use the Entity-Relationship Model as their basis. Dr. Peter Pin-Shan Chen first presented the Entity-Relationship (E-R) Model in March of 1976, in a widely read paper entitled, “The Entity-Relationship Model – Toward a Unified View of Data”. In this paper Dr. Chen proposed merging three other models, the Network model, the Relational Model, and the Entity Set Model into a single system which could take advantage of the best of all three. (Chen, 1976) This new unified model would be comprised

  • Ontology In Software Engineering

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    PRABHU RAGHU RAM ANGAJALA J00504557 Research Paper Part1 Detailed Annotated Outline of research paper 1. INTRODUCTION The software engineering ontology defines information for the exchange of semantic project information and is used as a communication framework. In the area of computer science, Ontology represents the effort to formulate an exhaustive and rigorous conceptual schema within a given domain. Several Ontology languages such as Resource Description Framework (RDF), Web Ontology Language

  • Fundamentals of Database Design

    1969 Words  | 4 Pages

    programmers who configure the software and make the environment available and r... ... middle of paper ... ...accommodate further processing requirements. Also reduces the number of data dependencies that should be analyzed, using the extended ER model conceptualization, and maintains data integrity through normalization. This approach can be implemented manually or in a simple software package as long as a "good" solution is acceptable and absolute optimality is not required. Normalisation reduces

  • Multiview Methodolgy

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    Multiview What is the Multiview Methodology? Multiview is an approach to system analysis and design and is accomplished by breaking view specification into independent tasks. It focuses on organisational goals and aims to further them by integrating the system in accordance to the people that work within the establishment. Reference: Ref: http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/rundensteiner92multiview.html Applying Multiview to Next Plc The Multiview Framework Ref: www.cms.livjm.ac.uk/CMSALAWS/PAGES/fldr/bsa7

  • Entity Relationship Diagram

    613 Words  | 2 Pages

    Entity Relationship Diagram When developing a relational database understanding the logical flow of information and proper planning will improve the probability of the database functioning the way it is intended and producing the desired results. In determining the proper structure of a relational database for a video rental store one must consider what information is stored, the process for renting videos and information on the videos maintained in inventory. Customer, Videos and Video Types are

  • The Importance Of Human Connection

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    beings are social entities that require to satisfy their need for connection from time to time. Thankfully, there are natural platforms readily available that people can use to enhance connections and build new ones to satisfy their need for companionship and support. This is evident in undertakings such as activism, which bring people together and allow them to fight for a common goal. Today, there are multiple ways available to pursue activism and the creation of relationships, among them is technology

  • Dfd Essay

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    A data flow diagram (DFD) is a model which shows visual representation. The representation is comprised of information through systems, data and actors. These focus on how data is changed and being used during the process. DFD’s describes the system in many different process execution or collaboration of different process together as single process or bunch of data made into pieces are used in one or more process. The drawback of DFD is that no decisions are exposed and the processes are not sequential

  • The Ant of the Self

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    attributes describing water and oil directly describe the relationship between Spurgeon and Ray, the two main characters in ZZ Packer’s “The Ant of the Self.” Spurgeon, the “water” and intelligent son of Ray Bivens Jr., finds himself carrying the burden of supporting his self-centered, inappreciative father, the “oil,” on his shoulders. Oblivious to his son’s needs as well as others in the story, Ray tramples over the true meaning of an intimate relationship and worsens or even crumbles his existing ones.

  • Reb Saunders Critical Analysis

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    Talmud. Over time, their lack of verbal expression results in a decline of their vigor and energy and an unloving relationship. Reb Saunders does not make a reasonable decision by raising Danny in silence because it forms a problematic relationship between the two and presents each of them with numerous mental and physical issues. First, Danny and Reb Saunders’ flawed relationship is evident at the start of the novel

  • Entities And Attributes For Fleet Truck Maintenance

    1939 Words  | 4 Pages

    At the request of the Huffman Trucking Maintenance Department, Smith Consulting developed entities and attributes for their Fleet Trucking Maintenance database. Unfortunately, the creator of the database was not available and the development of the database system was not able to be completed. D Team realizes that the development of a reliable database system is needed to provide for the tracking of scheduled and unscheduled maintenance for their fleet. Therefore, a database along with forms, tables

  • Relationships: A Personal Essay Relationship

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    “Relationships are what make up our world today, they shape the ways we see things and the way that we do things, relationships affect how we see the world today”. I believe supporting what your partner does, having a great sum of trust and showing your affections towards your partner is what will make a healthy relationship great. Supporting whatever it is your partner does is huge for having a healthy relationship. When your being supportive towards what it is that your partner is doing, means

  • B2b Case Study

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    Business deals are closed between two entities with one entity being the seller and the other one being the buyer. At some point, every entity is a seller and/or a buyer. The denotations of a buyer and a seller are referred to at every level of the consumer - either a business or an individual. B2C is referred to as Business to Customers or a business model that is primarily conducted by a business organization as a seller and a consumer or an individual customer as the buyer. On the other hand,

  • Evolution Of Data Model Essay

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    Evolution of data model The evolution of data model was traced back in 1960s when the first generation of data model – File system model was introduced. File system used to strictly maintain the records and it does not have relationship between the tables. As the requirement to for managing data evolve, in 1970s, hierarchical and network model were used. These data model handle the relationship between the tables and conceptually simple. However, it still using navigational system and complex in

  • Data Model: Oodbms Vs. Rdbms

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    1 Data model: OODBMS vs. RDBMS For this coursework two kinds of data models can be used. The object oriented data model, Object Oriented Database Management System(OODBMS), or the relational data model, Relational Database Management System(RDBMS). The differences between these two models and the data model to be used are described in this chapter. 1.1 Enumeration of some specifications of OODBMS and RDBMS RDBMS have been around for more than 20 years, OODBMS are relatively new; RDBMS can handle

  • 4. What Is A Subclass? When Is A Subclass Needed In Data Modeling?

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    easiest way to explain the inheritance relationship between two classes. A subclass is a class that was originated from a new class. 4.2. Define the following terms: superclass of a subclass, superclass/subclass relationship, IS-A relationship, specialization, generalization, category, specific (local) attributes, and specific relationships. Superclass of a subclass – a class’s directs ancestor and all of the ascendant classes. Superclass/subclass relationship – a subclass comes from a superclass

  • Relational Database Model

    931 Words  | 2 Pages

    Comparing and Contrasting the Relational Database Model and OO Model The relational database model is based upon tables or relations. In this model, the physical implementation of the database is abstracted away from the user. Users query the database using a high-level query language, such as SQL. The relations are made up of columns, which have headings indicating the attribute represented by that column. Tables have key fields, which can be used to identify unique records. Keys relate tables to

  • 1. Explain class stereotypes; include the boundary class, entity class and control class.

    520 Words  | 2 Pages

    a robust object model. The first class stereotype is boundary class. The boundary class used to model interaction between the system's surroundings and its inner workings. The boundary class interaction is involves transforming, translating events and noting changes in the system presentation. This class also model the parts of the system that depend on its surroundings. There are also class’s uses to model the parts that are independent of the system's surroundings such as entity classes and control

  • Normalization and Integrity

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    accessible to unauthorized users. CONCLUSION Normalization, Integrity and Security are the important role for a DBA, Normalization helps to avoid data redundancy by reviewing data base structure at certain level. It helps to build an effective data model. Data Integrity provide some level of assurance over the information getting store and retrieved from database, DBA has to understand all DBMS features use them correctly for Data Integrity. Data Security is toughest part for DBA, auditing and multiple

  • Psi and Ontology

    2215 Words  | 5 Pages

    Psi can be loosely defined as the ability of an organism to interact with its environment, or other entities within the environment, beyond what is known about the defined boundaries of that organism. The inability to empirically observe how these interactions happen, outside of the initially observed effect, has resulted in modeling various theories about psi within the context of it being an information system of sorts. That being said, para psychologically typically approaches psi from the perspective

  • Advantages And Disadvantages Of A Database

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    field is necessary to find the precise value e.g. cars, the brand and the model of the car . There are many kinds of model for types of brand (Audi, BMW, Citroen, Ford and etc.) using composite primary key you can uniquely identify each car from the same brand in the database. A table can have single or multiple foreign keys, a primary key and Foreign key are linked together to create a relationship between the tables (entities), this happens when both tables (and more) have found the same primary