E-participation Essays

  • Advertising Evaluation

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    The press article entitled “ Flattery will get an Ad Nowhere” essential message was to convey to the readers that “flattering” the consumer, advertising beauty-enhancing products, has as adverse effect and makes the consumer feel less beautiful. The source of this article came from the journal article “The Self-Activation of Advertisement Ads can affect whether and How Consumers Think about the Self”. The journal article includes four studies. The first study deals with how the enhancing products

  • Self-Satisfaction And Self Satisfaction

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    This paper investigates self-efficacy and gender as predictors of an individuals’ ability to maintain their perceived happiness level after a sad event. A total of XXX individuals participated in the study, XX males and XX females, including. Self-efficacy was measured using the General Self-Efficacy Scale, created by (Luszczynska, Scholz, & Schwarzer, 2005). Happiness was measured using the Oxford Happiness questionnaire (Argyle, & Hills, 2002). Self-efficacy was correlated with the Oxford Happiness

  • Altruism And Indirect Reciprocity Case Study

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    “Altruism and Indirect Reciprocity: The Interaction of Person and Situation in Prosocial Behavior” was based significantly off of the findings of the study done by David De Cremer called “Why Prosocials Exhibit Greater Cooperation then Proselfs: The Roles of Social Responsibility and Reciprocity.” Both studies preliminarily tested the college students with a social value orientation test to classify the participants as either prosocial or proself. Next, the participants participated in series of

  • Support Group Reflection Paper

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    Participants At the group meeting, 11 foster care youth attended; between the ages of 14-19. One participant brought her 10 month old baby. The race of the group was mixed; however, it was more predominately African-American. As well, there were more males in attendance than females. My Role: Observer I decided to participate in this support group by being an observer. I wanted to solely observe as I did not wanted to sway or influence any of the youth’s opinions, or make them hesitant to participate

  • Transformational Leadership in Mental Health: Horizon House, Inc.

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    Horizon House, Inc. (HHINC) was creatively established by a visionary with goals. In the late 1950’s there was a woman named Marcella Schmoeger who suffered from a medical condition that kept her hospitalized during her recovery. At this time, Marcella witnessed many psychiatric patients remaining hospitalized due to the limited supports available. Due to these observations, Marcella had a vision to help people with mental illness. Years later, Marcella began taking these ideas and concerns to others

  • Anthropology: An Obeservation of Real Life Interactions Among a Group of Friends

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    For my subgroup project, I decided to observe a group of teenage boys. Located at the intersection of Fullerton and central. The location seemed like any other McDonalds except the arrangement of the sits. They have a wide range of chairs and furniture located in the side of the entrance while the front part was wide. My subgroup was located in the side of the McDonalds near the restrooms. The methods I used were participant observation, informal interviewing, and formal interviewing. While I conducted

  • Reflection On Aa Recovery

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    Due to, Alcohol is the most deadly drug in the world, and “considering the economic cost and the price in human suffering of substance abuse, it seems imperative that counselors be trained in all aspects of substance abuse, intervention, and prevention” (Stevens, 2009). Therefore, with the purpose of gaining experience attending any recovery group for my Human Behavior class assignment I went to observe an AA meeting with three of my class of Human Behavior. On a cold Sunday afternoon, around 5:25

  • Conversation Analysis Essay

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    The conversation I chose to analyze was the third conversation between two participants about a classmate they go to school with. After reading and analyzing the conversation I would have to personally find it unsuccessful. The reason is because only one participant is actually successful in communicating their point to the other person. Speaker A starts the conversation by presumably reading something, possibly a text or post, on her phone and reacting outwardly towards it. Speaker B then tries

  • Humanitarian Experience For Youth Essay

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    Imagine traveling to another country, perhaps a beautiful island like Fiji, perhaps an exotic country like Brazil. Imagine being immersed in a totally different environment, culture, and language. Imagine being able to make a difference in the lives of those in poverty while still getting to sightsee, explore, and try new things. These things are easier to imagine than you think, because through the Humanitarian Experience for Youth these things are extremely possible. Humanitarian Experience for

  • Social Identity Theory in Religion

    565 Words  | 2 Pages

    Social Identity Theory in Religion In this experiment I want to find out whether social identity theory works in religion. Firstly, I would put an advert in a local newspaper asking if anyone wants to take part in an experiment for five pounds. This advert will including asking them to reply to the address on the ad with their name and address inside. I will then send out questionnaires to the willing participants asking them important details including their religious background. There

  • Milgram's Theory Of Obedience

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    Obedience is the complying of demands of others, usually those in positions of authority (Brace and Byford). The studies of obedience by Milgram (1963) and Hofling et al (1966) are one of the most famous studies in psychology. Milgram began the study to explore whether Adolf Erichman, one of the Nazi leaders involved in the holocaust, was an evil man or just being obedient (Brace and Byford). Hofling 's study started subsequently after Milgram to further explore obedience in a real life scenario

  • Persuasive Essay On Fantasy Sports

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    Over 42 million people are participating in daily fantasy sports contest every year, and only about 30% of those participants are actually making any profit off of those contests (Harwell). Keeping up with sports and trying to predict the performance of players genially start off as a fun hobby for most people. However, when that hobby turns into betting money on the contest and the contestants lose their money how fun is that hobby? Daily fantasy sports contests should be considered illegal as it

  • Veteran Teacher Observation

    722 Words  | 2 Pages

    livelihood for how frequently they experience a matter from all the time to never. The next set of interviews were personalized to gain the most effective and resourceful information from each individual role: a teacher (See Appendix D), parent (See Appendix E), and school officer (See Appendix F). The moment I received all of the consent forms, I began my interviews. I interviewed one student a day for about 10 minutes. The following next two weeks, I interviewed the veteran teacher, parent, and school officer

  • 5k Run Research Paper

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    I chose “Feed the Hungry 5K Run” for Leisure Personal #2 assignment on Thanksgiving at California State University, Sacramento. At first, my friend and I wanted to do “individuals” because it was cheaper than a team registration and we don’t have enough four members to form a team. Later, there was more friends to join in and we decided to form a team and came up with the team name “Hungry Runners” which fits the event purpose. After we registered and each member paid 55 dollars which would benefit

  • Method

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    the experiment was not mandatory; therefore anyone wishing not to participate could simply return their consent form and exit the room. Additionally, number “2” pencils were given to any participant who did not have one of their own. A Gateway 2000 (E-1000) computer equipped with Microsoft PowerPoint was used to generate the slides. The slides were displayed on a Gateway 2000 35’ diagonal color computer monitor. The monitor was placed on top of a portable TV stand, positioned in the front of the room

  • Community Participation in Stroke Survivors

    3398 Words  | 7 Pages

    the individual dimension (activity), and the social dimension (participation). All domains influence each other2. Participation is defined as one’s involvement in life and social situations, and includes interpersonal interactions and involvement in relationships, major life areas, and community, social, and civic life3.Community participation is one of the most important elements of stroke rehabilitation. Perceived participation in community activities represents an individual’s perception of

  • Participation in Team Sports Builds Character

    999 Words  | 2 Pages

    Action Institute: http://www.acton.org/pub/commentary/2007/09/05/obviously-sports-do-not-build-character Henderson, K. (n.d.). High School Sports. Retrieved from Nola: http://highschoolsports.nola.com/news/article/8035444771445301439/can-sports-participation-build-character/

  • Essay On Participation Trophies

    725 Words  | 2 Pages

    Competition (participation trophies) Our society has shifted its beliefs in how we should treat competition in young people. The question is asked, should all kids get a participation trophy? As it may seem to be an unanswerable question, it honestly isn’t. Thought that the participation trophies may send the message that “coaches” value the kids’ efforts despite their abilities, trophies do not need to be given out. Your words mean just as much when you remind an athlete that you value them in

  • The Pros And Cons Of Traditional Dating

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    someone in another area that you may have never met. E-harmony, Christian mingle, and match.com makes online dating easy and accessible to people of all ages. These websites guarantee that you will meet your soul mate and help you find the one that you were looking for. Meeting a marital partner in traditional off-line venues has declined over the past several decades but meeting online has grown dramatically (Cacioppo,J, Cacippo, S, Gonzaga,G ,Ogburn, E, VanderWee... ... middle of paper ... ...y

  • Civic Participation

    874 Words  | 2 Pages

    between homeownership and civic participation. While most scholars agree that homeownership increases civic participation, the underlying reasons explaining this causal relationship are often contradictory. Contemporary scholarly interest in this topic seems to be motivated by the recent sub-prime mortgage crisis and historical policies that have promoted homeownership in the U.S. Other noteworthy trends include differing operational definitions of civic participation and efforts to increase social