Danforth Essays

  • Danforth?s Witch Hunt, Is It J

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    Hunt, Is it Justified? (An Essay on the Crucible) I write in response to your column regarding Judge Danforth’s actions during the witch trials in Salem. Surprisingly, you praised Judge Danforth for his “impartiality and tact” during this tragic set of trials. You could not be farther from the truth. Judge Danforth abused his judicial power, throughout the trials, to the fullest of his abilities. His abuses range from berating and coercing witness into saying what he wants them go, to blatantly ignoring

  • The Crucible: Danforth & Intolerance

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    on the true story of the city, displays the importance of reputation, hysteria, and intolerance through the actions of many characters in the play. Perhaps the most prominent is Danforth’s actions making way for a prominent theme of intolerance. Danforth, the deputy governor of the state and the judge presiding at the witch trials, is hypocritical while believing the action he is taking is for the common good of the people. Although these actions in no way resemble the common good, Danforth’s tyrannous

  • The Crucible: A Masterpiece of Dramatic Writing

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    outcome of dozens of lives and of her own and her husband’s, John Proctor is also the climax of the most effective build-up of suspense in the play. The effectivness of these scenes is also enhanced by powerful characters such as John Proctor and Danforth who display such intensity in their emotions and actions that the audience can not help but be moved. But most of all, these scenes show Miller’s theatrical qualities so that by the end of each of these scenes we not only understand his message but

  • Self-Inflicted Pain in The Crucible by Arthur Miller

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    honestly tell his wife, Elizabeth, the truth until the midst of the play. This later had influence to the turning point of the play as Elizabeth confront to Danforth that Proctor did not commit any sins, when in fact she is just trying to protect him. What she doesn't realize is that John had already confessed his sins to Danforth, therefore, Elizabeth's testimony imply that John was a liar. As a consequence, John was convicted and was sentenced to be hang. John Proctor's honesty have been

  • Inner Conflicts in The Crucible by Arthur Miller

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    tremulous feelings and general unease of the situation built up to his defining point of confession. Theocracy came together to take coerce control Salem and it's actions. Proctor saw this and feared, for diabolism was a practice unheard of. Danforth states, "You must understand, sir, a person is either with the church or against it, there be no road between. We live no longer in the dusky afternoon and evil mixed itself with good and befuddled world. Now by God's grace the good folk and evil

  • Quotes Which Can Be Used When Writing Your Essay on The Crucible

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    Abigail is clearly committing perjury. Another informative aspect of this quote is that it sheds light on the person Abigail truly is because it shows that she is a lying, conniving person, who will stop at nothing to get what she wants. Judge Danforth: “Who weeps for these weeps for corruption.” This quote explains Judge Danforth’s mentality in regards to the court proceedings. He used the information that he was given in order to make an assessment of the situation. The problem with that method

  • What is the effect on the audience of John Proctors decision in act 4?

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    others involved are what we know as saints; Rebecca and Martha are very holy people, who believe that they should never lie, even though the consequences may be as extravagant as death, the two saints are holding out against the interrogation of Danforth, therefore John takes it into account that although he is not as holy as they are, to keep the faith, he must hold out, but, the audience gets a shock when John considers the agreement, this gives us an element of surprise and a will he wont

  • Mass Hysteria during the Salem Witch Trials and 9/11

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    town of who was really loyal and who was not, even though it was a hoax. When Abigail started to pretend that Mary Warren was sending out her spirit to attack her Danforth cried out “‘Mary Warren, do you witch her? I say to you, do you send your spirit out?’” It was the first explanation for what was going on in the court room and Danforth jumped on it like it was treasure for the taking. Even though these girls were obviously pretending, it was unheard of that someone would falsify information to

  • Act II of The Crucible

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    it only makes her the accuser. Some of the people in the town starts to notice that refer to the scene in court from Francise's view " Excellency, we have proof for your eyes; God forbid you shut them to it. The girls, sir, the girls are frauds. Danforth goes on to say "What's that!?" Francis "Excellency, I have never thought to say it to such a weighty judge, but you are decieved". This clearly starts to chop down on Abigails roll as an honest accuser. after Abigail's acusings continue the town

  • Hysteria Changes People

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    rules of daily life and allows the acting out of every dark desire and hateful urge under the charade of righteousness. In “The Crucible” by Arthur Miller, the hysteria due to the paranoia of witchcraft causes Abigail to lie in order to save herself, Danforth to ruin the community, and Proctor to be convicted of witchery. The hysteria surrounding the witchtrials causes Abigail to lie in order to save herself. She is affected by the hysteria because she does not want to exposed as a liar. She forgets about

  • Comparing McCarthyism and the Witch Trials in The Crucible

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    protagonist John Proctor, and can cause one’s views and actions to be altered. One view towards the issue of self-sacrifice is that it is a pointless waste of life due to pride. As the date of Proctor’s hanging approaches, he is encouraged by Parris, Danforth and even Reverend Hale to confess to witchcraft, which would thus validate the hanging of the rema... ... middle of paper ... ...e as simply a waste, however if it is done to help rid one’s community of conformity and hysteria, it is a noble

  • Examples of People With Integrity

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    crime he didn't commit. He knows that being dishonest isn't being loyal to his beliefs. In The Crucible, an example of not possessing integrity is also shown. Danforth, is the prime example of having no loyalty towards himselfor his beliefs. Danforth, is the Deputy Governor who convicts the citizens of being witches. When Danforth is asked to pardon the accused, he refuses saying that he can't because twelve have already hung for the same crime, and he refuses to let asnyone off. Even though

  • Characterization Of Reverend Samuel Parris In "the Crucible"

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    a petition with 91 names on it, a petition to set Rebecca, Goody Proctor, and Martha Corey free Parris demands that all those on the list be called in for questioning. pg93 Danforth, glancing at the list: How many names are here? Frances: Ninety-one, Your Excellency. Parris, sweating: These people should be summoned. Danforth looks up at him questioningly. For questioning. Parris: This is a clear attack upon the court! Parris also attacks Mary Warren harshly when she changes sides to help John Proctor

  • Viewing The Crucible with a Feminist Lens

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    To be seen and not heard; a quality shared by the inanimate object, and the conventional woman. Society has conformed women into accessories, and therefore, literature has followed suit. Inherent in this ideology, are many base traits attributed to women. Arthur Miller’s The Crucible exploits these traditional feminine characteristics to aid the female character in her role of complimenting the male. When observing something from an alternate perspective it can take on a whole new meaning. Studying

  • Character Traits of Elizabeth Proctor

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    honesty proves to be an important factor all through the book. This honest woman only lies once throughout the entire book. She tells this lie to Danforth in order to protect her husband’s reputation from being blackened in the village. Her honesty proves true when she is sent to jail for witchcraft, and she discovers she is pregnant. When she tells Danforth he says “ There be no sign of it- we have examined her body” (92). In the last act, while talking to her husband, he asks “The child?” She then

  • Honor in Arthur Miller's The Crucible

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    is telling the judge, “ Proctor: You will not use me! I am no Sarah Good or Tituba, I am John Proctor! You will not use me! It is no part of salvation that you should use me! Danforth: I do not wish to- Proctor: I have three children- how may I teach them to walk like men in the world, and I sold my friends? Danforth: you have not sold your friends- Proctor: Beguile me not! I blacken all of the when this is nailed to the church the very day they hang for silence!(137)” Proctor is now realizing

  • Danforth In The Crucible

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    Deputy Governor Danforth is the leading government official in Salem, Massachusetts and his character, an enigma, makes it hard to decipher his intentions. Danforth, a morally ambiguous character, has a large amount of power and he exercises it liberally without others knowing of it’s justification. Respect is easily given to Danforth by the characters Herrick, Cheever, and Hawthorne, essentially only by his sycophants. Each character never questions his commands and they perform his biddings with

  • In act four of The Crucible, Arthur miller shows the varying views of

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    the characters and that they have an unfair and incorrect viewpoint of justice. In order to understand this, we need to look at how harshly John Proctor comes about to be judged by his wife and himself. Another key idea to explore is how Judge Danforth does not seem very fair in making judgements, as he believes he is honest and scrupulous whereas he is a strong believer of theocracy and his view of justice is warped. Another of the writer’s concerns is how a society ensures justice and fairness

  • The Crucible by Arthur Miller

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    government during the time of this play is a theocracy—a government of God, run by the town’s minister. This means that the people cannot elect their own leaders. In The Crucible, the minister of the town is Reverend Samuel Parris. Mr. Herrick says to Danforth, “Mr. Parris command me, sir. I cannot deny him.” This shows that he, Mr. Parris, holds a definite authority over Mr. Herrick. In this theocracy, the people have to obey the minister and his appointed colleagues no matter what. The townspeople will

  • Title Acceptation to the Crucible

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    in his play, The Crucible. The aforementioned definitions play a large part in The Crucible's symbolism, characters, and plot. "A place or situation . . . " is the definition mostly used in the play's plot. The change of the village is shown when Danforth states that ". . . a person is either with this court or he must be counted against it, there be no road between. This is a sharp time, now, a precise time--we live no longer in the dusky afternoon when evil mixed itself with good and befuddled the