Cryptographic hash function Essays

  • Cryptography Essay

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    it played a crucial role in the World War I and II. Cryptographic technique is an effective method for protecting many private and public data transported in the network of global information communication. It is the process of changing information such as e-mail, banking data, and other confidential information, into an unreadable form that only the person intended to receive it can understand the information. There are two types of cryptographic schemes in use today: private key or secret key (also

  • Cryptography In Dot Net Framework

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    achieve the simple cryptographic functionality through Microsoft Dot NET Framework. Introduction To achieve the functionality of cryptography in any programming language is a tedious task. It can now achieved easily through microsoft dot net framework.Earlier you have design the algorithm ,set the key and use the existing library to implement the process. The library covers various symmetric,unsymmetric and hash functions. A set of cryptographic tools is important

  • Information Security: Public Key Infrastructure

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    use of public key cryptography to provide authenticity, confidentiality, integrity, and non-repudiation services (CITE). The word cryptography is derived from the Greek word “kryptos”(CITE), which means hidden. It is the technique in which a cryptographic algorithm is used to take the original plaintext information and then make it unreadable to everyone except for those it was initially intended for by scrambling it into ciphertext. This is known as encryption, and the process that unscrambles

  • The History and Applications of Cryptography

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    Cryptography is the study of secure or secret communications. Cryptography has been around for thousands of years. Cryptography has been around for thousands of years. Cryptography deals with authentication, confidentiality, and integrity of data. There are many different implementations of cryptography in information systems. This paper will cover hashing, encryption, digital signatures, and digital certificates. Cryptography dates back as early as the Egyptian Hieroglyphs that were carved

  • A Survey on the Limitations of Graphical

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    have to choose passwords that contain numbers and special characters, as well as letters. Limitation: The compliance is the most critical problem in this technique and the users are at risk, it may expect to ch... ... middle of paper ... ...h function to a combination of the plaintext password entered by the user. Data associated with the website and a private salt stored on the client machine. Stealing the password received at one site will not give up the password that is useful at other site

  • Countering Replay Attacks

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    makes independent connections with the victims and hence transfers relays messages between them, making them believe they are talking directly to each other. Fig 2: Man in the middle attack[2] 3.Pre-Play Attack :- It is a cryptographic attack in which an attacker prepares for the attack in advance by carrying out a simulated transaction while pretending to be the device to be attacked, and then repeats the attack a second time with the real device at a time when it is

  • Intelligent Multimedia Security Services

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    Recently, security has become one of the most significant and challenging problems for spreading new information technology. Since digital data can easily be copied, multiplied without information loss, and manipulated without any detection, security solutions are required, which encounter these threats? Security solutions are especially of interest for such fields as distributed production processes and electronic commerce, since their producers provide only access control mechanisms to prevent

  • The AES Encryption Algorithm

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    performed. VII. HASH IMPLEMENTATION SHA1 is a hashing algorithm which stands for Secure Hashing Algorithm, it is widely used in many application including SSL,TLS,SSH. SHA1 ALGORITHM DESCRIPTION Padding which pads the message with a single one followed by zeroes until the final block has 448 bits.. Append the size of the original message as an unsigned 64 bit integer. Initialize the 5 hash blocks (h0, h1, h2, h3, h4) to the specific constants defined in the SHA1 standard. Hash for each 512

  • The Vulnerability of Antiquated Protocols

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    Protocols are a common focus of attack because of the number of devices that can be targeted. Devices made by different vendors are able to communicate and work with each other because of standard protocols that allow them to understand each other. The wide use of these protocols makes them an appealing target to attackers. If a flaw can be found in a popular protocol, then many devices made by different vendors will be vulnerable to the attack. There are a number of different protocols over the

  • MD5 Checksum Utility

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    category of Hash Functions. A hash function takes a message of arbitrary length and spits out a fixed length code. The output is called the message digest or hash. One way hash functions are used to provide a "fingerprint" of a message or file. The hash fingerprint is supposed to be unique and because of this can prove the authenticity of the message. MD5 was developed by a professor named Ronald Rivest of the prestigious MIT. He created the algorithm to replace an earlier hash function which was

  • Chapter 1 Quiz

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    Part 1 Chapter 1 Problems: 1.4 For each of the following assets, assign a low, moderate, or high impact level for the loss of confidentiality, availability, and integrity, respectively. Justify your answers. a. An organization managing public information on its Web server. b. A law enforcement organization managing extremely sensitive investigative information. c. A financial organization managing routine administrative information (not privacy-related information). d. An information system

  • The Pros And Cons Of Bitcoin

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    As stated previously, there are many different cryptocurrencies whose protocols are very close to that of bitcoin. There are several major areas in which these protocols typically differ. A. Proof-of-Work vs. Proof-of-Stake Proof-of-work means that the probability of “mining” a block is proportional to the processing work done by the miner. In a group of miners, coins in a proof-of-work system are split up based on their “hashrates,” or how many attempted hashes they can do a second. As stated previously

  • Binary Search Tree Research Paper

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    Name: Ahmed Iqbal Roll No: 12k-2031 Section: R1 Practical Applications Of: 1. Binary Search Tree(BST) Binary search tree is used in many applications where information is always entering and leaving, for example, map and set objects in many languages libraries. Storing a set of names, and you look up on that on the basis of the prefix of name basically used in internet routers. Storing a path in a graph and for being able to reverse any subsection of a path in O (log n) is time basically useful

  • Dynamic Key Management System for Improving Security in Three-tier Environment

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    Related Work The key management problem is an bigger issue in sensor field. Each and every sensor nodes are needed to transmit the node, then only the data’s are reached to base station, so each and every sensor node within a group need an keys to transmit the data. While attacker entered and also get the full access of sensor node, and ready to hack data, but they need to wait. Because the node are none of the keys at the time, transmitting time only the nodes get access of keys from the cluster

  • Hashing and Randomizing

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    it using the original value. It is also used in many encryption algorithms Hash functions: Hash functions are mostly used in hash tables, to quickly locate a data record (for example, a dictionary definition) given its search key (the headword). Specifically, the hash function is used to map the search key to the index of a slot in the table where the corresponding record is supposedly stored. A hash table, or (a hash map), is a data structure that associates keys with values. The primary operation

  • Cryptography Case Study

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    files. Cryptographic strength is measured in the time and resources it would require recovering the plaintext. The result of strong cryptography is ciphertext that is very

  • Cos001330 Unit 3 Lab Test

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    COS0013-LAB TEST 1 1. What is a “honeypot”? It is a trap set in computer system is used to detect unauthorized access and to collect information regarding intruder or attacker in the system. Honeypot is considered as one of the security technique used in the computer to trap the attacker. 2. What is “blackholling”? Blackholling is used to stop the denial of attacks and malware based attacks. It is a technique used by the internet service providers to block the data coming from certain ip addresses

  • Cryptography Essay

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    Privacy/confidentiality: Ensuring that ... ... middle of paper ... ...different cipher text in a stream cipher [20]. Stream ciphers come in many flavors but two are worth mentioning here. Self-synchronizing stream ciphers calculate each bit in the keystream as a function of the previous n bits in the keystream. It is termed as "self-synchronizing" because the decryption process can be synchronized with the encryption process merely by knowing how far into the n-bit key stream it is. One problem is error propagation

  • Literature Review on How Insurance Companies Identify Fraud

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    LITERATURE REVIEW Fraud in insurance companies As According to Verma and Mani (2002) analytics can contribute in accompanying your enterprise technologies into a social networking era, Big Data and CRM to crack down on financial offenders. Verma and Mani (2002) highlighted that the increasing number of mobile devices and social media platforms are bringing significant transformations in the world of business including the insurance sector. The opportunities offered by this landscape for

  • Information Security: The Strength and Vulnerabilities of The Trusted Platform Module

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    These standards delineate rule sets for mobile devices, desktop systems, laptop computers, and servers as well as network infrastructure constraints. Stipulations concerning Application Programming Interfaces as well as the protocols required to function within a trusted computing state are additionally outlined. (Malipatlolla et al, 2013) The Trusted Platform Module may be deployed in the form of hardware or as software component on a system that contains RSA encryption keys detailed to ... .