Consumer fireworks Essays

  • Fireworks Research

    777 Words  | 2 Pages

    Fireworks When thinking of fireworks, many peoples first instinct is to picture bursts of color accompanied by the loud noises of the explosions. Not many people think of what all goes into the production of a firework and how it works. But then again, why would you when you could be enjoying a beautiful firework display? Exactly, you wouldn’t. Let me tell you a little bit about what goes into fireworks and why you see what you see. It will make you appreciate the fireworks even more than you already

  • Fireworks

    512 Words  | 2 Pages

    Every year, America celebrates many holidays with fireworks. One of the most popular selections is a Roman Candle. If you want to try to make this at home, common pyrotechnics stores have all the supplies you would need. Just think of the “oohhs” and “ahhhhs” when you light off your homemade fireworks at home. First of all, you need a sturdy, good tube. The tube should be cylindrical and should be at least 3/32 of an inch thick. The opening at the top of your tube should have a 5/8 inch opening.

  • History of Fireworks

    591 Words  | 2 Pages

    History of Fireworks The birthplace of fireworks is generally recognized as China, with the first explosive mixture found being black powder, during the Sung dynasty ( 960-1279 ). It is said that a cook in ancient china found that a mixture of sulfur, saltpeter, and charcoal was very flammable and would explode if enclosed in a small space. The first application of this technology was for entertainment. The Chinese are still the leader in the production of fireworks. Once the recipe for black

  • Fireworks

    736 Words  | 2 Pages

    Fireworks How do fireworks produce their brilliant colors and loud bangs? To produce the noise and flashes, an oxidizer (an oxidizing agent) and a fuel (reducing agent) are used. The oxidizer oxidizes the fuel in a very exothermic reaction which produces a brilliant flash and a loud report from the rapidly expanding gases produced. For a color effect, an element with a colored emission spectrum is included. Electrons in atoms can be raised to higher-energy orbitals when the atoms absorb

  • Importance Of New Year

    1937 Words  | 4 Pages

    New Year is one of the oldest festive occasions, which is universally celebrated. It is the time when people celebrate the arrival of the forthcoming year and bid goodbye to the year that has passed by. New Year is celebrated all over the world, though not necessarily on 1st of January. It is interesting to note that not all the countries follow the same calendar. Countries like China, India and Israel have their own versions of lunar calendar and celebrate New Year at different periods. Some countries

  • Greek Vacation

    1035 Words  | 3 Pages

    I have always loved going on vacation. It doesn't matter where the vacation is to, as long as I am away from home for a few days. As a kid, we would take many vacations to California; I loved them! To me, vacations are a break. Sometimes they turn into permanent breaks. A couple summers ago, I traveled to Athens, Greece - it's so beautiful! During this vacation I spent a majority of my time with my family that lives there. As I am part Greek. We accomplished so many things, sightseeing in particular

  • Childhood Memories

    1054 Words  | 3 Pages

    a slow ride, but I still liked it because there was air conditioning inside the ball. We spent all day at the park until we had ridden everything. That night Disney World had a firework show. The fireworks seemed like they lasted forever with the amazing colors bursting in the air one right after another. When the firework show finally ended my parents told me that it was time to leave. I was...

  • New Year's Eve

    1001 Words  | 3 Pages

    Nearly eleven schools, twelve cities, two countries and three different education systems: yes, this is a short summary of the seventeen years of my life. My father is a fighter pilot with the Indian Air Force. My mother, a strong lady. I have breathed every breath of my life in a defense forces atmosphere, and no other kind of life could ever substitute for the discipline and grooming which is credited to only a defense forces life, and which fortunately has been inculcated in me. I have never

  • Personal Narrative Essay: My First Fire Scene

    835 Words  | 2 Pages

    Today is the day! I finally got to go to a fire scene! My first fire scene! And it was a fatal fire scene! I know it is wrong to be happy that not only did someone’s house burn but also that someone died while it was happening, but it means that I can actually take what I have been learning and finally incorporate it into real life. DCI does not get called to every fire in the state of Wisconsin. They are actually only usually utilized for fires that arson or when there is a fatality present in

  • Embracing Cultures: The Chinese and The Scottish People

    1193 Words  | 3 Pages

    Year. During this time they are celebrating their calendar New Year and it’s a weeklong celebration. While celebrating everyone is fixed on the festival. Businesses close to celebrate the New Year as they offer up sacrifices to the gods and light fireworks to scare off evil spirits. While researching different events, I also came across another interesting event that the Scottish people do every year. The name of this event is the Up Helly Aa Fire Festival. The Up Helly Aa Fire Festival is an event

  • Spring Festival: Spring Festival In The Chinese New Year

    962 Words  | 2 Pages

    Haru Festival: Spring festival In modern times, Spring Festival is another name for the Chinese New Year. It is an important traditional holiday celebrated at the start of the Chinese lunar calendar for the Chinese all over the world. The festival last for 15 days and is longest festival for the Chinese. The 12 zodiacs are in order from the Rat to Pig. Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Chicken, Dog, and Pig. Early morning of the first day, children will greet their

  • Festival Of Nepal: The Legend Of Bisket Festival In Nepal

    1728 Words  | 4 Pages

    Festival in Nepal Bisket Festival Bisket Festival celebrates in Bhaktapur Durbar Square. It falls in mid-April annually. Newar people are wheeled wooden chariots around the quadrangles. The city Bhaktapur lies some 19 km east of Thamel. The legend mentioned ages ago the two snakes originated of the bride’s nose. The entire married prince always was killed by the two snakes. Later a prince found the secret story with an old woman. The prince was successfully cut the snakes twenty times with a sword

  • The Color Red Essay

    665 Words  | 2 Pages

    food or fireworks. So one day, I told my mother “I am a big boy now. I can keep the money by myself. So can I take the red packet this year?”. Since that year, I am really happy that I have the power to own my red packet. The money of the red packet will be used by buying some snacks and drinks. Young people, like me, will going out buy some fireworks or firecrackers. There are a lot of kind fireworks in China, including sparklers, firecrackers, basic fireworks, and ariel or display fireworks. Almost

  • Traveling Trophy

    516 Words  | 2 Pages

    Traveling Trophy It’s amazing how something so seemingly insignificant and ordinary can represent something so meaningful in one’s life. I have many such objects, but this one may be the most unique. Maybe it is my vivid memories of the jagged, towering mountains or the crisp Colorado air. Maybe it is the weekend of being carefree and just enjoying life. Maybe it is because it was the only trip I have ever made to Lake City. Yeah, it is all of that, but none of that would matter without it being

  • Pyrotechnics, The Art Of Fire

    506 Words  | 2 Pages

    Pyrotechnics is defined as the art of manufacturing or setting of fireworks. There are many different forms of pyrotechnics. Some consider fireworks dangerous, obnoxious bursts of noise; others consider them beautiful, artful displays of light. Either way you look at it, pyrotechnics is an interesting and dangerous hobby. Many colors and designs may be created by the placement of different compounds in distinct areas of the fireworks, either projectile or stationary ones. Some of the many different

  • Graduation Speech: Fireworks

    989 Words  | 2 Pages

    Even though you cannot see them yet, the fireworks will begin tonight. In bright stunning colors, they will paint over the black world around them and they will glow. In all shapes and sizes they will scatter over the stars and the moon. They will erupt in loud, almost deafening blasts to hushed crackles of soundless glory. Each diploma received is a lighted match of fire. Each graduate is a fuse. If you put a lighted match and a fuse together, you make sparks to create light. If you put a diploma

  • The Chemistry Of Fireworks

    1219 Words  | 3 Pages

    Fireworks are an established part of many festivities as entertainment, including Independence Day, community festivals, social gathering, and overall celebration, but also were used as weaponry by Chinese. (Helmenstine, Anne Marie) Fireworks need a source of combustible substance like metals. Metals are used in compounds or in their initial form to give color to fireworks. Therefore, they will glow when energy is applied. This occurs by 2 ways. By incandescence or known as when the light is emitted

  • Physics of Fireworks

    2865 Words  | 6 Pages

    After black powder was discovered by the Chinese in the 9th Century, the relatively short history of fireworks began with this explosive chemical composition. Black powder is made up of potassium nitrate, sulfur, and charcoal (KNO3); in the correct amounts, this combination has very explosive results. The use of black powder sprung forth the evolution of muskets, rockets, and fireworks. Although history has shown that the development of black powder muskets into modern day guns, artillery, and weapons

  • Comparison Between Piano Concert By Barbara Wieman And Sacramento Cham

    1012 Words  | 3 Pages

    music seemed to flow and had a great rhythm. This piece was romantic in nature and probably that is why it was written in the romantic era. C. Debussy ‘s Feux d'artifice (fireworks) was the next piece played. The harmony was very obscured in this piece of music. The theme trying to be presented in this piece was as if fireworks were going off. The notes were ever changing and there was a very good uses of all the keys of the piano. This piece was not very pleasing at all and I did not care for

  • Serenity of the Field

    969 Words  | 2 Pages

    As I drive up the hill, passing the mailbox and the meticulously groomed lawn, I find myself taking on a transformation. I breathe a sigh of relief and feel the tension drain from my body in anticipation of seeing "my place." As I turn the corner I see it, to anyone else it just looks like a simple field. But to me, it is my sanctuary that I can escape from the hectic world. This is where I can relax and feel like I’m a kid again. In my field, for a short while time stops, and I don’t have to worry