Cereal bars Essays

  • The Nutri-Grain Bar In The 1990's

    1873 Words  | 4 Pages

    Nutri-Grain cereal bars were created by the Kellogg Company and first introduced in the 1970’s Australia. They were later introduced to the United States and other countries. As more women began to work outside the home, the ritual of a family breakfast became obsolete as many individuals turned to quicker solutions for breakfast. The Nutri-Grain bar soon became popular as the on-the-go snack during the 1990’s. The cereal bar also comes in a variety of flavors that kids love, from blueberry to strawberry

  • The Fluidity of Oats

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    oats to be unhealthy wheat, and lots of cultures believed them to be higher suited to animals Oats derived from a weed of the first cereal domesticates wheat and barley. As these cereals unfold westward into cooler, wetter areas, this could have favored the oat weed part, resulting in its ultimate domestication. According to Healthy Oats Food Magazine, “Oats is a cereal plant cultivated primarily in cool climate and widely used for animal feed additionally as human consumption. Healthful functions

  • School Breakfast Programs

    1956 Words  | 4 Pages

    School Breakfast Programs For most kids waking up in the morning, getting dressed and sitting down to a bowl of cereal and some toast is a normal occurrence for them. However for some students that luxury may not be possible. Over the past couple of years several states across the US have spent millions of dollars and served over 360 million breakfasts and lunches for children who cannot afford to have a regular priced meal or who don’t have money for food at all. With these programs producing

  • Kelloggs Analysis

    1203 Words  | 3 Pages

    Kelloggs Analysis (1997 Financial Analysis) Introduction: Kellogg Company and its subsidiaries are engaged in the manufacture and marketing of ready-to-eat cereal and convenience food products on a worldwide basis. The principal products of the Company are ready-to-eat cereals and convenience food products, which are manufactured in 20 countries and distributed in more than 160 countries. The Company's products are generally marketed under the Kellogg's and Morningstar Farms names, and are

  • NASCAR: Not Just for Rednecks

    1048 Words  | 3 Pages

    NASCAR: Not Just for Rednecks Generally when someone mentions NASCAR, one perceives a stereotypical image of mullets, beer bellies, or in easier terms a “redneck.” Societies’ general perception of a redneck is low income, rowdy, no civic interest, and someone who is not very intelligent. Little do they know this image is not exactly what you see at a NASCAR race. NASCAR includes a very wide variety of people. This is not fair for NASCAR fans to be put in this banal category. NASCAR has several

  • Tubing

    1188 Words  | 3 Pages

    Wiping the sleepies out of my eyes, I quickly glanced at my alarm clock – 5 am. “Good, I’ve got plenty of time,” I thought to myself. As quietly as possible, which never works when I am trying to, I quickly grabbed a bowl of cereal for breakfast. Checking my list and grabbing my gear I headed out to wait for a taxi in the cool fading morning. I could taste the excitement, or was that the humidity? That day began like all the other missionary kid tubing trips down the Davao River in the Philippines

  • A Comparison of Adverting Methods of Two Cereals

    849 Words  | 2 Pages

    Adverting Methods of Two Cereals I examined two cereal packets to try to determine advertising methods and processes of persuasion to draw people in to buy a product. In this study of advertising methods, I looked at two packets of cereal, "Kelloggs Crunchy Nut

  • My Seminary Experience

    628 Words  | 2 Pages

    morning before school, to me school was enough, but after my first year of seminary I could see the true impact it had on me. Wake up at 6:00, take a quick shower, brush my teeth, throw on some clothes, go to seminary at 6:30 to 7:20, get a bowl of cereal and go to school. This was a schedule no more than three high school students could testify to, and not one non-Mormon could truly appreciate. Going to seminary every morning and having to wake up an hour and half after most of your classmates is

  • Salt, Sugar, and Fat: Is It Cereal or Candy?

    664 Words  | 2 Pages

    During the chapter the author explains to us how the use of sugar is applied to things such as breakfast. The cereal that we use every day can have twice as much as it should. Huge companies such as Kellogg’s use this idea of adding more sugar so they can have a huge profit. John Harvey Kellogg wanted to cure “Americanitis”, which was the stomachache caused by the typical American breakfast. This breakfast consisted of sausage, fried ham, beefsteak, bacon, with whiskey and salt added on top. He decided

  • Pain on the Playground

    992 Words  | 2 Pages

    Playground On one fateful evening, in the summer of 2001, an incident occurred that would scar me for life. At the beginning of the day, the routine was as normal as any other day. I would get up, climb out of bed, head into the kitchen, enjoy a bowl of cereal, put on my sneakers, and head across the street to the playground. As I entered the playground that day, I was totally oblivious to what was about to transpire. Until this summer evening, pain was only a four letter word in my mind. Now I admit

  • Salem Witch Trials Report

    606 Words  | 2 Pages

    I am writing this report today to explain the major reasons behind the horrific witchcraft trials that took place in Salem, Massachusetts in the years 1692 and 1693. For years, this event has been ignored. However, after analyzing the evidence in this case, I have some startling news to share. First, I will explain to you several theories that make the most sense. Then, I will to you what I believe caused the Salem community to respond in such a cruel and violent way. The theory I believe that played

  • Pros Of Reaping

    588 Words  | 2 Pages

    Reaping is an incredibly painstaking process done by hand using a scythe. This long and inefficient process limits a farm’s harvest and leads to decreased crop yields and increased prices. The new McCORMICK MECHANICAL REAPER takes away all these problems. Exceedingly simple in its operation, compact, well built, and very dependable, this revolutionary creation will make it incredibly easy to cut and gather crops. This machine combines the many steps involved in harvesting grain and makes gathering

  • Writing Assignment Critique

    676 Words  | 2 Pages

    This is a descriptive writing assignment and is designed for students in grades three to five. It is titled “Shoe Description” and is exactly that, a descriptive essay of a shoe. Students are asked to study one of their shoes and include details about the style, size, shape, color, and function of the shoe. The task seems clear, giving the students an object to describe and ideas of what to consider about the appearance of the object (a shoe). Creative students might expand on the prompt and find

  • Essay On Cereals

    2926 Words  | 6 Pages

    Cereals are very important crops. They are cultivated mainly for food, feed, alcohol production and as important raw materials in industries (FAO, 1995). Cereals are the most important food crops in the world (Hammes et al., 2005). In the developing countries, especially in Africa and Asia, virtually all the cultivated cereal crops are used for human nutrition with a greater part subjected to fermentation. The commonly cultivated cereals in Africa include maize (Zea mays), pearl millet (Pennisetum

  • Importance Of Wheat

    718 Words  | 2 Pages

    Wheat itself has been a prominent ingredient for many years. Wheat dates back a very long time, and there are records of Ancient Chinese writings from 2700 BC that reference wheat. The reason that wheat was, and continues to be, so important is because the main product of wheat, flour, has been used to make breads and other baked goods for thousands of years. Bread has been a staple food throughout history because it was cheap, easy to make, and filling. Even nowadays it is still a staple, used to

  • Farming In Denmark

    957 Words  | 2 Pages

    farming, Animal farming, and Mixed farming In Jutland, the least intensive farming is found. There they mainly grow rye, oats, and potatoes. Pasture land is also found there. In Fyn and Zealand, the most Intensive farming is found. There they grow cereals with root crops, and pigs. Some areas in Jutland and Fyn are also used for mixed farming. Is the Land Suitable for Farming?: Denmark’s land wasn’t very fertile in the Nineteenth century. It had Sandy soils in the West and Clay land in the East

  • Latvian Jews and the Holocaust

    832 Words  | 2 Pages

    engaged in commerce of every variety including leasing, brokering, and peddling. Jew were goldsmiths, brandy distillers, artisans, tradesmen, and even sometimes hired as tax collectors. Jews were the ceter of economic life. They controlled exports of cereal, flax, eggs, and timber. Tanneries, sawmills, and banks were often owned by Jews, even clothing factories and stores were owned and operated by mostly Jews. Most well known doctors and lawyers and entertainers were Jewish, but of the 5,921 civil servants

  • The Mediterranean Diet

    1062 Words  | 3 Pages

    Somerset Maugham said that “To eat well in England you should have breakfast three times a day”. “To live anywhere in the world you should eat at least three times a day” is probably close to the truth as well. What people eat and drink in countries close to the Mediterranean Sea is called the Mediterranean Diet. To compare this Mediterranean Diet to a typical Diet from the south of Benin, it would be correct to say that the Benin Diet is equivalent to the Mediterranean Diet because although the

  • The Mediterranean Diet

    1049 Words  | 3 Pages

    easily. Key characteristics of the Mediterranean diet include: • One to two glasses of red wine per day for men and one glass of red wine per day for women. • Daily consumption of lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. • Whole grains used in breads, cereals, couscous and pastas. • Weekly consumption of meats, such as poultry, eggs (0 to 4 eggs per week), lamb, veal, and fish and other seafood. Very little red meat is consumed using this diet. • Nuts,... ... middle of paper ... ... on special occasions

  • Persuasive Speech On Drink More Water

    2096 Words  | 5 Pages

    Welcome! Here is some great news for you if you want to get in great shape again without spending hours in the local gym with a bunch of over-sized guys half your age: You can do it! The fact is that just because you are a bit older does not mean that you have to resign yourself to a spare tire around your middle and lonely weekends at home. Of course, you will have to make some changes in your lifestyle in order to achieve this. That doesn 't mean eating rabbit food or anything else so extreme