Cengage Learning Essays

  • Jimmy Cross Essay

    1002 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Vietnam War was an event that no man came back the same. Soldiers faced tough decisions in a grueling environment. War is fought by men, but the act is caused by only hate and evil between two or more countries. In this story Tim O’ Brien tells a story of his time in the service with his squad members especially his squad leader named jimmy cross. The story talks about O’Brien’s point of view of Cross’s combat experience and his troublesome uphills he and his teammates face in the war to battle

  • Importance Of Cultural Diversity And Communication

    1921 Words  | 4 Pages

    Exam’s Answers Question 3 The first situation is when people talk about the important things, they should avoid email. For example, when I have to apologize the meeting with other companies was failed because of my mistake. If I send my statement of apology to my boss, the boss would get angry, because it is a just words even though I wrote the sentence that showed deep apology. A boss cannot receive true my mind. However, by using verbal, a boss knows how deeply I regret and apologize from my facial

  • Confidentiality Case Study

    618 Words  | 2 Pages

    Discussion 2 Confidentiality is the moral principle or legal right that a therapist must uphold secret of all information relating to clients, unless the client gives consent permitting disclosures. Principles of respect for client autonomy and fidelity, is both ethical concerns, and important element in the counselor/ client relations (Welfel, 2013). In the world of psychotherapy, confidentiality assures honesty and respect between therapist and client. Clarifying what we talk about in the

  • The Danger In Storytelling

    1024 Words  | 3 Pages

    January 2014 Runge, Paul. “Video Games Represent the Most Powerful (and Potentially Dangerous) Era in Storytelling”. Huff Post Tech. 10/21/2013 31 January 2014 Savu, Laura. “The Crooked Business of Storytelling”. Ariel. Summer 2005 36. 3-4 Gale Cengage Learning. Thomson Gale. Webster Schroeder Library, Webster, NY. 31 January 2014.

  • Human Service Skills

    1160 Words  | 3 Pages

    to improve services to clients" (Woodside & Tricia McClam, © 2011 Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning,). And "For many human service professionals, the key to successful service delivery is providing clients, or consumers of human services, with the opportunity and support to be self-sufficient. Economic self-sufficiency strengthens an individual's self-esteem. (Woodside & Tricia McClam, © 2011 Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning,). It was not long before in 2009, colleges were offering human services degrees

  • Gestalt Therapy Analysis

    545 Words  | 2 Pages

    Gestalt therapy emphasizes awareness of self and others in relationships (Sharf, 2012, 245). It also focuses on one’s current situation and ability to take responsibility for it (Sharf, 2012, 252). I really liked learning about this therapy, because I feel like it can be utilized at my workplace, a prison setting. Inmate patients we receive have a very hard time accepting responsibility for how they got to us, and in jail, in the first place. They also struggle immensely with building relationships

  • Reflection On Communication Styles

    778 Words  | 2 Pages

    This class is really giving me insight into the different communication styles. Over the past week, I really had to set and review my friendships. At first, it was a bit difficult to answer the questions of who is least dominant and who had the lowest sociability. I really had to think, because most of my friends are alike. We are all the same with subtle differences, or so I thought. I have a very close circle of friends I call my sisters, there is a total of five of us. For the most part, we all

  • The Juxtaposition of Innocence and corruption in Blake's 'Song of Innocence and Experience.'

    587 Words  | 2 Pages

    (1794). Eng 203: Romantic and Victorian literature. The chimney sweeper (songs of Experience). Thimphu. Gale, Cengage Learning (2013). Overview: The chimney sweeper. Retrieved from Gale Online Encyclopedia. Harrison, J. (2002). Blakes chimney sweeper. Ontario: EBSCO Publishing. Linkin, H., K.(2005). The language of speakers in songs of innocence and of experience. Gale: Cengage Learning. Rowhanimanesh, M.(2011). British romantic poetry and the concept of childhood. Retrieved From http://www.cscanada

  • Summary of Week 1 class 1 Introduction to Case Management

    639 Words  | 2 Pages

    case managers, since many don’t care for the way it sounds that they’re dealing with clients, rather than helping them. The way the process is currently set up case management will take place in three phases: assessment, which deals with the initial learning aspect of what their client is dealing with and how it is affecting them, followed by the planning phase which will put into works the most proficient strategy in place, and then implementation which executes what has been set up for the client.

  • The Importance Of The Psychological Contract

    756 Words  | 2 Pages

    According to Mathis, Jackson and Valentine (2013) the Psychological Contract refers to the unwritten expectations employees and employers have about the nature of their work relationships. Thankfully I have worked for more employers who have, for the most part, gotten the psychological contract right. I am an extremely engaged employee. I always say “ I work like I own the place”. Do not misunderstand, I am no Miss Goody Two Shoes but I work very hard to uphold my end of the psychological contract

  • school uniforms

    650 Words  | 2 Pages

    Giorgetti. "The Origin Of Black Smock And White Collar." Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice 9.4 (2009): 1739-1750. Academic Search Complete. Web. 18 Apr. 2014. Gale (Firm). “Gale opposing viewpoints in context.” [Farmington Hills, Mich.] : Gale Cengage Learning, [2012]. Web. April 18, 2014

  • e-Books: Reading Environmentally

    1150 Words  | 3 Pages

    knowledge or unique creative, we also can not invent so many technological products, isn’t it? Works Cited Miller, Debra A. E-books. Detroit, MI: Greenhaven, 2013. Print. Gerdes, Louise I. What is the Impact of Digitizing Books? Détroit: GALE CENGAGE Learning, 2013. Print.

  • Difference Between Supervision and Consultation

    787 Words  | 2 Pages

    Today. Retrieved Retrieved April 8, 2014, from http://ct.counseling.org/2013/07/what-you-dont-know-could-hurt-your-practice-and-your-clients/ Welfel, E. R. (2013/2010). Ethics in counseling & psychotherapy (5th ed.). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning.

  • Analysis of the Poem "Acquainted with The Night"

    752 Words  | 2 Pages

    Vol. 41, No. 4, summer 2000, pp. 370-84. Kyoko Amano, "Frost's ‘Acquainted with the Night,’" in Explicator, Vol. 65, No. 1, Fall 2006, pp. 39-42. Melodie Monahan, Critical Essay on "Acquainted with the Night," in Poetry for Students, Gale, Cengage Learning, 2010.

  • Essay on the Selfish Mrs. Mallard in Kate Chopin's The Story of an Hour

    998 Words  | 2 Pages

    Selfish Mrs. Mallard in The Story of an Hour Kate Chopin’s story, "The Story of an Hour," may seem to be about Mrs. Mallard’s unexpected and ironic reactions to the news of her husband’s untimely death due to a railroad disaster. At least that’s what I thought when I read the story. It seemed to me that she led a normal life with a normal marriage. She had a stable home life with a kind, loving husband who cared for her. She seemed to love him, sometimes. She had some kind of "heart trouble"

  • The Role of Women in Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

    2504 Words  | 6 Pages

    James Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man presents an account of the formative years of aspiring author Stephen Dedalus. "The very title of the novel suggests that Joyce's focus throughout will be those aspects of the young man's life that are key to his artistic development" (Drew 276). Each event in Stephen's life -- from the opening story of the moocow to his experiences with religion and the university -- contributes to his growth as an artist. Central to the experiences of Stephen's

  • The Dubliners

    2266 Words  | 5 Pages

    Writing enables James Joyce the power to belittle not only Dublin, but to express his lack of affiliation with the Catholic Church. In Dubliners, Joyce paints the picture of a town filled with greed, both sexually and financially. He takes the definition of religion and turns it on itself. Joyce shows no mercy on his path to ridicule Dublin’s pride and historical roots. In a number of the stories Joyce depicts man as an infection in Dublin. Most of the time men will be at fault or the root of a problem

  • The Awakening by Kate Chopin

    2434 Words  | 5 Pages

    The Awakening by Kate Chopin Kate Chopin is one of the first female writers to address female issues, primarily sexuality. Chopin declares that women are capable of overt sexuality in which they explore and enjoy their sexuality. Chopin shows that her women are capable of loving more than one man at a time. They are not only attractive but sexually attracted (Ziff 148). Two of Chopin’s stories that reflect this attitude of sexuality are The Awakening and one of her short stories “The Storm”.

  • Fences: When a Fence is not Merely a Fence

    1058 Words  | 3 Pages

    August Wilson’s Fences is a powerful play that centers on Troy Maxson and the Maxson family. While Wilson’s plays are entertaining, his goal is to provide the black community a source of entertainment in which they can be proud of their history. Wilson’s Fences does that through showing the complexities of Troy Maxson. Troy is the protagonist of the play. He is at constant battle with himself over racial issues that have plagued him throughout his life. In spite of being promoted as the first black

  • A Happier Tomorrow in Today Will Be a Quiet Day

    738 Words  | 2 Pages

    A Happier Tomorrow in Today Will Be a Quiet Day In the story "Today Will Be a Quiet Day" written by Amy Hempel, one may be inclined to believe that there is a tone of depression or sadness among the father and the two children. This is shown in the opening sentence, while the three are stalled in traffic on the Golden Gate Bridge. The boy states, "I think if the quake hit now the bridge would collapse and the ramps would be left" (Hempel 1202). We also learn that the boy had a best friend who