CBS Essays

  • History Of Columbia Broadcasting Company (CBS)

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    The Columbia Broadcasting Company or “CBS” in layman’s terms was founded in 1927 as a radio network under the “United Independent Broadcasters” name, which was a radio-broadcasting network. The name was changed to CBS in 1928, which was the same year that William S. Paley, the son of a cigar making tycoon, took over control of CBS with his fathers financial support. Paley took over CBS for $400,000 and inherited a network that consisted of 22 affiliates and 16 employees. Although he had little technical

  • Analysis of the Movie, The Insider

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    The Insider (1999) is a film rife with ethical dilemmas, suspense and controversy. It is based on a true story related to a 1994 episode of the CBS news show 60 Minutes that never aired. The plot puts Dr. Jeffrey Wigand (Russell Crowe) at odds with Brown & Williamson, the third largest tobacco companies in the country. Wigand was fired from his position as Vice President of Research and Development, at which he was instructed to hide information related to the addictive nature of nicotine. The

  • The Spread of Television in 1950s, in America

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    Age of Television’ is what many refer to as the period between the 1950s and 60s when the television began to establish itself as a prevalent medium in the United States. In 1947, the American Broadcasting Company (ABC), Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS), the National Broadcasting Company (NBC), and the Du Mont Network were the four main television networks that ran stations with regular programming taking place. (Television, 2003) While regular television programming was a new innovation, the television

  • I Love Lucille Ball Character Traits

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    entertainment business, so she proved them wrong. Ball ended going into the model business for a while and then she moved to Hollywood to get her career in radio and television started. She moved back to New York in 1932 to work on her radio show with CBS. She married Desi Arnaz in 1940 and made her hit television “I Love Lucy” based off of her radio show “My Favorite Husband” with Arnaz starring in the show with her. Lucille Ball’s bold lifestyle influenced the

  • Nbc And The Innovation Of Television News, 1945-1953

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    THE SEARCH FOR A FORMAT In order to begin broadcasting news on the television, NBC had to find the perfect format that could easily be understood by the audience. They started by experimenting with the combination of the method used by radio stations and the method used by theatrical newsreels. The news-anchor would recite the news while music played in the background, complimenting photos, filmed events, and headlines that were displayed on the screen. This program was first used by NBC in 1940

  • Drama Queens Present

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    It all started in radio in the earlier part of the 1900s, then the excitement moved to television. The first television soap opera was “Guiding Light” and it began airing on radio stations in the 1930s. In 1956, it crossed over to television. The CBS radio station knew it had a hit on hits hands and decided to take a chance on television success (Jameson 35). Listeners accepted the trends, and soon more and more soap operas made their debut on television. Soap operas were better known from the

  • Blacks on Television: Amos & Andy

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    dialecticians, Freeman Grosden and Charles Correll created the show, (Rice, 2009). Set in Harlem, The Amos and Andy Show was the story of Amos Jones (voiced by Gosden) and Andrew H. Brown (voiced by Correll), (Rice, 2009). The Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) reportedly paid Gosden and Correll one million dollars each in exchange for the rights to the show (Rice, 2009), and they planned to make it into a television show. However, Gosden and Correll were both white, and the cast of the television show had

  • I Love Lucy: Gender Roles In American History

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    stars Lucille Ball, Desi Arnaz, Vivian Vance, and William Frawley. Produced by Desi Arnaz, Jess Oppenheimer, Madelyn Pugh, and Bob Carroll Jr., the television show was a black-and-white series that originally ran from October 15, 1951, to May 6, 1957, on the CBS channel. After the series ended in 1957, a modified version continued for three more seasons with 13 one-hour specials that ran for an additional three years, until 1960. The show is often regarded as one of the greatest and most influential sitcoms

  • The History of Television Journalism

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    which were mostly crude line drawing (Barkin 28-29). But, in 1963 (some pinpoint the exact day to be November 22, 1963) the television cemented itself as a mass medium–an integral part of American culture–and the “Big Three,” television networks (CBS, NBC, and ABC) established themselves at the forefront of innovation in the field (35). In 1963, advances in technology, such as lightweight cameras, communication satellites, and videotape, allowed for more immediate transmissions of news. Thus, on

  • The Evolution of Media

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    have chosen a news clip from the CBS Evening News with Katie Couric that deals with the ongoing Egyptian uprising. For my new media source I have chosen a video blog, or ‘vlog’, by an Egyptian man named Omar who discusses the crisis in Egypt from a personal point of view. Both media sources deal with the same topic, but result in different understandings of the crisis. Although both mediums focus on the same issue there are a lot of differences between the two. The CBS news clip uses a lot of visually

  • The Reality of Reality Television

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    The Reality of Reality Television "The winner of the first Survivor competition is...Rich." It was the name heard 'round the country the night of August 23, 2000, as 51 million television viewers tuned in to the finale of Survivor. The questions, the predictions, the bets, and the reality rested on that one name. For three months, America watched and wondered. Who could it be? Who is the ultimate survivor? With the unveiling of that single, now infamous, name, you could almost feel the country

  • Rodman Edward Serling

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    ninety-minute dramas. A critical and financial success, Serling shocked many of his fans in 1957 when he left Playhouse 90 to create a science fiction series he called The Twilight Zone. 156 episodes of Twilight Zone, ninety-two written by Serling, aired on CBS over the next five years. The show went on to be one of the most widely recognized and beloved series in television history, and achieved a permanent place in American pop culture with its instantly recognizable opening, theme song and charismatic host

  • I Love Lucy: Television Hall Of Fame

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    I Love Lucy takes place in an apartment building in New Your City. The show centers around Lucy, Roger, Ricky, Lucy’s friends, and landlords. Lucy wants to make it into the show business, but doesn’t have what it takes to make it there. The I Love Lucy show was a big hit being the first television show to be inducted into the Television Hall of Fame. In 2013, TV Guide ranked I Love Lucy as the third greatest show of all time. I Love Lucy, starring our favorite redhead, Lucille Ball, was rated in

  • NBC: The Most Watched Television Network

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    networks. In the beginning NBC was a radio network created by the Radio Corporation of America, also known as RCA, in 1926. (Straubhaar, 2002) Right then and there NBC started to compete with the Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS). They still compete to today. An example is CBS airing Survivor on Thursday night at the same time as NBC’s number one show, Friends, airs. By the 1940s, NBC became a television network. (NBC, 2001) The many reasons as to how NBC is successful are because of its many ground

  • Lucille Ball Impact On Women

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    “I have an everyday religion that works for me. Love yourself first, and everything else falls into line.” (Lucille Ball Quotes) Lucille Ball took an interest in acting at the age of 15. She enrolled in a New York drama school. She was desperate to make it as an actress, but she was too nervous and shy to be noticed. She eventually moved to Hollywood and landed some acting jobs; however, it was not until 1951 when her career took off by landing the role of Lucy, in the hit show I Love Lucy. (Lucille

  • Postwar America: The Golden Age of Television

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    Age of Television’ is what many refer to as the period between the 1950s and 60s when the television began to establish itself as a prevalent medium in the United States. In 1947, the American Broadcasting Company (ABC), Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS), the National Broadcasting Company (NBC), and the Du Mont Network were the four main television networks that ran stations with regular programming taking place. (Television, 2003) While regular television programming was a new innovation, the television

  • Research Paper On I Love Lucy

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    1950’s. The couple met in 1940 on the set of a movie called Too Many Girls. Lucille and Desi fell in love and married after only dating for 6 months. No one believed that their marriage would last they even took bets to how long it would last. In 1950 CBS introduced a new idea to Lucille for a new TV show, she insisted that Desi play the part of her husband Ricky Ricardo. The two of them made a great team on and off the television screen. The two eventually became the most successful television couple

  • CBS This Morning

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    The reason CBS This Morning seems to do so well is that they cover a wide variety of stories covering different areas at a fast pace. Beginning the show, they show us stories relating to weather with flooding threating the Midwest along with deadly storms in the Southern

  • A Political Economy Analysis of Modern Family

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    are executive producers of the series as show runners and head writers under the Lloyd-Levitan Productions in affiliation with Twentieth Century Fox television (“Modern Family”). The two pitched the series to the “big three” television networks: ABC, CBS, and NBC. The American Broadcasting Company accepted and picked up the series for a full season in 2009. ABC then renewed the series for 3 seasons. The syndication rights to the show have been sold to USA network and 10 other Fox affiliates (Pauly,

  • Comparison Of I Love Lucy And The Andy Griffith Show

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    I Love Lucy is a 1950’s sitcom centered around the lives of Lucy and Ricky Ricardo played by Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz. The Andy Griffith Show was a sitcom based on the lives of several citizens of Mayberry, a fictional town in North Carolina. The main character, a sheriff named Andy Taylor, and his son Opie are focused on for the majority of the show’s running time. While both of these shows were similar in various ways, they also had a number of important differences. I Love Lucy and The Andy