Catherine O'Leary Essays

  • The Chicago Fire Of 1871

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    October 8, 1871 a blaze started in Mrs. O' leary's barn. Daniel sullivan sat on the wooden sidewalk when he saw a flame in Mrs. O'leary's barn. He managed to save a half grown calf. By now everyone in the neighborhood woke up, including the sleeping O'learys. The "America" hose cart was the first to reach the scene. They were soon joined by the "Little Giant" engine company. A neighbor ran to a drug store to turn on an alarm but the alarm failed to work. The court house watchman had given wrong directions

  • Hemingway Code Hero

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    the end of the novel with the help of Catherine, a code hero herself. All the characteristics seem to follow the path of a manly person who is continuously striving to live his/her life to the fullest. Throughout this novel, Frederick Henry's behavior matures to the code hero in which Hemingway desires to be. In the start of the novel, Frederick Henry was into over- sensual pleasures and could not control himself until he had spent much time with Catherine and learned how to discipline himself

  • Catherine Lucille Moore's Shambleu and Greek Mythology

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    Catherine Lucille Moore's Shambleu and Greek Mythology Throughout history, humans have had legends, myths and folk tales. Many of these dealt with monsters that cannot be found on the planet Earth, at least any more, especially the myths of ancient Greece. In such cases, there can be a fine line between where myth ends and science fiction starts. In Catherine Lucille Moore’s short story "Shambleau," one such myth crosses that line. That myth is the ancient Greek myth of the Gorgons. Gorgons

  • Jane Elton's Identity Conflict in Catherine Maria Sedgwick’s A New England Tale

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    Jane Elton's Identity Conflict in Catherine Maria Sedgwick’s A New England Tale In her article “‘But is it any good?’: Evaluating Nineteenth-Century American Women’s Fiction,” Susan Harris provides methods and criteria for examining Women’s Fiction in what she calls “process analysis” (45). To apply Harris’ guidelines to Catherine Maria Sedgwick’s A New England Tale, I must first “acknowledge the ideological basis of [my] endeavor” (45) as a feminist/equalitist critique of the text. Furthermore

  • A View From The Bridge

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    and her niece Catherine. Eddie is very protective of Catherine and wants her to get a good education. He also seems to be in love with Catherine but refuses to face this fact at any stage in the play even when Beatrice, his wife, points it out to him clearly. We also witness Eddie’s verbal conflict with all the characters at some point throughout the play. Other aspect is how the other characters feel concerned about him. There is a scene of unease as we see how Catherine and Beatrice are

  • Free Essays - Escape from Reality in A Farewell to Arms

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    Escape from Reality in A Farewell to Arms In Ernest Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms, Fredric Henry gets involved with Catherine Barkley to escape the insanity of war. Frederic loves Catherine. Catherine loves Frederic. The extreme situation of war and fate allowed both of them to be thrown together and fall in love. This love for one another was an escape into another world for Frederic. It provided him emotionally with a private place, where he could go to separate and evade the horrible realities

  • A Comparison of Barna di Siena’s Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine and Rogier van der Weyden’s Saint Luke Drawing the Virgin and Child

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    A Comparison of Barna di Siena’s Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine and Rogier van der Weyden’s Saint Luke Drawing the Virgin and Child Development in art often follows two tracks: development over a period of time and also differences in regional development. Both changes are seen in the comparison of Barna di Siena’s Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine and Rogier van der Weyden’s Saint Luke Drawing the Virgin and Child. Originating in Italy, the Renaissance began in the mid to late 13th century

  • The story of Saint Catherine Laboure

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    The story of Saint Catherine Laboure Saint Catherine personally worked no miracles, nor did she practice externally heroic charity like other great saints. She sprang from upper middle class parents among the meadows and vineyards of Burgundy, France. Her father was an educated man and an excellent farmer living in the village of Fain-les-Moutiers not far from DiJon. Her sanctity consists in half a century of faithful service as a simple Daughter of Charity. Catherine was born of Peter and

  • Catherine as Code Hero in Ernest Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms

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    Catherine as "Code Hero" in A Farewell to Arms In the last book of A Farewell to Arms, when the pregnant Catherine Barkley is having painful contractions, Frederic Henry, the narrator and protagonist of the novel, reminds his "wife" that she is "a brave good girl" (FTA 313). A day later, after undergoing a caesarian section and giving birth to a stillborn baby boy, Catherine proves just how brave she is; though she knows she is dying, she still has the dignity and strength to accept such a fate

  • Gender Studies in Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights

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    irrational, or feminine. This essay will take a look at the relationship between Catherine and Edgar Linton in Emily Brönte's Wuthering Heights. We will take a look at how their characters are portrayed, how this affected their marriage, and how each character retained some of the traits attributed to their gender. Catherine's character will be examined first, since she is one of the main characters in the book. Catherine was not your typical sweet, caring, angelic little girl. Ellen describes her

  • A View From Teh Bridge

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    protective of Catherine. Eddie seems very concerned as to the welfare of Catherine. "Where you goin' all dressed up?" "where you goin'?" "whats going on?" "I think its too short ain't it?" Eddie doesn't want Catherine to grow up "you're walking wavy!" He is concerned that she might get sexually assaulted or may be taken advantage of by men. Catherine disapproves of his protectiveness and nearly starts to cry "almost in tears because she disapproves". There seems to be a link between Catherine and B,

  • A Man For All Seasons

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    disagreed with the King’s opinion on marriage, he was beheaded. King Henry was married to Catherine of Argon, the daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain. Catherine was Henry’s brother’s widow. King Henry and Catherine were married “for State reasons”, but although Catherine was pregnant many times, only one child survived—Princess Mary. King Henry needed an heir to his throne, so he wanted a son. He thought Catherine could never get him a son, because she had already failed so many times, so he wanted

  • Analysis of Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights

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    spiritual feelings of her characters. The difference between the feeling that Catherine has for Heathcliff and the one she feels for Edgar is that Heathcliff is part of her nature, he is like her soul mate. While on the other hand Edgar is only part of her superficial love, and because she is attracted to Edgar and his love for her. It is the spiritual love rather than a physical love that brings Heathcliff and Catherine together. Revenge is the most dominant theme in the book, although at the end

  • Literary Criticism of Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights

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    loss, suffering, self discovery, and triumph of the characters in this novel. Both the Image of the Book by Robert McKibben, and Control of Sympathy in Wuthering Heights by John Hagan, strive to prove that neither Catherine nor Heathcliff are to blame for their wrong doings. Catherine and Heathcliff’s passionate nature, intolerable frustration, and overwhelming loss have ruined them, and thus stripped them of their humanities. McKibben and Hagan take different approaches to Wuthering Heights, but

  • Catherine Morland's Coming of Age in Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey

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    Catherine Morland's Coming of Age in Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey Jane Austen's intelligence and sophisticated diction made her a revolutionary author, and her mastery surpasses most modern authors. By challenging conventional stereotypes in her novels, she gives the open-minded reader a new perspective through the message she conveys. Her first novel, Northanger Abbey, focuses on reading. However, she parallels typical novel reading with the reading of people. Catherine Morland's coming of

  • The Importance of Ghosts In Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights

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    believe that there really was one there. What makes this part of the novel all the more stirring is the fact that there is evidence that this really was a ghost at Lockwood’s window. For instance Lockwood says that that name of the ghost was ‘Catherine Linton’: ‘(Why did I think of Linton? I had read Earnshaw twenty times for Linton)’ (Page20) This is to say that in any dream one would not expect to dream about someone they had never met before, and they would expect for their dreams to be

  • A Farewell To Arms By Ernest Hemingway

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    love story between two people, this love story plays out in a war torn Italy during world war I, where Italy was battling Austria, the novels main characters, lieutenant Fredrick Henry an American ambulance driver serving in the Italian army and Catherine Barkley an English volunteer nurse who served in Italy. The novel portrays Henry as a drunk who traveled from one house of prostitution to the next, he was not happy with his lifestyle. Henry feels detached from life and is on a quest for identification

  • Catherine A. Lutz - Unnatural Emotions

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    ”Yes, it’s only Reservation Blues but I like it:” On the Connection between Christian and Native Religions One of the most interesting aspects of the anthropological study of Catherine A. Lutz, entitled Unnatural Emotions, is that the author applies the same sort of intense self-examination to her own project as an anthropologist amongst the Ifaluk as she does to the Ifaluk themselves. Every individual at some point in his or her own life has been confronted with the surprise, after all, that someone

  • Catherine Des Roches Epistle To Her Mother

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    Catherine des Roches' "Epistle To Her Mother" The "Epistle To Her Mother" by Catherine des Roches of Poitiers discusses the very close and dear relationship that exists between mother and daughter. In this letter, the daughter gives a very detailed and vibrant description of the closeness and respect that she shares with her mother. She also reveals her thankfulness to her mother for all that her mother has bestowed upon her. She does this by taking a vow of silence at the end of the

  • Comparing the Themes of Wuthering Heights and Of Mice and Men

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    between the two books. In Wuthering Heights, it described vividly the goal of Heathcliff and Catherine, who wanted to be with one and another.  However, when Catherine rejected Heathcliff, he turned his potential of dream of good into evil. It also reflected the Heathcliff was prejudged by Mrs. Earnshaw, Hindley, Edgar, Mr. and Mrs. Linton. It also showed that love and hate between Heathcliff and Catherine made their relationships quite intense. Like the Wuthering Heights, Of Mice and Men by