Career project Essays

  • Project Management Career Summary

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    Project Management Career Summary Definition, Vision and Scope With today's businesses constantly embracing the technological advances that are made on a daily basis there becomes an increasing need for someone to supply the foresight, ability and commitment to ensure that these new technologies are implemented as seamlessly and successfully as possible. The Project Manager is just the person for the job. This paper will examine this career and explore the benefits of working in this profession

  • Chosing A Career As A Project Manager

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    Abstract: Title: Choosing a Career as a Project Manager. This research will summarize what a Project Manager is, and the steps explained, to complete a project, if the career that is chosen is to be a successful Project Manager. The research touches on the many qualities, and skills a person needs to learn, and possess to become a Project Manager. This report will not cover the total execution of the project. Putting together a project from start to finish is an enormous amount of work and there

  • My Career In Project Management

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    involved in project management roles. Doing so has made me aware of the many varied challenges that can face projects and the project managers who are charged with bringing them through to completion. The success or failure of projects, in whatever economic, political or social field, rests not just on the quality of the project’s goals, but also on the abilities of those involved in the project – and above all those who are managing it – to bring it to successful completion. To do this, project managers

  • Dream Job

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    Career Project A career I would be interested in pursuing is being a park ranger. This job interests me because I love spending time outdoors and with people. It also is an interest of mine to keep our wonderful parks and woodland environments safe and to have them still be around for many more generations to come. The job of a park ranger is to enforce laws, regulations and policies in national, state, county, or municipal parks with dangerous wildlife, bad terrain, or in bad weather situations

  • Career Project

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    Career Project Growing up, I was told many, many times that a great career choice for me would be to become a lawyer. Whether it was my public speaking skills, opinionated attitude, or self confidence, it seemed obvious that I would have much success as a lawyer. It always seemed to be an attractive idea, seeing as there are multiple lawyers in my family and quite honestly the money earned as a lawyer caught my eye. Lawyers are now and have been for a long time a basic necessity of society. This

  • Career Research Project

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    i did my career research project over a professional ice cream tester. i became interested in this job about a year and a half ago. when my step dad and me were looking at a facebook post. the facebook post was about the top ten most interesting jobs that pay well in the united states. professional ice cream tester was number six. i have been interested for about a year and a half too two years. i have done research before but i did not use sweet search before so i did into find as much as a third

  • Conservation Careers Project

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    embracing the WWF’s fours values. If I was really dedicated to obtaining a job like this I would have to specialize in primatology, gain large amounts of experience in leading teams, and a having fluency in another language. At this point in my career I would be more suited to have a position as an intern or assistant to the person that would posses this particular job.

  • Career Planning Project

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    Communication I began this class not having a clear idea on what career I wanted to pursue for the rest of my life. I often asked myself “What job will I have when I grow up?”. Ever since I was a little girl, I thought I wanted to become a doctor. After taking biology, genetics, and biochemistry, I quickly realized that being biology major was not for me. I then changed my major to exercise science. I searched for the possible career choices for exercise science and became interested in Physical therapy

  • Interior Design as a Career

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    prosper in a career of design (, 'designer'). A career in interior design allows innate abilities of creativity and organization to be practiced in satisfying a client's desire for style and flare in their home or workplace. The work of an interior designer requires a natural skill to work with people and to decipher what a client desires. "The designer's job is to evaluate, plan, and design the interior areas of residential, commercial, and industrial places." (Careers in Focus: Design

  • Professional Development

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    uses to measure personal development and suitability for advancement to higher degrees of social responsibility. One such milestone is career selection and attainment. Some individuals may never find a satisfying vocation, whereas others know what they desire from the day they can communicate. A simple way to reduce the unfortunate friction of choosing a career is to be self-aware. Understanding what makes one happy, fulfilled, and the things that are important to them, is the easiest way to narrow

  • Student Affairs Professional Development

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    actively engaged in encouraging career workshops, exploration events, (c) Counselors should connect their African American students with community with outreach efforts, mainly through internships, job shadowing, and service learning projects. (G) Counselors and Professionals discuss with their African American Student their long term career goals, (h) Counselors should provide their clients with information on different career options in combination with additional career options in combination with

  • Five Careers for a Graduate of Agricultural Studies

    914 Words  | 2 Pages

    Five Careers for a Graduate of Agricultural Studies I. Introduction Agriculture is a vast and expanding world for many people here in the mid-west. This is not a career to be taken lightly, since it has it's ever-changing highs and lows; which attract people and also discourage them too. Deciding what a graduate wants to do in agriculture is a difficult process, I know since I am in the process right now. Some of the following careers are ones that I am more familiar with since I have been around

  • Gender in the Workforce

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    women are faced with the choice of maternal instincts over career options. Moreover we will see that when faced with this choice and electing the career path, women will face obstacles including bias and traditional roles. More and more workplaces appear to be one where organisations have only a small core of full time permanent employees, where most skills are brought in on a contract basis, either working from home or hired for specific projects (Cartwright & Cooper, 1997). Past working trends show

  • Careers In The Military, Audio

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    Careers In The Military, Audio The occupation of an audio engineer can encompass many different areas of music production. From recording bands in the studio, synchronizing audio to film, sound reinforcement, to even developing the latest technology in the audio field. The possibilities are broad and seemingly endless. It is a field that is constantly changing, and qualifications are always increasing. Many don’t realize the commitment, drive, hard work and dedication involved with becoming

  • Career Project: Radiologic Technology

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    The career I have chosen to pursue is radiologic technology. I have been interested in x-ray for quite some time. At first, a simple picture of a broken wrist sparked my interest. It was beautiful. The advanced technology that allows us to see the inside of the human body without exploratory surgery for a diagnosis amazed me. As I looked further into this career, I found out just how fascinating this field is. Not only are the pictures helpful in finding loose fragments and setting a bone back in

  • Career And Project Plan For Accounting Essay

    820 Words  | 2 Pages

    Career and Project Plan on Accounting Steven Jerrod Young Professor Judy Marshall Decision Making Tools March 29, 2014 Steven Jerrod Young Professor Judy Marshall Decision Making Tools Project Plan on Accounting • Introduction In laymen’s term’s, accounting is the action or process of keeping financial accounts, but there is much more to being an accountant than just that. An accountant will need to be adept at working with numbers, paying close attention

  • money

    1179 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Meaning of Success Most people do not find their careers fulfilling or meaningful. Today more and more people are dissatisfied with this situation. Many people consider money to be more important than obtaining a purpose in life. Everyone has a passion deep down inside. You may not be aware of exactly what it is, but it will emerge as life goes on. Once you find this passion or mission, success will fallow. It is not easy to find or create work that truly satisfies the soul. Living your life

  • The Importance of National Career Development Guidelines

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    I will discuss the National Career Development Guidelines and will address each section of the guidelines in terms of its importance in career counseling. As well, I will critique an activity that is used in elementary school setting against the guidelines to compare if the activity meets the standards. Section one; of the National Career Development guidelines address matters of personal social development. In this domain interpersonal skills are addressed, work-life balance is addressed, and

  • An Introduction To Career Development

    2204 Words  | 5 Pages

    1.0 INTRODUCTION TO CAREER DEVELOPMENT Career is a way a making a living. Career is as profession followed as lifetime. A person chosen plan for living lifetime that is career plan. A Career development plan is a path to future goals. Plan might be sometime any person (He/ She), create list of own goals, achieving those goals, and move to right path when trying to improve own career. Career plan might begin a before colleges, university, when wanting to change career in mid of life. Learning skills

  • Career

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    achievements, interest, values, and personality for a career. The pros of this theory are the exploration of her interest and values and the emphasis placed on her personality and achievements. In hindsight, the con of this theory in my perspective was the aptitude test. I personally do not think a test can predict the future success in a career. I think success can be determined by prior achievements and the interest the person has in the career. Given Olivia’s prior success, I think her capabilities