C Essays

  • C language

    954 Words  | 2 Pages

    The C Language “Dude programming is a piece of cake, anybody can do it”, this is what we normally get to hear when we ask a teenager about coding or programming.(add some stuff) Even the choices that we have with programming languages are enormous starting from the most basic visual programming softwares such as Scratch to more advanced languages like Python, PHP, JAVA or the one which revolutionized the whole computing world, C. Among all these languages there is a reason why C holds a special regard

  • The C++ Programming Language

    2800 Words  | 6 Pages

    The C++ Programming Language Computer technology has evolved at an amazing rate during the last few decades. Today a laptop computer can compute faster and store more information than a whole computer system (called mainframe computers) of forty years ago. According to Harvey Deitel and Paul Deitel from Nova University, "A person operating a desk calculator might require decades to complete the same number of calculations a powerful computer can perform in one second" (5). Along with that revolution

  • Polymorphism in The C Programming Language

    650 Words  | 2 Pages

    Polymorphism in The C Programming Language The problem is that we need to compress our programs while still having them function correctly and process items differently depending on type or class. The solution is polymorphism. Polymorphism in object oriented programming is the programming language's ability to process items differently depending on their data type or class. In other words, it is the ability to redefine methods for derived classes. The true rule for C++ polymorphism is that

  • The History Of C Programming Language

    1447 Words  | 3 Pages

    What is C programming language? When and why was it invented? What does the technology do? What impact does it have on our society? History of C programming language and its influence on our society University of Adelaide April 10, 2014 COMP SCI 1101 Donghyeon Yoon Under the rapid revolution of technologies, great convenience is provided to everyone around the world. Students nowadays are typically exposed to computing. As the modern technologies such as computers, smartphones, and tablets

  • The Evolution of C++ as a Programming Language

    2158 Words  | 5 Pages

    The Evolution of C++ as a Programming Language C++ is a very useful programming language. Many educational curriculums will include either C or C++ as the tool entry-level programmers will use to learn the syntax, semantics, and data structures key to effective programming that is required of computer scientists. C++ is such a diverse language, one cannot help but wonder how it became the popular language it is today, and this paper is going to demonstrate just that. Introduction to CPL

  • Hepatitis C

    527 Words  | 2 Pages

    research on Hepatitis C for recognition targeted towards technical publications as JAMA, New England Journal Of Medicine etc. Hepatitis C (HCV) causes inflammation of the liver and can cause liver damage leading to cirrhosis. Occasionally, liver cancer may develop. First called non-A non-B hepatitis, hepatitis C was discovered in the early 1970’s, but it wasn’t until 1989 that testing for specific antibodies to the virus began. Each year, 15,000 Americans contract hepatitis C, which is a more frequent

  • hepatitis C

    1146 Words  | 3 Pages

    Sofosbuvir: a safe and effective option for chronic hepatitis C Introduction Hepatitis C is a global burden that gives rise to serious liver complications. Thus, it is very crucial to eradicate this disease. Since there is no vaccine, drugs combinations become important elements in treating hepatitis C globally. Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is previously dealt with using combinations of drugs such as pegylated interferon (PEG-IFN) and ribavirin (RVB). These drugs are dependent on several factors such

  • Vitamin C

    972 Words  | 2 Pages

    Vitamin C is an essential in the body's defenses against infection. Susceptible children will not tolerate relatively unimportant infections and this can lead to prolonged illness and in the case of behaviorally disturbed children of symptoms previously well managed. Vitamin C is an extremely safe substance which is immensely beneficial to the brain and body in a multitude of ways. Its potential for preventing and treating autism has barely been touched. Vitamin C is heavily concentrated in the brain


    1006 Words  | 3 Pages

    HEPATITIS C There is a disease spreading out in the world called Hepatitis C. It affects the liver and may cause the liver to fail. This disease is caused by a virus called Hepatitis C virus which is also known as HCV. About 32,000 people are affected with this disease per year only in the United States area. Some It’s a disease with many symptoms and many causes. of these symptoms are easy bruising, upset stomach and fever. These are just some of the many symptoms that come from the virus. Hepatitis

  • Vitamin C

    1520 Words  | 4 Pages

    Introduction Vitamin C is one of the most important vitamins. Without vitamin C, human life would not be on this planet today. It does many positive things in the human body. It increases recovery time from illnesses such as colds. It helps to prevent free radical damage and collagen glycation, which cause the body to age much faster than it usually should. It also helps to prevent major diseases, like scurvy, which results from Vitamin C deficiency. Vitamin C is necessary for human life. Properties

  • Vitamin C: The Negative Effects Of Vitamin C)

    973 Words  | 2 Pages

    Vitamin C, also known as Ascorbic Acid, has the structural formula C6H8O6. Vitamin C is an essential nutrient believed to have very important benefits to the human body and it enables the body to make efficient use of carbohydrates, fats, and protein. It is needed by the body to repair bones, teeth, and cartilage; heal wounds and scars; help the body absorb iron from certain substances, and promote a healthy immune system. Vitamin C is also needed to form collagen, which is a protein used to make

  • Vitamin C Essay

    1144 Words  | 3 Pages

    cause skin inflammation. Vitamin C neutralizes ROS and is equally effective against UVA (320-400nm) and UVB (290-320 nm) that are produced due to UV exposure and causes skin-aging and sunburns respectively. Vitamin C is most effective as it exerts its action interacellularly and extracellularly (7). A study carried out by Telang (2013)(14) showed that 10 % of vitamin C applied topically decrease UVB induced erythema by 52% and sunburn cell formation by 40-60%. Vitamin C has a role to reduce the melanin

  • Essay On Vitamin C

    721 Words  | 2 Pages

    Vitamin C and its Uses By: Nidhin Biju A food additive is anything that has been added to food to enhance it in texture, appearance and taste, or to preserve it. For example, in orange juice, one can find a daily dosage of Vitamin C. Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a hydrocarbon with a chemical formula of C6H8O6 that can preserve food, as well as add nutrients to whatever it is added to. Vitamin C can be found in every citrus fruit, as well as many non citrus fruits, such as papayas, strawberries

  • The Importance of Vitamin C

    1078 Words  | 3 Pages

    What is the effect of storing and preparing food on it’s vitamin C level? Introduction ​Vitamin C is essentially for both humans and animals to remain being healthy. In fact, when people get colds, they consume large amounts of vitamin C to try to fight off the cold. Vitamin C can be found in many fruits and veggies, buts it’s most common in oranges. A deficiency in vitamin C can cause a condition known as scurvy. Scurvy plagued sailors through the 19th century from the time of Columbus

  • Hepatitis C Essay

    1299 Words  | 3 Pages

    infected with the hepatitis C virus, and more than 350 000 people die every year from hepatitis C-related liver diseases.1 Hepatitis C can lead to other serious diseases, such as liver failure, death, etc. But without any vaccines available to prevent the contraction of the disease, it may be hard to avoid. Due to disease generally being asymptomatic many people are unaware that they have it, further spreading the disease because of a lack of prevention mechanisms. Hepatitis C when developed chronically

  • Benefits Of Vitamin C

    805 Words  | 2 Pages

    Vitamin C from scratch. We must get it from food, fresh fruits, and vegetables. Vitamin C main functions is helping the body manufacture collagen a key protein in our connective tissue, cartilage, and tendons. When you deprived of fresh fruit and vegetables you developed a disease called scurvy. Scurvy involves so called scorbutic symptoms its spots on the skin and bleeding gums and the breakdown of collagen. The toxicities is kidney stones and interferes with actions of Vitamin E. Vitamin C is a powerful

  • Vitamin C Essay

    675 Words  | 2 Pages

    Investigation into the effect of storage or cooking on the vitamin C content of a food substance: Solubility: Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) occurs naturally as organic compounds. They may appear as white solids or impurely as yellowish samples. They dissolve well in water to form mildly acid solutions. Making them water-soluble. Effect of temperature:- High temperatures: Excess temperature completely destroys and denatures vitamin C by increasing the oxidation rate. Extreme temperatures kill the enzyme

  • HCV: The Hepatitis C Virus

    945 Words  | 2 Pages

    Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver. There are currently five known viruses that cause can hepatitis (Microbiology, 10e). The hepatitis C virus (HCV) is transmitted through contact with the blood of an infected person; however, it is now more commonly spread among IV drug users that share needles. Healthcare workers are also at risk for contracting HCV, but with standard precautions, the risk is low. “Prior to 1992, some people acquired the HCV infection from transfusions of blood or blood products

  • Persuasive Essay On Vitamin C

    1627 Words  | 4 Pages

    Introduction: Vitamin C is very famous for it's supposed effect on banishing the common cold, but is that a myth or is it medically proven? What about supplements? Are they even healthy for you? A problem that we face with Vitamin C is that you have to have the right amount of it, like everything else, it has to be rationed and you have to consume the right amount in proportion to your size. It can have strong impacts on your body depending on which side of the scale it tips. For example, if you

  • Argumentative Essay On Vitamin C

    1103 Words  | 3 Pages

    noticed that vitamin C is never included in the ingredients. That’s because dogs and cats can make their own vitamin C and don’t have to have supplement through their diet. In fact, pretty much all living organisms on this planet make their own vitamin C except most bats, all guinea pigs, and certain primates, birds and fish. And of course us humans. We have to get our vitamin C through the foods we eat and supplements we take. So what happens when we don’t get enough vitamin C in our diets? Very