Bob Cratchit Essays

  • Bob Cratchit In A Christmas Carol

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    Bob Cratchit Character Analysis The novella A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens is about a grumpy old man by the name of Scrooge. Scrooge hates everything about Christmas and takes his bad attitude out on the people around him. One of the people that is treated poorly by Scrooge is Bob Cratchit the clerk who works for Scrooge. In spite of his lack of money Bob Cratchit is alway grateful, positive, and kind hearted which creates a happy and kind environment for his children to grow up in. Grateful

  • Bob Cratchit: A Narrative Fiction

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    the name Bob, Bob Cratchit. I don’t have a very good memory, but the thing that I will remember is the day that Bob’s boss Scrooge yelled at him so much after Bob clapped for Scrooge’s nephew. It wasn’t very strange to see Scrooge yell at Bob like that; he usually does, but I had a weird feeling about something. When Scrooge yelled at his nephew Fred the reasons not to celebrate Christmas, Fred explained all of the reasons to like it. I for one, agreed with Fred, and apparently so did Bob. Once that

  • Conditions of the Poor in the 19th Century Portrayed in A Christmas Carol

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    In A Christmas carol, how does Dickens make the reader aware of the conditions of the poor in the 19th century? In what ways does he make his message palatable? The story of ‘A Christmas Carol’ is set in Charles Dickens home town of London. In the Victorian period Londoners were split in two categories, the rich and poor and the streets were filled with diseases and many poor children died at young ages. There were many big families who had small but affordable meals throughout the year

  • Rediscovering Humanity in A Christmas Carol

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    Christmas Eve, a long time since the passing of Jacob Marley, the business accomplice and just companion of Ebenezer Scrooge. Tightwad is in his numbering house, keeping a savage imposing business model on the coal supply and keeping his representative Bob Cratchit exposed to the harsh elements. Tightwad's nephew, Fred, makes a visit, yet his unending regular cheer exasperates Scrooge, and he says "Hoax!" to Fred's thought that he spend Christmas supper at Fred's home. The following visit is from two men

  • Effects Of Scrooge In A Christmas Carol

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    saw how people view him as a person. Scrooge changed his attitude throughout the events that happen in the novel, and experiences new emotions that he had not felt in years. Scrooge experienced a new emotion when he expressed sympathy toward Bob Cratchit. Scrooge did not care about anyone but himself. His one and only friend, Jacob Marley, had died seven years earlier. Scrooge never had any friends besides Marley. He thought that giving his employees

  • Mood Of A Christmas Carol Essay

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    will be affected by his mood and emotions. Stave two is very jolly, showing Scrooges past was happy and he once was a happy person. The music was loud and a lot of people were smiling and having a good time which is a contrast of stave four in the Cratchits household but when Scrooge dies, everyone is happy and is excited to get a profit and hope, “We may sleep tonight with light hearts, Caroline!” Stave three is like stave two, everyone is having a good time, this shows Scrooge hasn’t changed the people

  • Summary Of A Christmas Carol

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    movie was a very, very bad man and three ghosts of Christmas showed him to be nice with people, friends, family etc… Finally he changed and have a lot of fun with his family that they invited him for a dinner, with poor people and with his nephew Bob Cratchit.

  • Dickens' A Christmas Carol and the Industrial Revolution

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    Dickens' A Christmas Carol and the Industrial Revolution Besides being the secular story of Christmas time in an urban setting, A Christmas Carol, tells the sacred story of Christmas as well. With A Christmas Carol, Dickens initiated an ongoing creative process in the Anglo-American imagination. As a result of the Industrial Revolution and the growth and development of cities people's lives changed drastically as they moved from the life and traditions of the country into those of the city

  • Scrooge Alternate Ending

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    a shilling, come back in under five minutes and I will give you half a crown. Scrooge intended on giving it to the Cratchits who needed it so badly. Scrooge had also come to his nephews dinner party. The next day Bob Cratchit had come in late. Scrooge had said to him “I’m not going to stand for this any longer. And therefore Mr. Cratchit I am going to raise your salary. Bob Cratchit being very surprised of this. Scrooge after learning the lessons that the ghosts taught him, he had learned the meaning

  • How Does Scrooge Change Throughout A Christmas Carol

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    that because you only give Bob Cratchit 15 shillings he can only provide so much for his family. Scrooge started feeling so guilty because he knows he has the power to give more money to the Cratchits. Mr. Cratchit gives a toast about Scrooge and Mrs. Cratchit got upset because Scrooge has done nothing to help this family. Bob Cratchit defends Scrooge and says that he still believes in Scrooge. Scrooge feels guilty because after all that could and has happened Bob Cratchit still believes in him. The

  • Themes from A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens

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    quotations from Scrooge, he casually remarks to two gentlemen requesting donations for the poor, “if [idle people] would rather die [than attend prisons and workhouses], they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population” (11). Scrooge accuses Bob Cratchit of being greedy for requesting Christmas as a day to retreat from work to be with his family, when in fact it is he who is greedy, essentially concerned with profits, not people. Orally, this point is perhaps best illustrated in the Past when

  • The Characters of the Three Ghosts in A Christmas Carol

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    be a reason why he has strong sympathy towards lower class people who work very hard and get little money. Hence, he creates a character called Bob Cratchit and he is a clerk who works for Scrooge. Cratchit has a big family with lots of children. He is oppressed by Scrooge and he gets little salary. Clearly, Dickens is trying to present Bob Cratchit as ordinary people at that time so that he engages with them. The three Ghosts of Christmas represent the past, present and future of Scrooge’s

  • Theme Of Greed In A Christmas Carol

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    renewed by these Spirits who shed light and truth upon him, resulting in making him become a better man, portraying the virtue of charity. The novel introduces Scrooge as a man of greed. This is shown in the first stave when Scrooge's clerk Bob Cratchit can barely keep warm by such a small fire "that it looked like one coal." Because of Scrooge's greed, he insists on storing up on his wealth by burning less coal, despite it's lack of warmth. Furthermore, one can notice Scrooge's greed as he refuses

  • Dickens' Use of Language and Structure to Build Up a Picture of the Joy of Christmas Present

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    Dickens' Use of Language and Structure to Build Up a Picture of the Joy of Christmas Present I’m going to analyse stave 3 of a Christmas carol, Charles Dickens was born in Portsmouth in 1812. In 1836 Dickens published the first part in a serialisation called The Posthumous papers of the Pickwick club better known as The Pickwick papers. In 1843 he wrote his first and most famous Christmas story, A Christmas Carol. Victorians in those times, a lot of them lived in poverty, and they were lots

  • Christmas Carol Scrooge Character Analysis

    632 Words  | 2 Pages

    In the book A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens.The main character Ebenezer Scrooge is a mean,ignorant and lonely old man who hates Christmas, and thinks it is stupid and there is no point in celebrating it.Throughout the book Scrooge is visited by four spirits.The spirits are Jacob Marley his dead co-worker,the spirit of christmas past,the spirit of christmas present and the spirit of future christmas who change his outlook on Christmas,In the middle of the book Scrooge begins to transition into

  • A Christmas Carol

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    The four main characters in the book are Ebenezer Scrooge, Tiny Tim, Bob Cratchit, and Ebenezer Scrooge’s nephew, Fred. This story takes place in London, England. The time is winter December 1843 and it starts the day before Christmas, also known as Christmas Eve. Ebenezer Scrooge is the main character of the story, All 3 ghosts visit him. Through him, the lesson of the story is to be learned. In the book, he is made out to be Anti-Christmas, some are feeling pity for him, other hostility. "External

  • Choices In Ebenezer Scrooge's A Christmas Carol

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    been doing wrong and what he should have done. For example, when the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come shows Scrooge a vision of Bob Cratchit visiting Tiny Tim’s grave, Scrooge yells “He died! No, no!” (Dickens, 421) Scrooge becomes aware of how other people feel and realizes he should treat them differently. In this quote, he is shows regretting how much money he pays Bob Cratchit, whose son died because he could support his needs. Scrooge change from a greedy, oblivious being to a thoughtful and unselfish

  • Family In A Christmas Carol

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    relationship with Fred and family, Bob Cratchit’s family, and the effect Scrooge’s approach towards finances, work, and peers had on his relationships. Despite his lofty language and high-handed tone, Ebenezer Scrooge 's grasping ways left him without friends or family. Bob Cratchit, living in his tiny cottage crowded with both children and love, was by far the happier man. Dickens was not, however, advocating poverty as the surest road to contentment. We know that Cratchit will happily accept the assistance

  • A Christmas Carol by Chales Dickens

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    from the schoolmaster's offer of food and wine to a young Scrooge and his adoring young sister Fan, or the humble but merry celebration hosted by Mr. Fezziwig and his wife, or even Fred's offer of assistance to a grieving Bob Cratchit in a future that does not come to pass: as Bob says, “Now, it wasn't for the sake of anything he might be able to do for us,so much as for his kind way, that this was quite delightful. It really seemed as if he had known our Tiny Tim, and felt with us." Despite this,

  • Ebenezer Scrooge in A Christmas Carol

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    It’s December of 1801 and the whole town is decorating, dancing, singing, and laughing as they get ready for a near holiday: Christmas. All but one pessimistic, obdurate cripple of a man. His name is Ebenezer Scrooge, an undermined old male swathed in dark clothing. He is typically found strolling the streets on Victorian London with poor posture, eyes locked on the cracked sidewalk beneath the soles of his shoes. Slumping along, carolers cease to sing near him and nobody speaks when in his presence