Blossom Essays

  • Cherry Blossoms

    1938 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Washington D.C. Cherry Blossoms were given to America as a gift from Japan as a token of friendship. This historical gesture of friendship renewed the value of these ephemeral, fragile, blossoms that stemmed from the ancient Japanese custom of Hanami, and has transcended throughout history and the world, and has ultimately come to represent the meaning of international relations around the world. When one hears the word’s “cherry blossoms”; an image of beautiful, delicate pink flowers flourishing

  • All About Apples

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    only for their unique blend of tart and sweet flavors, but also for their size and freshness. Apples can be grown farther North than any other tree fruit. The reason for this is that the tree blooms in late spring when it is unlikely that the blossoms will be harmed by frost. While France harvests more apples than America, the yearly U.S. harvest is around one hundred and fifty million bushels, with the largest apple-growing state being Washington. Growing Techniques:Winter A seed from

  • Symbols in After Apple Picking by Robert Forst

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    Did I do a good enough job? Did I live a purposeful life? These are question one might ask themselves when they feel the end of their life might be near. In “After Apple Picking”, Robert Frost uses the symbols of a ladder, apples, and sleep to transform the simple job of apple picking into a poem about the end of a man’s life drawing to a close and its worth. From the beginning of the poem, Frost eludes to a more significant meaning when he says the ladder is poking up “through a tree / Toward

  • Blossom Love

    553 Words  | 2 Pages

    Bee and Blossom Love One of the most prevalent themes in Their Eyes Were Watching God, by Neal Hurston, involves Janie's search for unconditional love. Janie is searching for love that resembles the bees interaction with the pear tree flowers she admired when she was teenager. She experiences many different kinds of love from her three husbands Logan, Joe, and Tea Cake. Every love and or relationship a person encounters makes them grow causing them to become the person they are meant to be and also

  • A Japanese Spring

    786 Words  | 2 Pages

    roman shops to the majestic Mount Fuji. Japan can be considered one of the most beautiful countries in the world, due to its unique architecture and ancient cultural traditions. The spring time is especially special because of the sublime cherry blossoms that cover the landscapes. The spring is a very joyous and exciting time of the year for the Japanese people; many Japanese national holidays during the months of April and May attract an abundance of tourists who are amazed by the dazzling festivals

  • Senpai, Another Protector in Japan

    644 Words  | 2 Pages

    them: in the clubs, in the dormitories, and in the departments of the university to which they belong. April is the month when school begins, the cherry blossoms come into full bloom, and welcome parties for the new students are seen under those cherry trees in the park. Each club, dorm, and department has its own welcome party, called "a cherry blossom viewing party." Actually, these parties aim not to appreciate the beauty of nature but to make the new students drink as much alcohol as possible. At

  • The Insane Fangirl: A Short Story

    912 Words  | 2 Pages

    him to it however and swung the door open, bonking himself in the nose. Dan laughed and pushed him aside. Standing in front of him was Lilly. “I forgot to ask you guys where we’re going to meet,” she said. “Tomorrow at four under the big cherry blossom tree!” Phil blurted. “Sounds good!” squealed Lilly. “Can my friend come as well?” “Of course,” said Dan. After Lilly left the two friends fought once more until it was time for bed. Through the dusk, through the night, through the dawn, Phil slept

  • The Movie Water Symbolism

    796 Words  | 2 Pages

    The other symbol that stood out in this movie was the recurring cherry blossom tree. As mentioned before, the cherry blossom tree represented beauty in life but also represents how life is short. Each spring, many japanese gather in gardens to view the cherry blossom tree’s beauty, but the duration is extremely short and people take in the beauty as much as they can before it is too late. Diving in deeper, the cherry blossom tree in this movie represented characters trying to enjoy life while they

  • Noh Play Analysis

    2481 Words  | 5 Pages

    the presentations on a Noh play I noticed something beautiful about the play that I had chosen. Spring was mentioned a lot, it had many cameos in the play. In Yuya the entire back story of the play is the discussions of going to see the cherry blossoms. Spring in Japan means a whole lot more than just another season. It means new life, and new beginnings, a way for family to come together and start anew. So while taking this course I really picked up on the seasonal aspect of Noh whether it

  • The Importance Of Cherry Blossoms In Taiwan

    1428 Words  | 3 Pages

    cherry blossoms, what immediately comes to mind is either Japan or South Korea. But did you know that the humble, little country of Taiwan also has some stunning cherry blossoms of its own? I dare say that it can even rival Japan’s cherry blossoms. During my last visit to the country, I was able to witness with glorious awe and joy Taiwan’s sakura season—the dainty flowers were in full bloom and at their pinkest. There are actually a lot of places in Taiwan where you can view cherry blossoms but in

  • The Sound Of Waves 'By Ibuse Masuji Carp'

    1813 Words  | 4 Pages

    In the Japanese culture, nature is one of the biggest factors that takes place in both their religions and in their lives. It’s even mentioned heavily in both, Mishima's The Sound of Waves, and the short story by Ibuse Masuji “Carp”. What makes nature such a key factor is that it can symbolize multiple attributes without reason. Within Japanese literature and culture nature is the reason for people to appreciate the small things in life and the reminder to celebrate the resources it provides. It

  • Central Park Research Paper

    873 Words  | 2 Pages

    surroundings for incredible photography. Grand Lens Photography shares with you today a list of beautiful areas in Central Park, NY for beautiful engagement photos. 1) The Cherry Blossom Trees Celebrate your upcoming marriage with a romantic photo shoot beneath a canopy of pink blossoms. During mid-April to late May, two species of cherry trees (the Kwanzan Cherry and Yoshino Cherry) Visitors can rent rowboats or dine overlooking views of The Lake. Boating

  • beloved

    2012 Words  | 5 Pages

    times represent a unique calmness. Toni Morrison doesn’t make any exceptions to this idea. In her novel Beloved, Toni Morrison uses trees to symbolize comfort, protection and peace. Morrison uses trees throughout Beloved to emphasize the serenity that the natural world offers. Many black characters, and some white and Native American characters, refer to trees as offering calm, healing and escape, thus conveying Morrison’s message that trees bring peace. Besides using the novel’s characters to convey

  • A History of the Brooklyn Botanic Garden

    1178 Words  | 3 Pages

    symposia are always on the roster, as well as special one-time events that feature elements of the Garden at their peak. Each spring the Brooklyn Botanic Garden celebrates the flowering of the Japanese Cherry Trees with our annual Sakura Matsuri (Cherry Blossom Festival), and each fall is spiced up with our multicultural Chili Pepper FiestaA few of the "Many Gardens within a Garden" include the Children's Garden, tended each year by about 450 kids, ages 3 through 18; The Cranford Rose Garden, exhibiting

  • Cherry Blossom Festival Essay

    767 Words  | 2 Pages

    Cherry Blossom Festival. Spring in Japan is from March to May, and the Cherry Blossom Festival is carried out for about a week from 20th March 2018 -15th April 2018. The Cherry Blossom Season is also known as Sakura Festival, and millions of visitors come to admire Japan's transformation. Many Vistors prepare for months in advance, organizing their trips, buying air-tickets and reserving accommodation. During the Cherry Blossom Season, Japan tends to be busier than

  • Memories In Memories: The House Of Memories

    1762 Words  | 4 Pages

    The House of Memories Memories are like bullets—coming in all shapes and sizes and unknown impacts. Some are blanks, only hitting the sky as fine powder. Others whiz by, only spooking you. But then there are the select few, that even when your armor is on, even if you are protected by walls of steel, will find a way to tear you open and leave you in pieces. These bullets are the ones that no matter how much time passes, no matter what takes place in the interim, hit you deep in the bone, rock

  • National Cherry Blossom Festival

    913 Words  | 2 Pages

    National Cherry Blossom Festival The festival I have picked to do is the National Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington, D.C. I thought this festival was interesting because it is not just an average festival with delicious food, live music and countless family and friend activities, but a festival to celebrate and honor a friendship between two countries. I think that this is a festival everyone should go and see at least once in their life. The atmosphere of the people there and the color of

  • Analyzing Broken Blossoms Movie

    723 Words  | 2 Pages

    In the silent film Broken Blossoms, the lighting, setting, and color change drastically. D.W. Griffith manipulates the mise-en-scene, altering the lighting, setting, and color change drastically not only connecting scenes but also to creating clear separations. The film breaks Cheng Huan’s first encounter with Lucy Burrows into three different colored segments: yellow, blue, and purple. These tints paired with other elements of mise-en-scene convey a seemingly dichotomous message regarding the

  • The Beauty Of Cherry Blossom Festivals

    3270 Words  | 7 Pages

    light flurry of rosy snowfall. The short-lived life of the Japanese cherry blossom, or sakura, has become a symbol of fleeting beauty to the Japanese, and its blossoming is an occurrence widely celebrated throughout the country of Japan. Hanami, or flower viewing, is a tradition of the Japanese culture created in the Nara Period (710-793 AD) where many convene together to celebrate the beauty of the flowers during cherry blossom festivals (Anonymous 24). This traditional custom in admiration of beauty

  • The Peach Blossom Fan's Fragrant Princess

    651 Words  | 2 Pages

    Unlike the other heroines, in The Peach Blossom Fan, Fragrant Princess is bold in expressing her independent thinking abilities, perhaps due to the many hardships she was forced to deal with in early womanhood. Fragrant Princess is the most ethical of the female leads and is said to have a “fiery temper” because she speaks freely against a man’s judgement (K’ung, 60). That said, under her lover, Hou Fang-yu’s, influence, Fragrant Princess was reduced to the same pitiful, heartrending status of Oriole