Belgrade Essays

  • Comparison Of Roger Federer And Novak Djokovic

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    16 when he gained no.1 national summer tennis rankings at the expense of dropping out from school. In 1998 he won his first junior Wimbledon cup propelling him to become an international player. Novak Djokovic however was born on 22 May 1987 in Belgrade, former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, to his father Srdan and mother Dijana. His parents owned the company Family Sports, which had three restaurants and a tennis academy at Mount Kopaonik. Heis two younger brothers are Marko and Đorđe

  • The Art Of Performance Art: Marina Abramovic

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    audience in her performance. In my opinion, I feel Marina Abramovic and my main goal as an artist is not only to completely change the way art is seen by the public, but to push the performance the same line as fine art. Marina Abramovic was born in Belgrade, Capital of Yugoslavia on November 30, 1946. Many people asked her where she is from, she replied “I came from a country that no longer exists” (Abramovic). Her parents, Danica Rosie and Vojn Abramovic, were Communist partisans in World War II.

  • Radio B92: Unbiased Civil War Coverage by Serbia’s Own

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    Radio B92: Unbiased Civil War Coverage by Serbia’s Own Fair and impartial reporting of the Balkan wars in the 1990s was a difficult and lone venture. Almost all of the international media had their own biases due to their countries’ part in the war (through NATO or their proximity to the conflict), their acceptance of parts of Serbian government propaganda, or simply their overly exaggerated partialities against the Serbians because of a common belief that all Serbians were entirely responsible

  • Breakup of Yugoslavia

    2016 Words  | 5 Pages

    On the Balkan Peninsula, in the early 1990s, war and chaos were raging yet again. However, this war, unlike the two previous Balkan wars that were fought against the occupiers, was a civil one. The member states of once great and glorified Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY) turned against each other. In 1991, Croatia and Slovenia declared their independence which initiated the Breakup of Yugoslavia (Pavkovic 136). Many causes led to this outcome, some of which were death of Josip Broz

  • Yugoslavia: The Fabrication and Failure of a Nation

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    Yugoslavia was fabricated in the year of 1918. Located near the country of Italy, the territory is now broken up into six independent countries. The nation started to fall apart in the late 1980 's, following the World War II victory for the Allies. While some countries can benefit from diversity, there was just too much for Yugoslavia to survive. Yugoslavia as a nation failed because of too much autonomy between the six nations that came to be, too many different cultures in one nation, and simply

  • Franklin Foer Soccer

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    Soccer is a great sport that can captivate the world and bring people together. The sport has evolved from just a game; it has become a way of life for most people not just in the United States but also around the world. In the novel “How Soccer Explains the World” by Franklin Foer, he gives great insight on various ways soccer has impacted the world. Soccer can be the explanation for gangsters, racial and religious, and everything in between. Franklin Foer begins his study in Serbia where there

  • Geography: The Country of Serbia

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    dominated by limestone ranges and basins of the Serbian Carpathian Mountains that connect with the Balkans in the Southeast. Perhaps the most prominent river is the Danube which runs through the northern part of the country including into the capital, Belgrade. The Danube provides transportation, drinking water, fishing, and a destination for tourists. Other notable rivers include: Tisa, Drina, and Sava (Geography of Serbia, 1). There have been a number of recent historical events that have affected the

  • Marina Abramovic Essay

    859 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Artist is Present: Marina Abramovic In the last few weeks, with several tragedies occurring in the world, ethnocentrism is very present and even when talking about social, political and economic issues as well as, art. The term art in the past, has been given the definition of being primarily based on aesthetic beauty, and not focused on the emotional construct that art also possesses. Similarly, gender roles encourage women to conform to their norms the same way society thinks art should just

  • History of Coventry City

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    Located in the region of West Midlands, Coventry is easy to spot on the map, as it is situated in the very heart of Great Britain, further away from the sea than any other city on the island (Coventry, 2014). According to the 2011 census, Coventry is the 12th largest city in the UK and 9th largest in England. With a population of almost a third-of-a-million people (Coventry, 2014), it is approximately the size of Novi Sad. The city borders the West Midlands and Warwickshire Green Belts, which prevent

  • Use of Value Engineering (VE) in Civil Engineering Projects

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    1. Introduction: Value engineering (VE) has been defined by various researchers, for example Connaughton and Green (1996) defined it as “a systematic approach to delivering the required functions at lowest cost without detriment to quality, performance and reliability” and Kelly and Male (1993) defined VE as ''The process of identifying and eliminating unnecessary cost during design and construction stages'' Going back to the history of VE, In1947 VE methodology was initially implemented as “value

  • R V Ruzic Summary

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    Case Name : R.V. Ruzic Facts: Marijana Ruzic age 21 , from Belgrade was charged with three offences, two of which proceeded to trial; unlawful importation of a narcotic contrary 5(1) of the Narcotic Control Act, and possession and use of a false passport contrary to s.368 of the Criminal Code . Ms.Ruzic Admitted to committing both offences but claimed that she did it because her mother’s life was put under danger. A man named Mirko Mirkovic two months prior to her coming to Canada threatened to harm

  • Asmir Immigration Quotes

    1950 Words  | 4 Pages

    CHAPTER ONE- SARAJEVO Record definitions for the following terms, refugee, immigration, emigration and illegal immigration. Refugee- A person who is forced to leave your country in order to escape war, persecution or natural disaster. Immigration- The act of someone who has come to live in a new country permanently. Emigration- The act of someone leaving their own country to go and live in another. Illegal immigration- A foreigner who has entered or resides in a country unlawfully or without the

  • Biography Of Marshal Tito

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    automotive industry were forced to be postponed after he was conscripted in the Austro-Hungarian Army in 1914 , becoming the youngest Sergeant Major and being recommended for the Silver Bravery Medal ,... ... middle of paper ... ... launched the Belgrade Offensive to liberate the city from German forces. The first post-war elections were set for 11 November 1945, with Tito’s Communist Party dominating the results with over 90% of the vote , with Tito proclaiming the Federal People’s Republic of

  • The Story Of The Munich Air Disaster

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    triumphant following a victory in a European cup tie against Red Star Belgrade of Serbia when their plane crashed in appalling weather conditions following its third attempt at a takeoff. What followed were some of the darkest, most distressing scenes the footballing world had ever seen. This is the story of the whole event. We felt nothing was beyond us as we talked so animatedly and laughed on the return journey from Belgrade. In two days me, and my Manchester United team mates, were to face Arsenal

  • The Marburg Virus Case Study

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    In August 1967, a mystery virus infected workers from labs in Marburg and Frankfurt, Germany. Four weeks later, workers from a lab in Belgrade, Serbia, appeared to have the same illness. Twenty five lab workers from the three labs became sick. From the original infected, the virus spread to their medical personnel and a family member that were taking care of them. By the end of the outbreak, thirty one people were infected, and seven people died. The virus was identified to be the Marburg virus,

  • History of Alkaloid AD Skopje Company

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    industries in the Republic of Macedonia. Due to specificity of its production, among the first years after World War II, the factory was of great significance and went under the direct jurisdiction of the Main Directorate for Medical Production in Belgrade. On October 31st 1946, Alkaloid registered as a state owned factory for producing alkaloids. The factory’s title remained until 1950, when it shifted from federal level to the General Directorate for the Chemical Industry in Macedonia. At this

  • Censorship In George Orwell's 1984

    850 Words  | 2 Pages

    We are becoming a society like 1984 for many reasons such as being under surveillance, censorship, and the government having a lot of control. There are many examples throughout this novel that are quite similar to our society today. In 1984, their whole society is under constant, close observation. Nowhere is safe. The novel states, “It was terribly dangerous to let your thoughts wander when you were in any public place or within range of a telescreen. The smallest thing could give you away”(George

  • The Political Ethos of the Civil Society

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    Legitimitet politi~kog sistema i vrednosni profil gra|ana Jugoslavije, Belgrade, 1996, p. 9 (9) Research of authoritarianism in Yugoslavia carried out in the nineties shows a very high degree of authoritarianism of examines (2/3 of examines show it toward leaders), Z. Golubovi}, B. Kuzmanovi}, M. Vasovi}, Dru{tveni karakter i dru{tvene promene u svetlu nacionalnih sukoba, Institut za filozofiju i dru{tvenu teoriju "Filip Vi{nji}", Belgrade, 1995, p. 338. The research in 1996 show a decline of authoritarianism

  • Yugoslavia

    2647 Words  | 6 Pages

    Mid-Danube, or Pannonian, Plain. Along the shore of the Adriatic Sea is a small coastal plain known as the Dalmatian coast. The longest river in Yugoslovia is the Sava, which flows from the Austrian border eastward for 584 miles to join the Danube at Belgrade. The Danube flows for 367 miles through Croatia and Serbia. Its major tributaries are the Sava, Dr... ... middle of paper ... ...icated by religious differences. Many of its residents, Serb and Croat alike, were Muslims. Serbs tended mostly to

  • Democratization: Foreign Aid And Coercive Democracy

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    Koral Zazueta PSCI 253 – Essay #3 There are several international factors that influence the transition of an authoritarian regime to a democratic one. Foreign aid and coercive democracy have been identified as influencing democratization. However, aid and coercive democracy has little to do with promoting democratization. Ultimately, local domestic groups, such as Otpor have been the most influential in promoting democratization thus far. Beissinger describes certain external actors