Azores Essays

  • The Azores

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    The Azores is located in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean in between North America and Europe. Azores is a region not a country. The main language is Portuguese. The archipelago is 760 miles from Lisbon and 2,110 miles from New York. The Azores is made up of nine beautiful and fascinating islands, Corvo, Flores, Faial, Graciosa, Pico, Sao Jorge, Sao Miguel, Santa Maria, and Terceira. A group of islands like this is also called an archipelago. They are divided into three groups. The Eastern group

  • Carnation Revolution Essay

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    negotiations conducted with George Kenna, chargé d’affaires in Lisbon, Salazar obtained a critical quid pro quo from Washington, which committed the United States to respect the territorial integrity of Portuguese colonies in return for access to the Azores facilities. This concession was the first significant breach in the US anticolonial position, which subsequently became the starting point for many of the problems that would limit US policy toward Portugal and Portuguese Africa thereafter. Salazar

  • Portugal

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    greatly improved in the last few decades to an estimated rate of 6.05 per 1,000 in 1992. Life expectancy is seventy-one years for males and seventy-eight for females in 1992. The ethnic groups in Portugal are mainly a Mediterranean stock on mainland, Azores, and Madeira Islands. There are less than 100,000 citiz... ... middle of paper ... ...ican strands to the country's culture: in the distinctive music of fado, sentimental songs heard in Lisbon and Coimbra, for example, or in the Moorish-influenced

  • The Phoenicians

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    The Phoenicians originated in modern day Lebanon. Their cities were located near the coast of the Mediterranean Sea; the Lebanon Mountains towered behind them. When the Phoenicians began expanding, instead of going over the mountains they expanded out into the sea. As the Phoenicians expanded they formed new colonies and established trade routes (see appendix A). However the Phoenicians exploration and trade did not stop in the Mediterranean, it extended into Brittany, pushed deep into Africa

  • Is the City of Atlantis a Myth or Real?

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    Believed to be literally swallowed by the sea, Atlantis is a mysterious, advanced society that seems to have just vanished. Although some say Atlantis is a myth, there is reliable proof that Atlantis is a myth, there is reliable proof that Atlantis really did exist, and is more than just a myth. The idea of this “vanishing city” first came from Plato, who began discussing this legendary civilization in 355 B.C. Atlantis was a powerful and somewhat greedy civilization established by Poseidon (the

  • The Four Journeys Of Columbus And The Life Of Christopher Columbus

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    From trying to sail west to land up in Asia, to forming a colony in Haiti, Christopher was a determined explorer lead four journeys to what he thought was Asia, but he was really landing up in the Americas. Never the less, Columbus’s navigational prowess helped him navigate the seas safely. Columbus started his life in Genoa Italy 1451, with his dad Domenico Colombo being a middle class wool weaver , and his mum was Susanna Fontanarossa. He grew up in a Christian household, but it was thought that

  • Creative Writing: Seamounts

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    the floor of the Atlantic Ocean. Apart from the tectonic plates spreading, the Mid-Atlantic Ridge is also the site of volcanic activity and earthquakes. A day later my tour guide stumbles onto the Azores plateau which is an area of thickened oceanic crust and is thought to be formed from the Azores hotspot. The oceanic plateaus are created by magma trenches or plumes. 28°N and 29°W. A day later my group and I finally made it to Portugal Spain. And we all received are 250,000 dollars for participating

  • Atlantis: The Lost City, Culture, and Continent

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    Everyone has heard the bedtime story of the golden lost city of Atlantis. It has been a child’s dream to discover it for decades, maybe centuries. This city has often been compared to the Garden of Eden. The birth of this fairytale lies with the Greek philosopher, Plato. Atlantis was modernly made popular by writer and U.S. Congressman, Ignatius Donnelly, in 1882 (Martin 12). According to Greek mythological history, Atlantis was founded by the god Poseidon and ruled by Atlas, a descendant of Poseidon’s

  • Bermuda Triangle Research Papers

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    Bermuda Triangle What is the Bermuda Triangle? The Bermuda Triangle is an area around Florida and Cuba that form the shape of a triangle. There have countless disappearances of ships, planes, and people in this area, causing people to either investigate or write tales about the area. The Bermuda Triangle has been through a controversy of fact or fiction. According to some, planes, ships, and even people have been disappearing since the late 1400’s. Based on scientific theories there is no paranormal

  • Christopher Columbus: The Hero

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    scientific curiosity, a zest for life, the felling for beauty and the striving for novelty that we associate with the advancement of learning”. He had heard of the legendary Atlantic voyages and sailors reports of land to the west of Madeira and the Azores. He believed that Japan was about 4,800 km to the west of Portugal. In 1484, Columbus wanted support for an exploratory voyage from King John II of Portugal, but he was refused. In 1485, Columbus took his son Diego and went to Spain to get some

  • Persuasive Essay On Whale Watching Tourss

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    operators offer whale watching tours on both coasts as well as Hawaii. And that's only one part of the world! Other popular locations include Quebec, which is home to two rare and endangered species - the North Atlantic right whale and the Beluga - the Azores archipelago, Dominica in the Caribbean, Los Cabos in Mexico, Kaikoura in New Zealand, Hermanus in South Africa and the aptly named Orcas island. What Kind Of Boat Do They Have? (and other equipment questions) Vessels for whale watching tours vary

  • Cliff Barnes Influences

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    The unorthodox ardent oceanography professor, Clifford Barnes, tracked icebergs during the Second World War before rescuing Curtis Ebbesmeyer’s academic career. His unique holistic approach to science eventually drew Ebbesmeyer to take an apprenticeship under him and would serve beneficial to the field of oceanography. Unfortunately, Barnes would succumb to Alzheimer’s disease, but before that, he would prepare Ebbesmeyer with a broader, more integrated understanding before proceeding to research

  • Essay On Vasco Da Gama

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    From rigorous voyages at sea, to rugged journeys across land, explorers have helped shape the world’s achievements and history into what they have transpired to today through natural curiosity and crave for adventure. One such adventurer that we know of today as Vasco da Gama created a turning point in the history of exploring when he put to test the bravery of man by sailing into the uncharted waters of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans in hopes of finding a route to India. His discovery opened a door

  • Pollution Essay: The Great Lisbon Earthquake

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    near the harbor of Lisbon. The great Lisbon Earthquake would occur on the seismic active region with the plate boundary of Eurasia and Africa. This boundary is believed to be a complex structure with active volcanoes and rifting that is prevalent at Azores. So many factors contributes to the complex nature of this plate boundary. It separates an oceanic crust on both sides of its western side, while on the eastern side it has a continental nature featuring the Mediterranean basin in between the plate

  • Portuguese Culture

    1512 Words  | 4 Pages

    Portugal, a beautiful country that has Latin roots like most language is one of the major languages of the world the sixth most spoken worldwide in fact (The Portuguese Language). As a child born in the Azores, and then immigrating here, I have been able to keep my culture alive despite the difference of culture here. Mostly because of my parents traditional ways being etched deeply into me to not forget where I came from. Throughout my life I seemed to be affected by the culture from outside the

  • Primogeniture And The Apalachee Indians

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    7. The Portuguese mariners crafted a triangular sail for their ship, in order to tack into the wind and effectively cross the rough waters off the north African coast. Because of this innovation, the Portuguese discovered the colonized Madeira and Azore islands, later reaching the sub-Saharan Leone, trading salt, wine, and fish in exchange for ivory and gold of

  • Christopher Columbus

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    small island, which he called San Salvador. In January, the Santa Maria was wrecked off the coast of Espanola. The Nina, with Columbus in command, along with the Pinta began the homeward voyage in January 1493. The storms drove the ships first to the Azores and then to Lisbon, Columbus arrived in Palos, Spain, in March. He was enthusiastically received by the Spanish Monarchs. Columbus planned immediately for a second expedition, with about 1500 men, which left Spain in September 1493. They landed on

  • Colonization of Spain, England, and the Holy Roman Empire

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    In order to understand colonization, it is important to consider the background of the events leading up to colonization. In Spain for instance, the re-conquest of Grenada as well as the search for new trade routes are important events that lead up to colonization. In England, the Civil War between parliament and the monarchy affected colonization as well. The living situation for people in the Holy Roman Empire was deemed not good enough for future generations. The dynamics and developments in Spain

  • Portuguese Cuisine Research Paper

    857 Words  | 2 Pages

    Kellisha Lettsome Cuisine Across Cultures Chef Reynolds Portugal & Spain Portuguese cuisine is known for its quality ingredients that a prepared simply to preserve their distinctive flavors. To the natural eye or on the surface this might sound plain, but it really isn’t. Rich Mediterranean and Moorish influences and the wide variety of available ingredients have given the Portuguese cook the best flavors and textures to work with, so there is very little need for complex preparation. Portuguese

  • What Is The Bermuda Triangle Essay

    806 Words  | 2 Pages

    The British brig Dei Gratia was about 400 miles east of the Azores on December 5, 1872, when crew members spotted a ship adrift in the dangerous seas. Capt. David Morehouse was taken aback to discover that the lonely vessel was the Mary Celeste, which had left New York City eight days before him and should have already