Axiom Essays

  • Husserl’s Conceptions of Formal Mathematics

    3100 Words  | 7 Pages Footnotes 1. Lohmar, p. 14 2. However, this claim is itself a material claim of the truth of a statement in material logic, i.e. that the given statement follows from the given axioms, when this statement and these axioms are viewed as actual objects in our reasoning system. 3. Husserl, p. 16 4. Føllesdal, in Hintikka, p. 442 5. Hill, p. 153 6. Husserl, p. xxiii 7. Husserl, p. 161 8. Gödel, p. 385 9. Husserl, p. 163-4 10. Husserl, p. 167-8

  • Euclid's Contributions to Geometry

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    non-Euclidean. The book of Elements discusses plane geometry (books I-IV and VI), number theory (V and VII-X), and solid geometry (XI-XIII). Amongst all thirteen books of the treatise, the most well-known topics are the Euclidean algorithm and the five axioms, or postulates. Regarding the Euclid’s Elements, British mathematician Russell claims “Elements is the one of the greatest books ever written, and one of the most perfect monuments of the Greek intellect” (211) to show the remarkable intellectuality

  • Ross's Discussion of Moral Epistemology in What Makes Right Acts Right?,

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    duties being innate and objective. This paper will criticize Ross's claims, specifically on the grounds of the existence and objectivity of these prima facie duties. I intend to show that Ross's comparisons about prima facie duties and mathematical axioms are baseless and false. In order to criticize Ross's claims, we must first discuss exactly what he says in What Makes Right Acts Right?. Ross claims that there are some of self-evident, objective moral truths which should govern the way we make

  • What Does Each Proposition Say In Common American English?

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    1. Outline the axiomatic method. (Yes, write it down in words.) The axiomatic method is a process of achieving a scientific theory in which axioms (primitive assumptions) are assumed as the base of the theory, whereas logical values of these axioms find the rest of the theory. 2. Explain what deductive reasoning is. How is it related to the axiomatic method? Deductive reasoning is a logical way to increase the set of facts that are assumed to be true. The purpose of Deductive reasoning is to end

  • Euclid’s Elements and the Axiomatic Method

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    “There is no royal road to geometry.” – Euclid Euclid’s Elements are predominantly the most fundamental concepts of mathematics, but his perspective on geometry was the model for over two millennia. He is believed by many to be the leading mathematics teacher of all time. However, little is known about his life outside of mathematics, or even when he was born or when he died. According to a passage written by Proclus, Euclid probably lived after Ptolemy and the pupils of Plato, but came before

  • Essay On Euclid

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    mathematics on different grade levels. His geometry work was used especially from the time of publication until the late 19th and early 20th century Euclid reasoned the principles of what is now called Euclidean geometry, which came from a small set of axioms on the Elements. Euclid was also famous for writing books using the topic on perspective, conic sections, spherical geometry, number theory, and rigor. Many mathematicians established the theories found in The Elements; one of Euclid’s accomplishments

  • Euclid Research Paper

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    Euclid of ‘Alexandria’ was born around 330 B.C, in Alexandria. Alexandria was once, the largest city in the Western World and was also central to the great, flourishing, Papyrus industry. Certain Arabian authors assume that Euclid was born to a wealthy family to ‘Naucrates’. Of Euclid’s life nothing is known except what the Greek philosopher Proclus (c. ad 410–485) reports in his “summary” of famous Greek mathematicians. According to him, Euclid taught at Alexandria in the time of Ptolemy I Soter

  • What Is Euclidean Geometry?

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    Euclidean Geometry is the study of plane and solid figures based on the axioms and theorems outlined by the Greek mathematician Euclid (c. 300 B.C.E.). It is this type of geometry that is widely taught in secondary schools. For much of modern history the word geometry was in fact synonymous with Euclidean geometry, as it was not until the late 19th century when mathematicians were attracted to the idea of non-Euclidean geometries. Euclid’s geometry embodies the most typical expression of general

  • The Seinfeld Axiom

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    In his book Nerds: Who They Are and Why We Need More of Them, David Anderegg uses an episode of Seinfeld, entitled “The Abstinence,” to make an argument about nerds and sex, called the Seinfeld Axiom. His argument states that the absence of sex in George’s life, caused by his girlfriend’s Mononucleosis, actually caused him to get smarter and when he finally has sex in the end of the episode and lost touch with his new knowledge, that it was sex that caused him to get “stupid” again. Yet, deeper into

  • Euclidean VS Non-Euclidean Geometry

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    Euclidean Geometry is a type of geometry created about 2400 years ago by the Greek mathematician, Euclid. Euclid studied points, lines and planes. The discoveries he made were organized into different theorems, postulates, definitions, and axioms. The ideas came up with were all written down in a set of books called Elements. Not only did Euclid state his ideas in Elements, but he proved them as well. Once he had one idea proven, Euclid would prove another idea that would have to be true based on

  • Euclid and Archimedes

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    Ptolemy I. He also wrote many books based on mathematical knowledge, such as Elements, which is regarded as one of the greatest mathematical/geometrical encyclopedias of all time, only being outsold by the Bible. Euclid also came up with a number of axioms and proofs, which he called “postulates.” Some of these postulates relate to all sciences, while other postulates relate only to geometry. An example of a Euclidean postulate that relates to all sciences is “The whole is greater than the part.” An

  • Euclid

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    EUCLID: The Man Who Created a Math Class Euclid of Alexandria was born in about 325 BC. He is the most prominent mathematician of antiquity best known for his dissertation on mathematics. He was able to create “The Elements” which included the composition of many other famous mathematicians together. He began exploring math because he felt that he needed to compile certain things and fix certain postulates and theorems. His book included, many of Eudoxus’ theorems, he perfected many of Theaetetus's

  • Alienation Comparison: The Secretary Chant and Alienation and Orange

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    It’s self-evident, feelings & emotions are more intimate & personal than percentages, statistics, & numbers. “The Secretary Chant”, a poem about a woman so engrossed in her job she is turning into it, has the theme of alienation. As does “Alienation & Orange Juice: The Invisibility of Labor”, is an article that speaks about a commercial that has no humans shown and causes the alienation of the workers from the end result of their work by the absence of their portrayal. Those texts are both effective

  • Euclid and Mathematics

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    Euclid and Mathematics Euclid is one of the most influential and best read mathematician of all time. His prize work, Elements, was the textbook of elementary geometry and logic up to the early twentieth century. For his work in the field, he is known as the father of geometry and is considered one of the great Greek mathematicians. Very little is known about the life of Euclid. Both the dates and places of his birth and death are unknown. It is believed that he was educated at Plato's academy

  • How Children Learn the Mathematics Concepts

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    Summary Children observe and interact with two-dimensional and three-dimensional objects through daily activities in the environment such as building blocks, books, balls or puzzles. Learning geometry is one of outcomes in Victorian Essential Learning Standards. Geometry offers an opportunity for students to engage in mathematical thinking that allows them to make conjectures. This report will reflect the lesson plan on four points: • Key mathematical ideas and skills. • Link to relevant curriculum

  • Analysis of Sidgwick's Third Axiom

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    Sidgwick’s axiom that from the point of view of the universe, the good of one is no more important than the good of another on the ground that it is analytic. I present the purpose and content of the axiom with a further explanation of what I take ‘the point of view of the universe’ to mean. I then consider the response of the Egoist to the axiom and Sidgwick’s counter-response to illustrate the tautology of the argument. The tautology of the argument brings it in line with other axioms that Sidgwick

  • Analysis Of The Photo Burst Of Joy

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    The inevitably of conflicts occurring between us is something we’ve come to the realization, is going to be a forever struggle. There are so many people on this planet that to maintain peace, isn’t always going to work. Unfortunately for many that means being involved in conflicts rising as great as wars. The photo Burst of Joy taken by photographer Slava “Sal” Veder captures the joy an American soldier experiences after returning home from the war in Vietnam. The war in Vietnam was fought between

  • Examples Of Automated Planning

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    section{Planning and Scheduling} label{sec:planingscheduling} Automated planning is concerned with making a plan for solving a problem. When working with these kind of problems, the difficulty primarily lies in defining the problem in a precise yet relatively simple way. There are different approaches on how to do this, based on what kind of problem needs to be solved. Often their representation will include definitions of states, actions and functions which map states to a new state. The state

  • Bacon's Theory Of Bacon Analysis

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    of the axioms that are extrapolated from those observations. In essence, the authority of science, according to Bacon, stems from his method of “true and perfect induction.” All other methods would be subject to opinion and error of interpretation. One cannot start at general axioms, they have to start from specific and interpret their way to general axioms, and therefore induction is essential for the accurate interpretation of nature. The claim that general principles must come from axioms, and axioms

  • William Gudykunst's Anxiety / Uncertainty Management Theory

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    Management Theory. In this he includes 47 axioms to help people of different cultures communicate more efficiently. Using a humanistic approach I agree with Gudykunst in his belief that "anxiety and uncertainty are the basic causes of all communication failure in intercultural situations."(Griffin, 410). Also, humanistically, his developement of the 47 axioms is appropriate because he leaves room for interpretation by the individual applying these axioms to their own personal experiences in intercultural