Audio engineering Essays

  • Audio Engineering Essay

    807 Words  | 2 Pages

    Like current day Audio Engineers, or Music Producers, Cage put a lot of thought into his creation prior to writing or producing it. Moreover, I believe Cage’s silent song paved the way for those employed in Audio Engineering now, and for those to come. By becoming an Audio Engineer myself, I too, want to show the world how beautiful music can be. Before I can become an Audio Engineer, though, I must first dig deep and find out how this infamous career came to exist. Audio Engineering stemmed from Thomas

  • Audio Engineering Research Paper

    547 Words  | 2 Pages

    Eight Types of Audio Engineering By Adriana J. Noton Mar 11, 2012 Audio engineering is only a part of the science of sound that deals with recording and remaking sound through mechanic and electronics. A person who wants to get into this field much be proficient with different types of recording equipment and will often simply choose one aspect of the process to master. There are 8 basic branches that an engineer can choose from. A studio engineer is someone who works in a studio with a producer

  • Responsibilities Of A Sound Engineer

    1344 Words  | 3 Pages

    There are many different fields and places Broadcast and Sound Engineering Technicians can find work. Many Sound Technicians are or can be involved in many activities such as recording a football game, working with music, and many other areas that basically require anything pertaining to recording and sound. Most of these fields or jobs would be known as: Engineer, Sound Technician, Rerecording Mixer, Live Sound Engineer, Producer, or a Recording Studio Setup Worker. Each of these is similar but

  • Sound Engineer Technician

    939 Words  | 2 Pages

    “Sound Engineer Technician?” “Bro, what interests do you really find in that?” “Like, what do they do?” A sound engineering technician sets up, operates and maintains special equipment used in stage, television or motion picture productions according to instructions. In other words I can be one of those guys who gets to go out and find substitution sounds for the common things people may hear everyday or stuff people never had the chance to hear before. A couple classic examples would be a sheet

  • The Impact of Recording Technology on Music

    2004 Words  | 5 Pages

    skilled professional musicians, soaring at their craft. Most contemporary music, from pop to R&B and acid jazz to the sophisticated realm of orchestral film scores, has been modernized by several inventions encased within the studio. The art of audio engineering has taken on new forms, from the nuts and bolts, "plug it in, and see if it works" era into the digital world, because of these wonderfully tragic solutions to a higher pace of life. A musician's art have been made solely because of it, and others

  • Noise Cancelling Headphones Analysis

    1955 Words  | 4 Pages

    outside (undesirable) noises. A battery power driven smart circuit produces the upside down waves actively, and provides it into the audio signal which is sent to the ear canal. The produced audio signal functions to block out the backdrop noises from the outer sources. Audio energy is actually a wave-form. Therefore, in conceptual stipulations, if a couple of audio wave-forms hold the precise mirror impression of one another, whenever added alongside one another they terminate one another away, and

  • A Profitable Home Recording Studio For $10,000

    2375 Words  | 5 Pages

    A Profitable Home Recording Studio For $10,000 Jumping in to starting a business can be scary and investing in a home recording studio is no exception. There are many things to consider when doing so. How much will it cost? What gear will I need? What recording jobs will I take on? What will I charge? How will I network and advertise? I believe that I can open a profitable home studio for $10,000 mixed with my skills and gear that I already have. Before I get too in depth I need to discuss

  • The Many Benefits of Active Noise Cancellation

    2019 Words  | 5 Pages

    One of the major problems that society faces today is noise pollution. Everywhere people go there is always something that is making a sound. It can be very loud such as a plane flying overhead, or it could be quiet like the fan of a computer. When a person is exposed to certain noises for extended periods of time it can not only damage their hearing, but also effect their mood, energy level, and productivity. As a result, there has been a push in the last fifty years or so to silence some of

  • Producing Professional Recordings at Home

    1327 Words  | 3 Pages

    For most careers, sound is used as a medium for communicating thoughts, ideas, and important information. For this very reason, it is unlikely that you would ever see an office space with tall ceilings and hardwood floor—as people would be unable to clearly communicate with each other due to the echoic effects of the architectural structure. Instead, office spaces have relatively low ceilings and carpeted floor to reduce the number of reflections from a sound source. This allows our voices to be

  • Careers In The Military, Audio

    1437 Words  | 3 Pages

    Careers In The Military, Audio The occupation of an audio engineer can encompass many different areas of music production. From recording bands in the studio, synchronizing audio to film, sound reinforcement, to even developing the latest technology in the audio field. The possibilities are broad and seemingly endless. It is a field that is constantly changing, and qualifications are always increasing. Many don’t realize the commitment, drive, hard work and dedication involved with becoming

  • Addendum to Independent Study in Sound Design and Sound System Component Operation

    1038 Words  | 3 Pages

    Addendum to Independent Study in Sound Design and Sound System Component Operation This past year (2000) I have been working in the sound booth for The John Lyman Center for the Performing Arts. Here at the John Lyman Center (JLC) we have been going through a time of transition. The former resident technical guru who had taken care of JLC's happenings had retired, leaving the JLC in a semi chaotic state. The dance school season was just about to start which happens to be our busiest time of

  • What goes into the production of a song?

    889 Words  | 2 Pages

    Music isn’t produced over night, but rather through various steps and processes. Majority of people lack understanding of the steps and processes used to create music. Differing from majority opinion, producing music is a lengthy process at that, including various checks and balances that coincide together to form an articulated song or piece. In order to create a successful music production one must edit, mix, and master their work. The recording process, to many sound engineers, is the most

  • Audio Technician: Hobby or Profession

    1766 Words  | 4 Pages

    the only way that I can think of, that I would enjoy. So I want to become an audio technician, also called a sound engineer. Audio techs are basically the nuts and bolts of producing music,.they set up the equipment, are constantly adjusting the knobs, and checking the mics. They make sure everything runs smoothly and are always consulting with their artists so that they’re happy with the final outcome. To become an audio technician, there are actually no formal requirements to have any training.

  • The Audio Engineer as an Industry Professional

    1428 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Audio Engineer as an Industry Professional As soon as the beats of our favourite songs or musics pierces our ears, feet tap as fingers mingle. Music is what fascinates one and all, but is anyone bothered about who in which are behind this fascination and happiness? Is it the musician, singer or the album producer? Yes, they all have their part to play but it is the audio engineers who help even singers or musicians in the 21st century to realise their dream. These audio engineers are people

  • Video Conferencing

    1282 Words  | 3 Pages

    (august 2003) “Videoconferencing Whit Paper” Videoconferencing is two way video and sound between two or more locations using video, audio and high speed digital communication connections. The development of videoconferencing started way back in 1956 with AT&T building the first picture phone test system, and it gradually evolved and in 1991 the first video/audio conference was held (HREF1). By means of video conferencing, images are digital, bits or pixel is used to represent the image. Video is

  • Paleontological Audio Technology

    948 Words  | 2 Pages

    Paleontological Audio Technology In very recent years the advances in science and technology we have made have been incredible; from cloning sheep and human tissue to almost completing the human genome, the scientific community has taken great steps with the help of technology. One such area in this community is the study of geology. Computers aid geologists in determining the best places to drill for oil and natural gas, along with trying to determine mineral deposits and the compositions of

  • Analog Vs Digital

    1123 Words  | 3 Pages

    service: analog, and digital PCS. Analog is the more expensive option and has long been the standard for mobile phone service. Digital PCS is the newest form of phone service. It works by converting human speech into software codes and converting them to audio signals before the codes reach the listener. Because it is software based it provides a perfect platform for a variety of advanced wireless features. Digital PCS is the future of mobile phone service and the soon to be de facto standard for wireless

  • Audio Engineer

    989 Words  | 2 Pages

    Audio Engineer An audio engineer is responsible for the operation of the soundboard and other equipment in the recording of music, words, sounds, or any combination of such material. There are several types of engineering positions available in today's studios. In large studios, there are usually several engineers, each with the own duties and contributions. There are recording engineers, recording assistants, set-up engineers, maintenance engineers, and even mix-down engineers in some cases.

  • Dynamic Compression and The Loudness Wars

    2263 Words  | 5 Pages

    date as to when the loudness wars began, we can study the trends of mastering over the past forty years, and, from our data, hypothesize when engineers began prioritizing loudness over quality. Before examining the levels of commercially distributed audio, the medium of recorded music must be taken into consideration. The earliest indications that loudness was prioritized in commercial music occurred on vinyl. In the 1940’s and 1950’s, 7” singles were extremely popular among bars, clubs and pubs housing

  • Product Life Cycle: iPod

    1679 Words  | 4 Pages

    thousand songs in a small, hand-held device that is lighter and thinner than two CD cases. iPod features a touch-sensitive navigational wheel and buttons, and an intuitive interface designed for one-handed operation. Songs are stored in several digital audio formats, delivering the highest sound quality. The iPod was born out of the idea dreamed up by Tony Fadell, an independent contractor and hardware expert, to take an MP3 player, build a Napster music sale service to complement it, and build a company