Analysis of algorithms Essays

  • Big O Notation

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    infinite series, especially an asymptotic series, and in computer science, it is useful in the analysis of the complexity of algorithms. Big-O Notation is short for order of growth notation. It is defined as given two function t(n) and g(n), we say that t(n) = O(g(n)) if there exist a positive constant A and some number N such that t(n) <= A g(n) for all n > n T(n) means the running time of the algorithm on a problem of size N. (Sestoft, p. 105) Big-O basically means that t(n) asymptotically (only

  • COP 3530, Discrete Data Structures and Algorithms, Summer 1999, Homework 1

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    Class Notes: Data Structures and Algorithms Summer-C Semester 1999 - M WRF 2nd Period CSE/E119, Section 7344 Homework #1 -- Solutions (in blue type) Note: There have been many questions about this homework assignment. Thus, clarifications are posted below in red type. When you answer these questions, bear in mind that each one only counts four points out of 1000 total points for the course. Thus, each one should have a concise answer. No need to write a dissertation. * Question 1. Suppose

  • Pieles de La Garriga Case Study

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    Comerpiel (to produce both the small and the large bands) and to ask for a price 5% higher than the suggested. By choosing a price 5% higher we can earn much more profits and at the same time we reduce he financial risk. Analysis The first thing I am going to do concerning the analysis is to define the problem that we are facing (I consider myself in this case as a partner of Pedro). Basically we have to make a decision. We have to decide if we are going to accept the offer of Comerpiel and the conditions

  • COP 3530, Discrete Data Structures and Algorithms, Summer 1999, Homework 4

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    Class Notes: Data Structures and Algorithms Summer-C Semester 1999 - M WRF 2nd Period CSE/E119, Section 7344 Homework #4 -- Due Wed 16 June 1999 : 09.30am -- Answer Key Answers are in blue typeface. * Question 1. Write pseudocode and a diagram that shows how to implement the merge part of the merge-sort algorithm using two stacks (one for each subsequence), and be sure to use the correct ADT operations for stacks. Do not write Java code, or pseudocode for merge-sort. Answer: 1. Put

  • Bubble Algorithm Essay

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    Course: ALGORITHM. Assignment#1.1 Q- Discuss the Complexity of Bubble Sort algorithm COMPLEXITY OF BUBBLE_SORTS ALGORITHM: If we talk about the complexity of Bubble sort. Then for bubble sort our pseudo code is, Procedure Bubble sort (a1, a2 . . . an) This is an arithmetic series. for i=1 to n-1 for j=1 to n-1 if aj>aj+1 then interchange aj and aj+1 Let, we have the following list, { 1 –11 50 6 8 –1} Using Bubble Sort in increasing order After first pass {-11 1 6 8 –1 50} (In this step

  • Analysis: An Analysis Of The Viterbi Algorithm

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    3.6 The Viterbi Algorithm (HMM) The Viterbi algorithm analyzes English text. Probabilities are assigned to each word in the context of the sentence. A Hidden Markov Model for English syntax is used in which the probability of the word is dependent on the previous word or words. The probability of word or words followed by a word in the sentence the probability is calculated for bi-gram, tri-gram and 4-gram.Depending on the length of the sentence the probability is calculated for n-grams [1]. 3

  • Reverse Delelete Algorithm: An Analysis Of Retente Algorithm

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    Abstract: In this Algorithm we study about the graph in which we can identify. How reverse delete algorithm works. This algorithm is help to everybody how the graph dose work in decreasing order. Reverse delete algorithm is opposite with kruskal algorithm. In kruskal algorithm we solve the graph in increasing order and reverse delete algorithm we solve the graph in decreasing order. The reverse delete algorithm is the part of Minimum Spanning Tree and this algorithm is a greedy algorithm. INTRODUCTION:

  • Analysis Of Knuth Morris Pratt Algorithm

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    Algorithms 1. Brute-Force Algorithm: Introduction: Brute force is a straightforward approach to solve a problem based on the problem’s statement and definitions of the concepts involved. It is considered as one of the easiest approach to apply and is useful for solving small - size instances of a problem. In computer science, brute-force search or exhaustive search, also known as generate and test, is a very general problem-solving technique that consists of systematically enumerating all possible

  • Bakery Algorithm Analysis: Critical Section Problem And Solutions

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    then it will be the next one to proceed.  This algorithm satisfies all three requirements for solution to critical section problem.So this is the correct solution to critical section problem. N-Process Critical Section Problem Now consider a system of n processes (Po, P1 …… Pn-1). Many solutions are available to solve the N-process critical section problem.we consider Bakery algorithm here. Lamports’s Bakery Algorithm Each process in the Bakery Algorithm has an id.These ids are ordered.Before entering

  • Data Mining: Data Mining, And Knowledge Discovery Process

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    appropriate for analysis e.g. normalization. Some operations like summary or aggregation can be performed. 4. Data mining: Patterns are extraction, this stage is concerned with the extraction of patterns from the data. 5. Interpretation of patterns for decision

  • A Modest Proposal

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    ESTIMATION BASED ON DATA MINING APPROACH FOR HEALTH ANALYSIS Priyanka Vijay Pawar Department Of Computer Engineering Ramrao Adik Institute of Technology Nerul, Navi Mumbai Email: Megha Sakharam Walunj Department Of Computer Engineering Ramrao Adik Institute of Technology Nerul, Navi Mumbai Pallavi Chitte Department Of Computer Engineering Ramrao Adik Institute of Technology Nerul, Navi Mumbai Email: Abstract— In this

  • Essay On Link Analysis

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    III. LINK ANALYSIS ALGORITHMS In the development of web search Link analysis the analysis of hyperlinks and the graph structure of the Web have been helpful which is one of the factors considered by web search engines in computing a composite rank for a web page on any given user query. The directed graph configuration is known as web graph. There are several algorithms based on link analysis. The important algorithms are Hypertext Induced Topic Search (HITS), Page Rank, Weighted Page Rank, and

  • Healthcare Big Data Analysis Paper

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    As the healthcare is increased day by day, it is very difficult to analysis the big and huge amount of the datasets. The healthcare data consists of the medicines data like drug molecules and structures and clinical trials, environment factors related to the health, lab reports, health insurance, and global disease survey etc. The healthcare big data analysis is the three step process: 1. Preprocessing 2. Cleaning 3. Visualization According to paper [12] healthcare big data is analyzed

  • Advantages And Disadvantages Of Cryptography

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    symmetric algorithms encrypt and decrypt a message using the same key. If you hold a key, you can exchange messages with peers holding the same key. Several symmetric key algorithms are used among which Blowfish Encryption Algorithm, Data Encryption Standard (DES), 3DES (Triple DES), Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) are major concern of this paper. These symmetric key cryptographic algorithms are focused in this paper on the basis of some common parameters and we make comparative analysis of

  • Deskewing Using Binary and Grayscale Images

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    Document Image Analysis has today become an increasingly important domain due to the de- sire to reduce the amount of paper documents and archives. Optical Character Recognition (OCR) systems and document structure analyzers are the essential tools to achieve this task. It often appears that the document to be recognized is not correctly placed on the flat-bed scanner, especially when the document comes from a book or a magazine. This results in a skewed digitalized image which is a real problem

  • Graph Theory: The Diagram Of Kruskal's Algorithth Theory

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    path and distance between two vertices.The ap- plication in many areas of shortest path algorithms are such as geographical rout- ing, transportation, computer vision and VLSI design involve solving optimiza- tion problems on large planar graphs. To calculate the shortest path we need to know some algorithms like Kruskal's algorithm,Prim's algorithm,Dijkstra's algorithm,BellmanFord's algorithm. These algorithms have some advantages and limitations.Kruskal algorthm uses simpler data structures and

  • The Information Age: Data Mining

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    everywhere. Together with the incoming of information technology tools, so all the data are collected and waiting to be converted to information and knowledge. Therefore, the information industry provides useful information to many areas such as market analysis, science, decision-making and customer relationship. Data mining is the integration between analytical techniques and database system. Previously, it has only database query, data processing or transactional processing, which is insufficient for

  • Recent Trends in Document Clustering with Evolutionary-Based Algorithms

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    a number of statistical algorithms had been applied to perform clustering to the data including the text documents. There are recent endeavors to enhance the performance of the clustering with the optimization based algorithms such as the evolutionary algorithms. Thus, document clustering with evolutionary algorithms became an emerging topic that gained more attention in the recent years. This paper presents an up-to-date review fully devoted to evolutionary algorithms designed for document clustering

  • Application Essay: A Career As A Teaching Assistant

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    high school, my curiosity led me to teach myself calculus. In college, I furthered my understanding by taking a year-long advanced calculus/real analysis course. I spent hours with my classmates discussing proofs and pointing out flaws in each other’s arguments until we agreed it was rigorous. Around the same time, I took classes on complexity, algorithms and probability theory, which gave me a well-rounded introduction to theoretical computer science. I enjoyed the depth of concepts pursued in theory

  • Data Mining Frequent Disease Essay

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    different geographical area at given time period. Frequent diseases are those diseases which are occurring large number of times in the dataset. The data collection regarding these sorts of diseases can be done through association rule. Apriori Algorithm of the Association rule is used for the mining of frequent diseases. Introduction