American Enterprise Institute Essays

  • American Enterprise Institute/Building Partnerships

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    AEI/ Building Partnerships According to the American Enterprise Institute’s (AEI) website, the organization “is a community of scholars and supporters committed to expanding liberty, increasing individual opportunity, and strengthening free enterprise” (AEI, 2013). It is nonprofit organization founded in 1938 and headquartered in Washington, DC (AEI, 2013). AEI prides itself for being nonpartisan, committed to open, independent thinking and research “on issues of government, politics, economics and

  • An Author's Credibility In The Academic Discourse Community

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    persuasive to the academic discourse community because he lacks qualities that would make him credible to this community. Works Cited Calfee, John E. "How Advertising Informs to Our Benefit." Consumers' Research Magazine. (April 1998). American Enterprise Institute. 1 Jan 2000 . Cave, Damien. "On Sale at Old Navy: Cool Clothes for Identical Zombies." What Matters in America: Reading and Writing About Contemporary Culture. Ed. Gary Gosharian. New York: Pearson Longman, 2007. 24-29.

  • Educational Romanticism

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    Charles Murray, the author of “The Age of Educational Romanticism,” is a political scientist, libertarian, and author of many controversial writings involving the need of educational reform. The American Enterprise Institute published the article in May 2008. This institute

  • The Permanent Campaign

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    analyst for CBS and appears frequently on television shows including the Today Show, Nightline and the Mac Neil/Lehre News Hour where he has been a consultant and contributor for fifteen years. Mr. Ornstein is a Resident Scholar at the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research and is also an advisor and member of the Free TV for Straight Talk coalition. The coalition is a group of 80 leaders from the worlds of politics, corporations, broadcast journalism, the entertainment industry

  • American Poet Robert M. Hensel

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    New York Robert M. Hensel was born with a birth defect know as Spina bifida. A disability that has not stopped him from achieving success in his life. Robert serves as an advocate for the disabled, an on going effort to better the rights of all Americans with disabilities. He is an International Poet-Writer with well over 900 publications published World wide. In 2000 Robert was nominated as one of the best Poets of the 20th Cen. Just most recently, he was nominated for the Pushcart Prize, an award

  • The Architecture Industry: The Role Of Architecture And Architecture

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    It is highly recommended to use a qualified architect when it comes to designing structures as the outcomes are always energy efficient, cost efficient and generally easier to maintain (Australian Institute of Architects, 2016). There are numerous ways in which architecture can impact society, but arguably, the most fascinating method is that of communication. When architects create landmarks, they are enabling modern day society to have glimpses

  • Mattel and Toy Safety

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    development of testing protocols and certification criteria through the cooperation of all stakeholders and apply them consistently; 5) necessitate that Toy Industry Association work with Congress, Consumer Product Safety Commissions, and American National Standards Institute to implement the legislation, rules, and protocols to ensure industrywide adherence. Both Toys “R” Us and Mattel made testimonies on the incidents as well. Works Cited Lawrence, A. T., & Weber, J. (2014). Business and Society (14thth

  • COBIT Framework: Control Objectives For Internal Control Systems

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    • Three of the most important frameworks to help companies develop good internal control systems include: the COBIT framework, the COSO internal control framework, and COSO’s Enterprise Risk Management framework (ERM). • The COBIT Framework is formally known as Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology. o Developed by the Information Systems Audit and Control Foundation (ISACF) as a basis for IT control. o Combines standards from 36 different sources regarding systems security and

  • Income Equality in the United States? Think Again

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    to create more jobs, help families across the country that are sinking deeper and deeper into debt, and fix the broken tax code that is taking so much money from the poor and so little from the rich. It has long been thought by many that wealthy Americans are the job creators. It’s said that the more money they have the more they can spend, and the more businesses they can start up and hire employes. But this is a misconception because it is the middle class that drives the United States economy.

  • Global Warming Essay: Union of Concerned Scientists vs Competitive Enterprise Institute

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    Taking Sides, on the debate between members of UCS and members of the CEI, I wanted to do a little research of my own to see if the claims they were making were accurate. Even though members of the Union of Concerned Scientists and the Competitive Enterprise Institution argue two opposite sides of the global warming issue, they have much in common within their tactics to win the debate. Both organizations have credible and discreditable backgrounds and pay enormous amounts of money to those in administration

  • The Global Warming Debate

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    many scientists who support and can prove that global warming really does exist, a team of scientists from Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) spend their time and energy disproving the myths behind global warming. According to the CEI website, CEI is a company that specializes in debunking those who warn about global warming and climate change (Competitive Enterprise Institute). CEI was founded in 1984 by a group of scientists who all wanted to answer the same question: is global warming real

  • Arthur Brooks The Conservative Heart

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    conservatives have been a movement of the head instead of the heart. Arthur Brooks is the 11thpresident of the American Enterprise Institute which is a nonpartisan public policy research institute and became president when Barack Obama was elected president (Brooks 1). In the American Enterprise Institute, Brooks works with scholars, policymakers, and elected officials to ensure free enterprise to all American’s (Brooks 2). At the age of nineteen, Brooks left college to travel the world and play French

  • Booker T Washington's Success

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    position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome.” –Booker T. Washington. Educator Booker T. Washington was one of the foremost African American dominant leaders in the black community. His childhood and failures helped shape his impact that allowed him the success that he had, has on African American communities. After being born to a slave and working as a slave himself, Booker T. Washington decided that he wanted better for himself. He soon began to teach himself

  • The Great Recession Essay

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    suffering major dimensions crisis. According to the Economic Policy Institute, it all began in 2007 from the credit crisis, which resulted in an 8 trillion dollar housing bubble (n.d.). This said by Economist analysts to attributed to the collapse in the United States. Even today, strong debates continue over major issues caused by the Great Recession in part over the accommodative federal monetary and fiscal policy (Economic Policy Institute, 2013). The Great Recession of 2007 – 2009 enlarges the longest

  • Global Warming Dbq

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    apart of any actual research and only get their information from those who profit off the things destroying the environment. Some corporations who publicly deny global warming include the American Enterprise Institute, Americans for Prosperity, American Legislative Exchange Council, Beacon Hills Institute, Cato Institute, and many others. Each of the organizations listed are being privately funded by either Koch foundations or Exxonmobil, if not both (Source 12). Some of these companies acknowledge global

  • Persuasive Essay On Oil Spills

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    Today, many marine animals are in danger because of man’s greed for oil. Many people believe that oil spills should be monitored and that the oil company or person that are responsible for the oil spill, must pay a fine to clean it up. Even more Americans believe that oil spills could be reduced if we put limits on the number of drilling platforms and enforce stronger laws and punishments. Oil spills are a cause of accidents on oil drilling platforms, and these spills affect the environment, economy

  • A Brief Biography of Frederick Douglass

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    and personal (D... ... middle of paper ... A+E Television Networks,. "Bio of the Month Frederick Douglass." LLC. 1996. Web. 21 May 2014. . Fremarjo Enterprises, Inc, comp. "A Short Biography of Frederick Douglass." Fremarjo Enterprises, Inc. Frederick Douglass Leadership Institute Programs on Race Relations and Gender Equity, 1997. Web. 20 May 2014. "Douglass Biography." IU School of Liberal Arts. Web. 21 May 2014. . "People & Events Frederick Douglass 1818

  • The Underlying Factors of Economic Growth in China in the 1990s

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    Economic Literature , 601-645. Quibria, M. (2002). Growth and Poverty: Lessons from the East Asian Miracle Revisited. Asian Development Bank Institute . Sachs, J. D., & Woo, W. T. (1997). Understanding China's Economic Performance. NBER Working Paper . Weiss, J. (2005). Export Growth and Industrial Policy:Lessons from the East Asian Miracle experience. ADB Institute Discussion Paper .

  • We Should NOT Raise the Minimum Wage

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    $10 on the first day of 2016. The state is now mired in its longest stretch of net job losses since the recession in both the retail and the leisure and hospitality sectors, Labor Department data show. Raising the minimum will end up hurting Americans more than helping them. The people that are for raising minimum wage are people who believe that increasing minimum wage can help those people who are unskilled and need an income they can live on. Yet, raising minimum wage would do the opposite

  • Essay On Public Media

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    Public press had been referred to as the fourth estate since the 17th century. Enclosed with this denotation is the idea that public press is the medium for public disputes and discussions. Notwithstanding the mass media’s inclination for dishonesty, luridness and shallowness, the impression of the media as: channel between rulers and those that were ruled; guardian of public interest; and watchdog remains deeply entrenched. There are several ways in which media had been assertive to their roles