Alkaline earth metal Essays

  • Alkaline Metals

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    known as the alkaline earth metals are key components to humanity and life as we know it. Without them, many things that we both love and need would be gone. These remarkably diverse yet very similar elements that make up the alkaline earth metals family are: Beryllium (Be), Magnesium (Mg), Calcium (Ca), Strontium (Sr), Barium (Ba), and Radium (Ra). Although this family is often overshadowed by the infamous alkali metals, you will soon learn how spectacular and brilliant these metals really are and

  • Strontium Research Paper

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    periodic table, Strontium. Its name comes from the town Strontian, Scotland where it was discovered. Strontium is a metal and belongs to the alkaline earth metals. “The alkaline earth elements are metallic elements found in the second group of the periodic table. All alkaline earth elements have an oxidation number of +2, making them very reactive. Because of their reactivity, the alkaline metals are not found free in nature” (Bentor). Being in period number five, Strontium has an atomic number of thirty

  • The Uses and Significance of Group Two Compounds

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    two electrons have a positive Two charge or +ve. The Group 2 elements are all metals with a shiny, silvery-white colour. The alkaline earth metals are high in the reactivity series of metals, but not as high as the alkali metals of Group 1. These elements are all found in the Earth’s crust, but not in the elemental form as they are so reactive. Instead, they are widely distributed in rock structures. The metals of Group 2 are harder and denser than sodium and potassium, and have higher melting

  • Magnesium

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    called the alkaline earth metals. Natural magnesium contains three different isotopes, and there are twelve others that are recognized. Seawater is a rich source of magnesium in the form of salt. Magnesium is the eighth most abundant element in the earth's crust. Magnesium readily ignites upon heating in air and burns with a dazzling white flame. To extinguish the flame water should not be used. Alkaline earth metal salts in general, are less soluble in water than the corresponding alkali metal salts

  • Lithium Lab Report

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    Conclusion: In the experiment, we tested the reactivity of the alkali and alkaline earth metals when they are reacted with water, and when they are reacted with water plus the addition of heat. Each metal had a unique reaction due to several factors including their electronegativity and their atomic radius. We began the lab by experimenting with the alkaline earth metals. The first metal that we chose to react with water was magnesium. When we observed magnesium’s reaction with water, we saw

  • Empirical Formula Of Magnesium And Oxygen

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    The purpose of our experiment is to figure out the empirical formula of magnesium and oxygen once they are reacted together. Putting the piece of magnesium in the crucible with the lid somewhat open, we induce heat to have the oxygen and magnesium chemically react. The Independent Variable is the elements used, Magnesium and Oxygen. The Dependent Variable is the mass of the elements. For one thing, matter is anything that takes up space, and it is composed of miniscule particles called atoms. Different

  • Calcium Research Paper

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    metallic element that is greyish-silver in colour and has the atomic symbol of Ca. It is a group 2 alkaline earth metal and is the 5th most abundant element by mass in earth’s crust. It is also reactive with water and is relatively soft. It is an essential element for organisms, and is major material that is used in the materialisation of teeth, bone and shells. It is also the most abundant metal located within animals. 1. When and how the element was discovered including who discovered it and

  • Essay On The Periodic Table

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    Every human has a natural tendency to organize. The periodic table is a perfect example of how organization betters the scientific world. Much like a poem, it tells a significant amount of information in a condescended fashion. With this map of the basic elements of the universe, we can find out how many electrons the element has and how much it weighs. Each element has its own separate set of such data; no two elements are the same. Attempts to organize the elements began in the late 1800’s. At

  • Glycerol Essay

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    simply by filtration and can be reused many times. A lot of research has also been done in this direction. Commonly used solid base catalysts are alkaline earth metal oxides, zeolites, KNO3 loaded on Al2O3, BaO, KNO3/Al2O3, CaO, SrO, and MgO. Alkaline earth metals such as Mg, Ca, Ba, Sr and Ra, their oxides and derivatives

  • Advantages And Disadvantages Of Chitosan

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    adsorption of metal ions due to its vast number of amine groups (-NH2) [12, 14, 15], which are the main active sites[11, 12, 14, 18, 21, 30] and the hydroxyl (-OH) groups, which contribute to a lesser extent[11, 14, 18, 21, 30]. Possible adsorption mechanisms of metal ion uptake by chitosan include the formation of ternary complexes, electrostatic repulsion and chelation [14, 31]. The formation of ternary complexes is the mechanism for the adsorption of alkaline and alkaline-earth ions[29], and the

  • The Properties of Tradition Metals

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    Transition metals are a group of metals that are considered dense and have high melting and boiling points. They are located between the alkaline earth metals group and the boron group. The transition metals are characterized by the number of inner energy levels that are occupied by the atoms. They are then separated into 2 groups: d-type transition metals and f-type transition metals. D-type transition metals are mostly consisted of important metals (commercially) and the rare and unimportant metals. They

  • Marie Curie Essay

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    the 88th element on the periodic table, its family group is Alkaline Earth Metal. Radium is a chemical element with symbol Ra. Pure radium metal is bright white when freshly prepared, but blackens once it is exposure to air. Radium has been used to produce neutron sources, luminous paints, and medical radioisotopes. Marie Curie is known to be the mother of science, due to Marie several discoveries, Mrs. Curie made up most of the Earth metals in the periodic table. Marie discovered Radium and other

  • Understanding Calcium: Its Discovery, Properties, and Benefits

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    make lime. But it was isolated and accepted as an element in 1808 by Englishman Sir Humphrey Davy. He discovered it by studying the limestone and marble used in the past. Calcium is an alkaline earth metal; it has the symbol Ca, its atomic number is 20, and its atomic mass is 40.08g. Calcium is a silver-white, soft metal, but it is

  • Sir Humphry Davy and The Discovery of Magnesium

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    experiments in electro-chemistry and his invention of a miner's safety lamp (BBC News, 2014). Magnesium is a chemical element with symbol Mg. Magnesium is a light, fairly strong, whitish, silver Alkaline Earth Metal that is the eighth most abundant element in the Earth's Mantle and the fourth most common element on earth, making up 13% of the planet's mass (Winter, 2011). Its atomic weight is 24.305. The melting point for magnesium is 923 K (650°C or 1202°F) and the boiling point is 1363 K (1090°C or 1994°F)

  • Sodium (Na)

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    Sodium (Na) Sodium has an atomic number of 11 and a mass of about 23g. It is a silvery white-metallic element classified under the alkali metals. Sodium has been known since early times and was used by the people of Mesopotamia and Egypt to make glasses. Sodium is the sixth most common element found on the earth. It is usually not found in nature but more often in compounds such as salt (NaCl). Sodium conducts heat and electricity easily. Without this element life could not exist. Each compound

  • The Periodic Table: The Elements Of The Periodic Table

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    into three categories; metals, nonmetals, and metalloids. The periodic table is mostly elements that are metals which are good conductors of heat, however nonmetals are not good conductors of heat, and metalloids have properties of both metals and nonmetals. The elements in the periodic table are divided into groups. Group 1 are the "Alkali Metals" and they're the first column in the periodic table however, excluding Hydrogen. The Alkali metals are so soft and very reactive metals. In addition, Group

  • Johann Dobereiner, John Newlands, Dimitri Mandeleev

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    noticed the atomic weight of strontium, Sr, was midway between the weights of calcium and barium. These elements also had similar chemical properties. • In 1829 Dobereiner had discovered the halogen triad (chlorine, bromine and iodine) and an alkali metal triad (lithium, sodium and potassium). He proposed that nature contained triads of elements where the middle element had properties that were an average of the other two elements. This occurred when the elements were ordered in terms of atomic weight

  • The Importance Of Calcium

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    Calcium Chemistry is used in everyday life, whether it is known or not. As students, it is crucial to know how elements contribute to everyday life. Some elements are useful, while others are deadly. Calcium is one of those elements. It is vital to appreciate how it was discovered and what its properties are. It is also necessary to know what others have researched about calcium. Finally, all this knowledge would be nothing without the benefits of calcium. Because of its importance, it is vital

  • The Periodic Kingdom Summary

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    Alkali metals such as sodium, which is an essential component of the nervous system and brain, and without it we wouldn’t function as humans but rather like plants. Next, he talks about the alkaline earth metals such as Calcium and states that it is also a component of nervous system, but it also is a characteristic of construction. Then he went on talking about

  • Hydrogen: A Utile Element

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    that they are chemically the simplest substances. Whether we can find them in the air or in our gold/silver necklaces, elements are everywhere! One essential element is hydrogen, the first element on the period table (located under Group 1 as an alkaline metal) is composed of a single proton and electron; therefore having an atomic number and atomic mass of 1 and electron configuration of 1s1. In fact, hydrogen is the lightest, simplest and most commonly found chemical element in the universe (it makes