Alibrandi Essays

  • Looking For Alibrandi by Melina Marchetta

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    The novel “Looking for Alibrandi” is a realistic portrayal of teenagers’ lives in the contemporary Australia. The author Melina Marchetta has portrayed her teenager characters in ways, which engage with the contemporary Australian teenagers. In this critical response, it will examine different kinds of relationships of the teenagers in this novel, the friendship, love relationship, and expectations from the family. The friendship been portrayed in this novel is a realistic portrayal of the teenagers’

  • Looking Fo Alibrandi

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    Growing up is complex, especially in a society with different cultural background. This is the major issue the novel “Looking for Alibrandi” discusses. A realistic view through the eyes of a seventeen-year old Italian girl, Josephine is presented. Josephine’s like many teenagers that have learned from their mistakes. This is the long road that everybody meets while growing up. Learning to become an adult has many different responsibilities and every teenager has to deal with these issues. Once they

  • Looking For Alibrandi by Melina Marchetta

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    Looking for Alibrandi is a passionate story about a young girl's painful and enlightening journey into adulthood. The story centres around Josephine Alibrandi - an agressive, disatisfied, and confused final year student of Italian extraction. She has one burning ambition: to find her place in affluent society and to break free from her embarassing, stifling italian family. As the story progresses, Josephine discovers a vital truth through tragic circumstances. She comes to realize that the

  • Looking For Alibrandi by Melina Marchetta

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    expectations are abundant would not be easy. This is especially obvious if the ‘victim’ is emotionally unhinged (or at least slightly ajar) and looking for stability through constants, including their heritage and who they actually are. Josephine Alibrandi has all of these pressures heaped on her adolescent mind but the impact is doubled because she doesn’t know who she is, which isn’t helped by the fact that she has trouble initially ‘bonding’ with her father, which is a necessary step. It also doesn’t

  • Cultural Analysis in Looking For Alibrandi by Melina Marchetta

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    her education and desire to step away from her Italian life and responsibilities, breaking away not only from her family and their narrow mindedness but also the entire Italian culture. This is a major leap for Josie who aspires to be the first Alibrandi female to take control of her life. This motivation of freedom is strong in Josie and her rebellious ways demonstrate this. Christina is the result of the Italian culture and the clash it has with the Australian identity. From the time she was

  • A Journey of Discovery in Looking For Alibrandi by Melina Marchetta

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    Josephine Alibrandi, a Catholic girl, narrates the novel in her final year of High school. She attends St Martha's, a wealthy catholic school in Sydney's eastern suburbs. Her academic scholarship ensures her place at the school as she is not as well off as the population of largely wealthy Anglo-Celtic girls that attend the school. Her Italian origin has been the reason for much persecution toward her in her life. Her background against the monied origins of her peers also provides much source of

  • Dreams may not always come true

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    conflict with reality. Many films of the post-modernism era can be seen that you would have the stereotypical way of someone wishing for something and it comes true. Even so Dreams are worthwhile and this will be shown below: In the book looking for Alibrandi we see a typical year 12, student whom has never seen her father in her life and has always had the life long dream of meeting him. As we read further on we see that the father rejects the daughter at first but, with Jessie’s (Main Character) persistence

  • Looking For Alibrandi Quotes

    878 Words  | 2 Pages

    The points that will be discussed to do with the novel I have read called ‘Looking for Alibrandi’ written by Lina Marchetta, will involve me talking about how Josephine Alibrandi being the child of a single mother, Australian, female and being Italian which effects Josephine in all those points. I will be writing about how she copes being a bastard child in an Italian culture and how Josephine’s relationship with her dad is. I will talk about how Josephine being Italian and Australian effects her

  • Looking For Alibrandi Belonging

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    Looking for Alibrandi by Kate Woods is the story about Josephine Alibrandi’s last year at her private girl’s school. This is the year she deals with many issues and the major themes that are portrayed help us understand that. The search for identity and the sense of belonging are the themes that are shown in many different scenes throughout the movie through different techniques, often with the film technique of voice-over dialogue. The first scene that the theme of identity is shown is in the opening

  • Looking For Alibrandi Themes

    1020 Words  | 3 Pages

    Good morning/afternoon. Looking for Alibrandi is a connecting, intriguing novel written by Melina Marchetta. This story portrays a seventeen year old girl, Josephine Alibrandi, illegitimate and in her final year at a wealthy Catholic School. This is the year her father comes back into her life, it is the year she falls in love, the year she develops her identity, the year she discovers her family’s past and the year she sets herself free. Throughout the novel, Melina Marchetta portrays many characters

  • Finding Alibrandi Quotes

    596 Words  | 2 Pages

    In the book ‘Finding Alibrandi’ by Melina Marchetta, Josephine Alibrandi is an Italian teenager also known as a ‘wog’ that has to undergo school in her last year, grade 12. Josephine has to go through the struggles of being an Italian with only one parent in an Australian society where she is being judged for her culture. This faces her with multiple challenges, which she has to face; will she rise to the occasion or fail to? Firstly, being in an Italian in an Australian society has affected Josie

  • Looking For Alibrandi Culture Analysis

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    ideas do you think the author is presenting about culture? Discuss the literary devices used by the author to describe and explore culture and the impact they have on the reader. The novel Looking for Alibrandi written by Melina Marchetta, focuses on the life of a 17 year old girl named Josephine Alibrandi who has an Italian background. Throughout the novel Josephine changes her perspectives on many issues in her life including her relationships with different characters in the novel, and her values

  • Social Issues in Looking for Alibrandi

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    Looking for Alibrandi Looking for Alibrandi is a novel in which reflects and comments to a majority of the social issues occurring in most communities around the world. The novel introduces the main character, Josephine Alibrandi as an intelligent and capable woman who is an Australian of Italian descent. Due to her background, she undergoes social issues such as experiencing stereotypes and social statuses. The author, Melina Marchetta applies a variety of familiar and stereotypical events in

  • Examples Of Belonging In Looking For Alibrandi

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    in society, especially for people such as migrants. This issue is highlighted in the novel looking for Alibrandi. The novel was written at a time where Australia was embracing different cultures and the Australian government were recognizing migrants for their contribution to society. Looking for Alibrandi is a novel later made into a film in 2000 about a young adolescent called Josephine Alibrandi who we see experiencing her final year at a strict all girls’ catholic school called St. Martha’s in

  • Looking For Alibrandi By Melina Marchetta

    720 Words  | 2 Pages

    "Looking for Alibrandi” by Melina Marchetta, tells the story of Josephine Albrandi, a seventeen-year-old girl who struggles to find her identity. Marchetta explores a range of conflicts through Josephine. Her struggles of her growing up racism and stereotypes of an Italians. Marchetta takes us on Josie's journey of self-discovery. Marchetta uses the issues of growing up to explain the conflict. At the beginning of the book, the author portrays Josephine as a pessimistic. She always complained about

  • Looking for Alibrandi in Meling Marchetta

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    and cultural differences, and how effectively does her novel reflect reality? Looking for Alibrandi is a novel that discusses many racial and cultural differences and portrays the issues with a perspective very similar to reality. Marchetta addresses these issues with a true understanding as she grew up in the same conditions as Josephine Alibrandi. The main issue is how racism affects Josephine Alibrandi and how it changes her social experiences throughout the novel. Being of Italian descent, Josephine

  • Looking For Alibrandi Character Analysis

    1398 Words  | 3 Pages

    Identity is strongly influenced by peer and family relationships In the novels, Looking for Alibrandi by Melina Marchetta and Wonder by RJ. Palacio, protagonists Josephine Alibrandi and August Pullman’s sense of self is influenced by the people they form relationships with. Both Josephine and August feel that they look different to their peers which distances them from their peers which makes them feel alienated. They show an eagerness to belong and be accepted into their communities. As shown by

  • Looking For Alibrandi By Melina Marchetta

    692 Words  | 2 Pages

    ‘Looking for Alibrandi’ is a young adult novel written by Melina Marchetta. It is a story about seventeen year old Josephine ‘Josie’ Alibrandi on her journey to finding herself. An inspiring idea in this novel is culture; the ignorance towards it, the restrictions because of it and trying to identify with one. The idea of culture is inspiring as it helps the audience to understand Josie’s feelings towards her ethnic background. In this novel, Josie deals a lot with her Italian culture. As a middle

  • Similarities Between The Tempest And Looking For Alibrandi

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    Willingness to discover combined with self-reflection present new perspectives and renewed awareness about both ourselves and the wider world. Through the use of literacy techniques in Shakespeare’s play The Tempest and Marchetta’s novel Looking for Alibrandi it is apparent that altering ones state of mind and being open to love can lead to these changed perceptions. “The greatest discovery is that man can alter his life simply by altering his attitude of mind” this idea presented by James Adams is

  • The Themes In Looking For Alibrandi By Melina Marchetta

    1098 Words  | 3 Pages

    The novel ‘Looking for Alibrandi’ centres on Josie, her experiences and growing up. The novel also focusses largely on Josie’s relationships with her family, her friends, John Barton and Jacob Coote. Melina Marchetta explores various themes in ‘Looking for Alibrandi’ through dialogue, actions, reactions and relationships. Marchetta extensively explores the themes of family, tradition and culture/identity using different relationship, reactions, actions and dialogue. Throughout the novel, the theme