2004 singles Essays

  • Where Does Society Draw the Line Between Sanity and Insanity?

    744 Words  | 2 Pages

    Plagued Society Forever has insanity plagued our lives. From the beginning, those who were not what society considered normal were labeled out of their minds. We look back at the old medicine men, and what do we see? Men, who themselves, were insane enough to think of crazy ways to heal our headaches and everything that ailed us, yet we’d hate to be one of them. None of us want to be labeled crazy, out of our minds, or insane. It is the one constant fear in humans, it’s what is hiding under our

  • Design and the Church

    783 Words  | 2 Pages

    believe that God works through them. In a world that mocks Christ, they unknowingly embrace him with open arms, more by the more. This paper may be more about art rather than the specific topic of (graphic) design, but I find the discussion broken if a single element is isolated. You can’t drive a car if you only focus on the brake pedal.

  • The Most Memorable Moment Essay

    548 Words  | 2 Pages

    Dane Johnson 52111378 My most memorable moment was the day I came to America. I remembered it like it was just yesterday. It was on June 21 2011. I did not go to bed the night before, I stayed up and talked to my friends and family all night. I was so excited to the point that I didn’t want to close my eyes because I was afraid that when I wake up it would’ve all been a dream. I was waiting for this day ever since I knew myself. It was about 7 o’clock in the morning when our ride arrives and we

  • Flag Burning Editorial

    958 Words  | 2 Pages

    Flag burning can be and usually is a very controversial issue with people. Many people believe that the American flag stands for something important and shouldn’t be destroyed in that manner. Others believe that flag burning is a statement that one should be able to make without major repercussions. Both sides have valid opinions and both sides state their case well. Although I am neither nor or against the burning of the flag, I believe the right should not be taken away. I believe that if a group

  • The Story Of Stormy Seas, Acid Rains

    637 Words  | 2 Pages

    The story I'm about to tell you about is stormy seas, acid rains, and dry, desert like conditions. It’s an dangerous journey that traverses long distances and can take several days to return. It’s the story of your digestive system whose purpose is turn the food you eat into something useful. This story starts with that first bite of that Garlic bread and followed by the crispy skin free range chicken supreme. Your teeth tear off that big piece of crust which is then chewed by into small consuming

  • Summary: Identity Within A Community

    702 Words  | 2 Pages

    Project Planning Assignment: Identity Within A Community Part One: Relevance of Theme What matters about this topic and why would students care? The search for identity is a universal one. Identity is something we all struggle with, let alone how our identity morphs within different communities. We act differently in front of different crowds. For example in front of parents we may be respectful and quiet, but in front of our peers we could be outgoing, chatty, and rambunctious. Exploring identity

  • Joy Alexander Analysis

    552 Words  | 2 Pages

    Story of Joy Alexander After four years thinking that this moment would never come, it finally did with a handshake and piece of paper, but the journey had just begun. Joy Alexander graduated from high school with high hopes, and ready to begin her most important years at Lowthian College. She started as a bright eyed 18 year old not sure of what to think of the world, and ended as a mature 21 year old, and ready for any obstacle to come her way. After spending years at the same school, there

  • Graduation Speech

    550 Words  | 2 Pages

    Class of 2012, tonight is the last time we will share together for many years. After tonight, we will begin a new chapter in our lives. This chapter will lead us away from each other, but the memories we've shared will continue to stay. The years behind us have been full of challenges and rewards; these experiences will be there to guide us as we branch out into the world. Let's take a moment to think back to the people and times that shaped us the last four years. Every teacher deserves a "thank

  • The Death Of An Epiphany

    523 Words  | 2 Pages

    I had an epiphany this afternoon while reading this:http://www.guardian.co.uk/sport/2012/jun/02/alexander-dale-oen-death In case you aren't a click-hopper, I'll summarize. Lets say you're Dale. You're the best swimmer your country ever had--the second best in the world after Phelps. You're all of 26 and leave home for the Olympic conditioning camp. You train hard and give it all you have.Raring to go, you're counting down to the games. And then you die. You get in the bathroom, flick the faucet

  • Ubiquitous Man

    1327 Words  | 3 Pages

    Ubiquitous Man A glance over the world from the point of view of a Science Fiction Writer who assumes that Time is waved to all directions Motto: The only thing you have really got is what you are and it is on you forever. Mihaela Bufnila ASSUMPTIONS If God had died what would be the use of beautiful language and why would “beautiful” exist or function anymore deep down the oceans? If I multiply and metamorphose into a cloud of spots under the pressure of magnetic fields, will I be

  • My Trip To Hawaii Essay

    788 Words  | 2 Pages

    I can honestly say that going to Hawaii with my family was the best trip of them all. Everybody who came to Hawaii with me had a blast; all laughs and lots of positive vibes. In my opinion, Hawaii is the place for relaxation, and the place to get away from the familiar faces I see. Everything about Hawaii is amazing; from the sunsets being beautiful, to the beaches being amazing. Also there is something different about walking downtown when it comes to the beaches at night. The sound of the waves

  • An Unforgettable Adventure To Los Angles, California

    717 Words  | 2 Pages

    On February 29th of this year I went on an unforgettable adventure to Los Angles, California. It was a new experience for me because I have not been to the heart of L.A before, let alone anywhere that far with just me and my friends. The only other time I was ever close to getting an experience as such was with my basketball team when we travelled, but even that was supervised by the coach. This was an all-out trip, starting from just the way we chose to get there. I had a weekend off and the

  • The Masked Marvel's Last Toehold Summary

    736 Words  | 2 Pages

    In ''The Masked Marvel's Last Toehold'', Dr. Richard Selzer nimbly and ably, even, dexterously, recounts a sad account of one of his patients, though it's tinged with happiness and youthful innocence lost. The ''toehold'' makes a repeat appearance, from the wrestling position that the wrestler 'Angel' performs on the 'Masked Marvel', which even as a boy, Richard Selzer feels is unfair, unjust, and terrible, to the second and last foot that he has an elderly patient that he is set to remove in the

  • Personal Narrative Essay: One Of The Best Boxing

    542 Words  | 2 Pages

    Walked out outside feeling like I walked in an oven. The bright sun burning my skin. Driving down the road, blasting the radio as I hear “Call this number to win free tickets!” I pull over and call, “WINNER, WINNER, two free tickets to the boxing match this week!” I jump around with a burst of joy as I decide who I should bring with me. Winning free ringside tickets to see two of the best boxers fight for the championship and what would be the best fight of the year. Hours before the biggest fight

  • Creative Writing: David's Conspiracy

    532 Words  | 2 Pages

    "Don't forget that David and I, are part of this conspiracy and if we fail to protect you, you are doomed." He responded and I cleared my throat, but I couldn't believe that he was also a member of that society. It was shocking to hear it from his own lips. "Oh, my god...you are one of them as well?" I stopped my tracks and he turned his eyes at me. "I am..." He responded and my heart skipped a beat. "Don't be afraid of me Michael, my priority is your safety. David and I are together in this plot

  • Sharp Shinned Hawk Research Paper

    1059 Words  | 3 Pages

    Species Account Sharp-Shinned Hawk Accipiter striatus Adam M. House Due: June 15, 2015 Dr. Yunger Of the North American Accipiters, the Sharp-Shinned Hawk is the smallest. This does not indicate a lack of predatory instinct. Sharp-Shinned Hawks, or Sharpies, are one of, if not the most stealthiest of raptor. The text contained within highlights not only the stealthiness of this raptor, but also its breeding, feeding, migration, conservation, habitat, and overall behavior. Sharpies

  • Personal Narrative: My Personal Origin Story

    843 Words  | 2 Pages

    The things that shape us as individuals into who we are now, and who we want to be are all different. Everyone has unique events in their life that caused them to have make tough decisions, and decide if what happened will make them or break them. These key events are what make our own personal origin story. Now our stories may not be as exciting as Wonder Woman or other well-known super heroes; however they are what makes us who we are and who we hope to eventually become. The home I grew up in

  • The Great Gatsby Creative Writing

    1021 Words  | 3 Pages

    Just as the sun rose of 1940,Vivian was cleaning Mr.Dale’s record player.The disk made this scratchy sound as it played.Vivian thought if she would clean it he would be impressed. “Stop,” yelled Mr.Dale,”How dare you touch my record player!” While he exhaled smoke from his huge pipe,He grabbed her wrist and yanked it.Then,he grabbed his coat and rushed out the door.Leaving vast clouds of smoke behind him as he left with his old car. He started muttering about how she is a slave and he is her owner

  • The Lady Or The Tiger Alternate Ending

    1246 Words  | 3 Pages

    A figure of a slender lady slowly approached the gates of the main community, the stone brick walls protected the ones inside. Her dress barely touched the dusty ground as her shoes clanked against stone which echoed off the walls of the entrance. A shadow leaped down from the support beams that kept the entrance from collapsing. A slight thud was heard with the surprised gasp of the women who turned around. “You gotta stop scaring me like that” She sighed as she saw a familiar tall figure. “Sorry

  • Character Analysis: A Long Way Home

    1100 Words  | 3 Pages

    There are certain moments every person goes through, whether one would describe them as joyful and sweet, or painful and bitter. I believe though, that some of the most life impacting ones are a combination of both, bitter and sweet. The memoir “A Long Way Home” depicts those moments in such a powerful way where we can all come together in unison and simply admire the beauty of bittersweet moments. What would one describe as a bittersweet moment? There are many definitions for it such as pain with