1990 Essays

  • Headlines of January, 1990

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    The news the week January 18, 1990 was that of headline makers. Driving Miss Daisy, staring Morgan Freeman, was a major movie hit during the Christmas holiday and the New Year. The blockbuster Tremors, staring Kevin Bacon, was released on January 19, 1990. The first artificial heart was recalled by the FDA due to its serious defects. A major court case in Boston, Massachusetts gained national attention. The United States and Britain were declared to have a flu epidemic. The weather in the south was

  • The 1990s's Culture: The Culture Of The 1990s

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    The 1990s is a decade full of change for the good but also the bad. There are many events that happen during this decade that affect not only America but the world as a whole. During these ten years Americans experienced things never before though possible. In this time people see the end of a war, the beginning of a war, a huge advancement in technology, and the changing in morals for the country. The American people had two different presidents in the 1990s these two men changed America both in

  • Daily Life During the 1990s

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    productive and revolutionizing millenium the earth has known. The 1990s was the wrap up period of a fantastic time in history. George H. W. Bush was president, people rocked fanny packs, and we were paying less than $1.50 a gallon for gas. Yes, the 90s are a decade we will never forget. Food is such an important and tangible relic of history. When we think of different periods we commonly think of the food they ate. In the 1990s quick and easy meals were popular. The microwave was still fairly new

  • Feminism And Gender Equality In The 1990's

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    Feminism And Gender Equality In The 1990's Overall, the rights and status of women have improved considerably in the last century; however, gender equality has recently been threatened within the last decade. Blatantly sexist laws and practices are slowly being eliminated while social perceptions of "women's roles" continue to stagnate and even degrade back to traditional ideals. It is these social perceptions that challenge the evolution of women as equal on all levels. In this study, I

  • Pop Culture in 1960's and 1990's

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    Pop Culture in 1960's and 1990's In comparing the sixties and the nineties, my first thought was how much popular culture has changed since then and how different society is today. The strange thing is, the more I tried to differentiate between them, the more similarities I found. Both the sixties and the nineties were about youth, creativity, free-thinking, and expression. With the nineties coming to a close and the popularity of anything ?retro," I decided to compare the fashions, people,

  • 1990s

    1605 Words  | 4 Pages

    I’m going to start my essay with one of my favorite quotes, which is by Kareem-Abdul-Jabbar. The quote states “One man can be a crucial ingredient on a team, but one man cannot make a team.” The 1970’s had a lot of magically talented athletes in a variety of different sports, and held sight too many tragic/horrific accidents such as the Kent State shooting and Apollo 13. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar one of the world’s most talented basketball players, wasn’t just born with the unique name of Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

  • Crime In The 1990s

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    During the 1990s, the U.S. had crime rates that were on a steady increase and showed no signs of stopping by any means. As the cocaine epidemic swept through the 1980’s onward, it only furthered the increasing amount of crime present, not only that, but there were also numerous homicide cases, most of which involved some kind of violent crime and most notably, gun violence. This information only doubled the number of violent or criminal crimes committed from 1985 forward into the 1990s. As the years

  • The differences of the 50s and the 90s

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    be a normal person. America in the 1990’s and beyond is now almost a place where you are expected to do something different (or at least it isn’t a surprise when someone is different). In a “normal” family in the 1950’s, the husband came home from working nine-to-five. In his home he would find his wife with dinner ready and the house clean. He would also find his two kids, and one dog, all doing what they are supposed to be doing. In a “normal” family in the 1990’s, the husband and wife come home

  • The Subculture Of The Grunge Cultures

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    Through the 1990s, America continued to deal with the prevalence of drugs and the AIDS crisis. Significant advances in technology led to replicating digital media through “CD Burners”. MTV had launched the first reality show filming young women and men of different backgrounds living in a house together coined “The Real World”. Conversely, many things were brewing beyond the countries’ borders. The Gulf War had started along with conflicts in Bosnia. Many eyes were on South Africa as the fight

  • A Healthier Life with Menchie's vs Yogurtland

    689 Words  | 2 Pages

    distinct failure—consumers complained that it tasted too much like yogurt. Relaying on consumer demand for a sweet product that tasted like ice cream, TCBY opened its first store in 1981. The highest popularity comes to Fro-yo by the mid 1990s. But in the late 1990s as Americans turned their attention to high-protein, high-fat diets, demand for frozen yogurt slowed considerably. Low-fat foods such as frozen yogurt fell out of favor as food trends preferred higher fat and lower cost ice cream at the

  • Globalization and Technology

    1460 Words  | 3 Pages

    Introduction Throughout the essay, I will be evaluating how globalisation and technology may influence future offices being paper-less and people-less and how communication is heavily influenced by technology. Globalisation is a very complex term with various definitions, in business terms, “globalization describes the increasingly global nature of markets, the tendency for transnational businesses to configure their business activities on a worldwide basis, and to co-ordinate and integrate their

  • The Cost Of Artificial Intelligence

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    unsuccessfully be able to solve. Artificial Intelligence is the correct pathway to take, if you are considering to use it on mundane tasks. It would definitely make everybody's life easier. You don't have to use your brain as much, like you used it at school. The intelligence of AI will absolutely help the society to evolve, and to also make it so much stronger than it already is. It would provide a faster way to solve problems that humans can't solve. Artificial Intelligence may be really helpful

  • Culture In The 1990s Essay

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    Culture in the 1990s was a big stretch for many people as the increase in technonlgy sky rocket by bring in portable phones tables and new computers and hardware, It changed many peoples lives to how the live today Software timeline. December 1990 - The World Wide Web and its HTTP protocol and HTML language (a dialect of SGML until HTML5) are first successfully parsed by Tim Berners-Lee and eventually displace the Gopher protocol. 1991 - Development of the free Linux kernel is started by Linus Torvalds

  • The 1990s Research Paper

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    How the 1990s Changed Literature During the 1990s, technology began to change at a very rapid pace. Television controlled American families, and computers began to appear in their homes.This had a large impact on literature, and it was somewhat abandoned for a time. Most of the books people read were written to make way for sequels, spin-offs, and television series (Kallen 87). In the past, literature had been in a much healthier state. Without the looming power of television, books were a main

  • Decline Of Crime In The 1990s

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    According to Chettiar, he mentions that the Brennan Center found a downward effect on crimes in the 90s from 0 to 10% just for hiring more police officers. He also mentions that the employment rate for police officers increased dramatically in the 1990s by 28% and one of the major contributors was the 1994 Crime Bill, which gave 100,000 new local officers a job opportunity (Atlantic). “A body of empirical research has found that simply having more officers on the streets, even if they are not arresting

  • Essay On 1990s Sports

    678 Words  | 2 Pages

    1990s Sports A lot happened in the 1990s, both good and bad. Whether it be historically or in something such as sports. I feel like everything that happens matters and has the butterfly effect even if it's bad, later in life that bad thing that happened could easily turn into a good thing. In the 1990s a lot of crazy stuff happened such as the OKC bombing, riots in LA, and the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. The OKC bombing in 1995 was one of several terrorist events that happened in the 1990s

  • Intel's Strategy for the 1990s

    1936 Words  | 4 Pages

    Case II-13: Intel Corporation – Strategy for the 1990s Is Intel still a technology leader? How well do the three corporate macro strategies outlined in the case serve to guide Intel through the 1990s? INTEL'S STRATEGY Intel's strategy in 1990 is to be the architectural leader in microprocessors, a proprietary, high profit margin business. This implies an emphasis on design skills and the ability to implement design architectures. They also want to continue as the leader in transistor density

  • Science In The 1990s Essay

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    suffered disheartening moments in which it’s morale was put to the test, it grew as a nation and demonstrated their power to others. In coming years, the U.S came to show its favorable qualities especially in areas such as science and military. The 1990s came to be a decade where the United States came to have many accomplishments in areas such as space exploration, biomedical and genetic research and in military affairs. The achievements

  • Computer Crime In The 1990s

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    Computer Crime In The 1990's We're being ushered into the digital frontier. It's a cyberland with incredible promise and untold dangers. Are we prepared ? It's a battle between modern day computer cops and digital hackers. Essentially just think what is controlled by computer systems, virtually everything. By programming a telephone voice mail to repeat the word yes over and over again a hacker has beaten the system. The hacker of the 1990's is increasingly becoming more organized very clear in

  • Race Relations In The 1990s

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    Itzanami Cruz Mr. Glennon US History 11 4/14/17 Change in race relations in the 1990s The 1990s is arguably the most controversial, clamorous, and dangerous times in the United states for race. The beating of Rodney King and the Los Angeles riots were only some contributions to what would lead to the change in the landscape of race relations in the early 1990s. Rodney King would be hit 56 times by 4 white policemen causing him to suffer through a broken leg, his skull being shattered in