14th Dalai Lama Essays

  • Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama

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    Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama Over the past few decades, there have been many political problems in Tibet. This can be attributed to the ongoing problem between Tibet and China. Tibet had previously, for many years, been faced with occupation by the forces of the People's Republic of China in their land. This was very alarming to many people, including the highly respected Dalai Lama of Tibet. The Dalai Lama has been a very influential person in Tibet's history and many of the decisions he

  • Essay On The Dalai Lama

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    Buddhism in modern society, one cannot deny the importance of the Dalai Lama. For centuries, the incarnations of the Dalai Lama ruled over the people of Tibet both spiritually and politically. However it wasn’t until the last century that the popularity of the Dalai Lama made its way to western society. This essay will focus on the 14th and most recent Dalai Lama of Tibet. Many people in western society are aware of who the Dalai Lama is, but like me, had no idea how much significance he has to the

  • A Comparison of Two Commencement Speeches

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    experience happiness because of a significant milestone that was completed in the student’s life. The sad emotions will arise because of a terrifying new chapter in the book of life that is about to begin. Both Bradley Whitford and His Holiness the Dalai Lama give their commencement speeches by using humor to relax the mood of the crowd, making light of their fame, and giving the usual words of wisdom to the graduating class of students. During Whitford’s speech, his opening remarks are humorous when

  • Dalai Lama Research Paper

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    The Dalai Lama is the leader of the Yellow Hat Sect of the Tibetan Buddhists. The Yellow Hat Sect originated in the 1300s with the first Dalai Lama being born in 1391, although the title of the Dalai Lama was not used until the 1570s. The Mongolian king at the time, Altan Kham, actually created the name Dalai Lama, meaning “ocean of wisdom” during the time of the third Dalai Lama. Tibetan Buddhists often refer to the Dalai Lama as the Rgyal-ba Rin-po-che as well, meaning “precious conqueror.” The

  • Crossroads of Tibet

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    China which they did not intend to for it to happen and in the early 1950’s His Holiness, the 14th Dalai Lama was called upon to assume full political power of Head of State, when Tibet was threatened by the might of China. His Holiness, Tenzin Gyatso, at the age of 12 was the spiritual and temporal leader of the Tibetan people, was recognised as the reincarnation of his predecessor, the 13th Dalai Lama, was born in a small village of Takster – Northeast of Tibet. His Holiness dreamt that the

  • Media Coverage of the China-Tibet Talks

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    ‘emancipation’ of the serfs to Abraham Lincoln's abolition of slavery” (39). The rest of the article continues to bring up facts that build up against Jiang. Liu goes on to say, “ As for Tibet, Jiang claims to have had ‘good relations’ with the late Panchen Lama” (39). N... ... middle of paper ... ...bias introduced since all the facts are laid out for them. Future coverage of the conflict will most likely continue in the same fashion it has been going on over the decades. Incorrect analyses will continue

  • Tibet's Struggle: Silence, Solidarity and Global Intervention

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    now they are bullying our government into silence. Our leaders are allowing themselves to be bullied. Many countries have met with the Dalai Lama, who is widely respected for his teaching of compassion, peace and humanity, and have agreed to speak of Tibet to the Chinese government. However, no actions have been taken ever since President Obama met with Dalai Lama. Our government’s actions have not spoken louder than our words. China is very similar to the big bad wolf, they huff and puff with threats

  • What Makes a Country Rich or Poor?

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    If a country is lacking in resources, then that country would be determined to be poor in wealth. Some countries have resources, but are unable to obtain the resources either by corruption or the lack of up-to-date technology. The lack of resources would make countries unable to get their own source of revenue, whether it is from selling these resources or keeping the resources for financial backup. Most of the countries that are poor are from corruption. The leaders that support corruption spend

  • Jingle Bells

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    The Future of Tibet: The Dalai Lama's role as an international celebrity, and Nobel peace prize winner, has strengthened the Tibetan cause in recent years. Portrayal of the Dalai Lama in the media, and in movies such as Seven Years in Tibet has successfully publicized the movement. It has furthermore put international pressure on China. Viewed by the outside world as an oppressor of a peaceful people, China is constantly criticized by foreign advocates and governments. This has affected China's relations

  • The Mega-Marketing Of Depression Analysis

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    Tibetan culture eventually molds his original feelings and transforms him into a more culturally diverse individual. Harrer even spreads his culture to the most revered Tibetan, the Dalai Lama, when he teaches the 14-year-old monk the basics of English culture. Harrer even builds the first Tibetan cinema after the Dalai Lama expresses great fascination in western films. Harrer becomes so invested emotionally with the Tibetans that he even offers to help fight off the invading Chinese even though it would

  • Tibet Research Paper

    4534 Words  | 10 Pages

    this pivotal piece of information when studying the Tibetans’ rich culture and consequently the casual scholar rarely sees this side of the Tibetan people. One of the factors that may have influenced this attitude towards Tibetan sports is that the Dalai Lama has in fact previously banned certain sports citing various religious reasons. This may lead people to

  • America’s Assistance to the Tibetans

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    America’s Assistance to the Tibetans Starting in the late 1940s, with Cold War tensions running high and the subsequent Communist takeover of China as well as the outbreak of the Korean War, there was a growing fear in the United States of the possibility of a global conflict between the Communist bloc and the West. Thus, the US government adopted a policy of doing its best to contain Communism around the world, especially in Asia after the formation of the People’s Republic of China (PRC).

  • Sergio Canavero Essay

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    Sergio Canavero, an Italian neurosurgeon, has long made clear his goal to perform the first human head transplant. But recently, the likelihood of actually removing a patient’s head and attaching it to a donor body has skyrocketed. Canavero has found one man, Valery Spiridonov, willing to volunteer his own head, and a location in which he can perform the risky procedure before the end of the year (Lamont). But is Spiridonov’s consent fully informed, or is an ambitious doctor taking advantage of a

  • Global Governance

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    Problems and Solutions. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman, 1973. Print. "YouTube - White House Science Czar Says He'd Use 'Free Market' to 'De-Develop the United States'" YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. Web. 24 Nov. 2010. . Nehru. "YouTube - The Dalai Lama on Technological Change." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. Web. 24 Nov. 2010. . Marketplace from American Public Media. Web. 24 Nov. 2010. . "David Rockefeller's 1991 Bilderberg Quote...Ten Years Later." Jeff Rense Program. Web. 24 Nov. 2010

  • Importance of Compassion

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    “If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.” ― Dalai Lama XIV, The Art of Happiness. This quote said by the Dalai Lama has a great meaning to it. Most just see compassion as another word in this world, when it’s so much more than that. Compassion bring people together, makes the world a better place, and most importantly allows you to connect with others. Compassion is necessary to the human experience because it keep the world emotionally connected

  • Kindness Is Selfish: The Dalai Lama

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    Kindness is Selfish The Dalai Lama has said "Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions." It has been my experience that the most consistent, and reliable path to happiness is to show others kindness. When the world becomes too much to bear, and the trials of life seem insurmountable, an act of kindness can revitalize the spirit. To give kindness unconditionally is not only a way to bring light and joy into the life of someone else, it also brings light into the life

  • Art Appreciation

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    an interesting period of the country’s religious history. The branch of Tibetan Buddhism is led by a religious and sometimes political leader called the Dalai Lama. It was during the 13th Century during the reign of Kublai Khan, around the time of the production of this painting, that Tibet experienced the first incarnation of the Dalai Lama. One has to wonder if this painting is somehow related to that occurrence. According to one source, the reincarnation system for the Living Buddhas is the

  • Changing the World in Milton’s Paradise Lost and Cavendish’s The Blazing World

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    Changing the World in Milton’s Paradise Lost and Cavendish’s The Blazing World It only takes one person or one event to change the course of the world. Eve changes the world and the course of humanity when she eats from the tree of knowledge in John Milton’s Paradise Lost. In Margaret Cavendish’s The Blazing World, the Empress single-handedly changes the world she rules for the worse, and then changes it back again. The message is that our worlds are not fixed; they are ever changing—fickle

  • Film Analysis: Into the Wild

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    that the habitants were always sharing with one another. This vital aspect of these people was never noticed by Chris. This proved detrimental in his short time in Alaska till his heart aching death. In the two non-fiction pieces, “Skiing with the Dalai Lama” and “An Account of Happiness”, they state similar beliefs of happiness. In both they show things that gave happiness for a short period of time. But both show something that is will give happiness more than those... ... middle of paper ...

  • Right To Happiness Essay

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    They defend your right to pursue happiness as long as it stays on the lawful path. Aristotle has shown us that even in Ancient Greece they had a standard for what they believed as happiness that is still carried on and believed to this day, The Dalai Lama has his own beliefs that still do not interfere and C.S. Lewis believes that we throw away our morals just to put one form of happiness up on a pedestal, harming others that we may love along this path. Combining all of these teachings together