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“My goodness, that’s some nice refreshing water!” is something that probably isn’t said very often in Mesa, Arizona or especially Buckeye, Arizona. Tap water quality is a big issue and not just in suburban Arizona where the author has had the most experience with it. It’s a nationwide problem that a lot of people aren’t aware of. They live in areas where they either actually have it good, or they don’t notice what their water tastes like. I’m going to address some of the statements of the opposing side of why tap water quality needs to be regulated more.
People say the United States of America has the strongest water quality control in the world. That the US is on top and spends the money to stay that way. Well according to the Environmental Performance Index project, we’re only the 36th best (Yale.edu). Other countries water supplies are generally much cleaner. But while the US is also larger than a lot of countries, this also presents a problem when looking at it as a whole. It can’t be said that the entire country has the best when it’s clearly a larger, more local situation. In Arizona alone, there are over 1,700 regulated public water systems (AZDEQ.gov). The quality can vary and it’s up to thousands, if not millions, of employees to oversee and regulate water control. It’s also up to governments to pay those employees, and to pay for those water systems, and to pay for the latest equipment and treatment technologies. Sometimes the governments don’t always view that as necessary though. It doesn’t make sense when the government’s purpose is to try and take care of the population. It’s almost a case of laziness or assuming it’s not worth to spend the money.
In fact, the government doesn’t consider that it even needs to regu...

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... to one single problem.

Works Cited

Arizona Department of Environmental Quality. “Water Quality Division: Safe Drinking Water: Overview.” Azdeq.gov. AZDEQ. Web 28 Apr. 2014
City of Buckeye. “Water Production and Groundwater Treatment.” Buckeyeaz.gov. City of Buckeye. Web 28 Apr 2014
Price, Justin. “Water company urges Buckeye customers to boil their water.” Azcentral.com. azcentral, a division of Gannett Satellite Information Network, Inc.. 14 Sep. 2014. Web 28 Apr 2014
"Tap Water Quality." Issues & Controversies. Facts On File News Services, 19 Apr. 2010. Web. 24 Apr. 2014.
United States Environmental Protection Agency. “EPA History: Safe Drinking Water Act.” www2.epa.gov. US EPA. 28 Apr. 2014. Web 28 Apr. 2014
Yale University. “The 2014 Environmental Performance Index: Issue Ranking: Water and Sanitation.” Epi.yale.edu. Yale University. 2014. Web 28 Apr. 2014

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