the prophets

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The writing Prophets are distinctive from Enoch, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob who were called prophets but they did not write any books. The writing Prophets are called so to make a distinction between the two prophetic groups commonly referred to as the writing or oral prophets. Prophets have a long presence in Israel’s history certainly this maybe why similarities have been found in the writing of the prophetic books. The writing prophets have been studied by many scholars and they have found some common themes in the books such as God, worship and punishment (McConville, 2002). With a short critique of some general information, patterns should reveal themselves. Thus, using a chronological review that includes information about the nations in the time of the prophets that notes the King of their time along with the general message of each prophet some similarities should standout. Obadiah is a salvation oracle, it is arguable this was the first writing Prophet to emerge just before the prophecy of Joel. The oracle dates to the time of 840-830 B.C. (Barnes, 2012). The periods of the writings have been estimated. The King of the nation “is not mentioned”(McConville, 2002) in his writings for that time. The focus of the book by Obadiah is on the judgment of Edom by God. The Edomites had great hatred of Israel. The message of Obadiah is of disaster to befall upon Edom because of its pride and cruelty against Israel. This shows that God stands with his chosen people in times of trouble and will exalt them giving them hope. As it has been noted, the book of Joel is also written in a close sequence to Obadiah it mentions no King, nor does it mention the name of the warring nation that has been coming against Judah. Although, it is e... ... middle of paper ... ..., that the temple should be rebuilt immediately. In the book of Malachi he finds the Israelites once again growing indifferent to their spiritual commitments, neglecting duties to the temple, as well as skirting worship and righteousness. Malachi reprimanded them however he did not leave them without hope. Malachi forecasted the coming promise of Elijah who would prepare the way for the Messiah. Malachi was the last prophet of God until John the Baptist. The motive for declaring the return of Elijah was to instill hope to let the people know that God was in control. In conclusion, it can be seen that the prophets spoke the word of God for the benefit of Israel’s spiritual condition. Even though the prophets had spoken many times of great sin bring the anger of God with His great wrath, their message always included God’s love that gave hope through repentance.

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