the case against the case against burger

813 Words2 Pages

Burger, which is just a common daily food of Americans, suffer a lot after coming to China as debate on whether people can eat them or not has never ceased. The divergence on the answer to that problem seems to be part of the generation gap as today’s kids as crazy about burgers while their parents hate burgers. Burgers are just burgers; should there be debate on them? People should stop meaningless debate.
McDonald's burgers seem to be the most convenient and popular access to authentic America burgers in China. Since I was born, my parents keep telling me that burgers from McDonald’s are junk food which will poison and ruin my whole body. They told the same story of how a healthy boy’s immune system was damaged because he ate too much burgers from McDonald’s every time I went pass the door of McDonald’s together with them. Whenever they saw an obese man on television, they pointed at that man, sighed, told me, “That is what burgers do!” Also, they warned me again and again at the time they saw someone was eating burgers. For them, foods from McDonald's were the worst foods existing in the world--they would starve rather than eat them; and burger is the worst among the worst. I could not pull myself out of not believing them when I was a little kid because their words are the only truth in this world to me. Gradually, I become more and more convinced that burger is the most disgusting food ever and McDonald’s was certainly the conspiracy of United States which would destroy Chinese next generation. I insisted that I should never had common set with those foods. And I did have never touched the box of Big Mac for over ten years. No burgers is the axiom my parents passed to the little me.
I start to have my own idea about burgers...

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...or overly praised. Chinese parents hate them like hate enemy; Chinese youths love them like love best friend. What burger truly means is a type of food which offer necessary energy source to people. When I look back to my cognition of burger, I found that those who is foreign to burger judges it on his or her own ideas, disregarding the fact of what burger is. Such bias is passed to the children by parents’ words and deeds; also bias is passed from peers also affected the cognition of burger. I believe that people who have bias will not hold their immature opinion any more after they come to the United States, experience the life of typical Americans and find that burger cannot be more common. Thus, before giving a comment on something, one should do some research and get to know better about it instead of only listening from limited sources then giving a conclusion.

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