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Can we Send Humans into the Distant Future?
‘The universe is not only queerer than we think, it is queerer than we CAN think’ – J.B.S Haldane

A hundred years ago, the idea of humans travelling through space seemed outrageous to most. Space travel, like time travel, was merely science fiction. Today, spaceflight is commonplace. Might time travel one day become commonplace too1?
Travelling through time is certainly easy to imagine. You step into the time machine; press a few buttons; and emerge out not just anywhere – but anywhen. However, in reality things aren’t quite as convenient as science fiction would suggest, as you will understand later on.

At a glance, the concept of time travel seems absurd. Yet given some thought, you realise the metaphorical wall between the past, present, and future is smaller than you think. Light travels at a constant velocity of about 300,000 km/s. It is common knowledge that nothing can travel faster than that speed (as I will prove later on) and therefore because your eyes are sensitive to visible light – everything you see is a light wave in some form. Because of this finite velocity of light, if we observe a star, say Alpha Centauri 4 – which is 4 light years away – we do not see it as it looks today, but as it looked 4 years ago! If you look at the Andromeda Galaxy – 2 million light years away – you see it as it appeared 2 million years ago. Just as when you look at yourself in a mirror – 1.5 metres away – the image you see of yourself is not you now, but you 10 nanoseconds ago (0.00000001s)2. In other words, you look into the past every moment of your life.
In addition, technically speaking we are all time travellers into the future. We move at a rate of 1 second at a time into the future –...

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...onding research are amongst the biggest names in the scientific world. Einstein of course, who laid the foundations. Karl Schwarzschild, who was at the forefront on picking up where Einstein left - Frank Tipler, who devised one of the first models of a time machine; and inspired a generation – Kip Thorne who opened the possibilities of wormholes in the fabric of space-time – and Stephen Hawking, who has explicitly shown a repeated interest in the topic. Even then that’s just to name a few! In the coming chapters I will analyse their work, and investigating whether in principle it is realistically possible to build a working time machine, given our current state of technological and physical progress as a civilization.

We will start at the beginning, before Einstein – at base camp: the dream of time travel itself and the pathbreaking science fiction of H.G. Wells6.

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