independent Director

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INTRODUCTION- Independent director play an important role in the in organization. Here is definition of the independent director “An independent director is a director of board of directors who does not have a material or pecuniary relationship with company or related person, expect sitting fees”, this definition gives the clear idea that who is an independent director. Independent director also play an important role in corporate governance, an independent director are said to be trustee of the corporate governance. A working and included board comprising of experts and sincere independent director who plays a crucial role in developing the trust between the enterprise and shareholders and act as a backer of corporate governance. Indian companies give more importance on obtaining funds from another countries investors and tapping on the worldwide monetary market, and the authentication of independent director will become very important. Ultimately capable and skilled independent director plays a crucial role in development of the companies. Indian corporate, which had employed such directors in their boards, has gained hugely from their leadership and inputs. In this essay I have talked about the roles and responsibility of the independent director, why independent director presence is important in boards, examples of companies who required the independent directors, failure of independent director and then it’s followed by conclusion. ROLE OF AN INDEPENDENT DIRECTOR- Independent director has to perform many roles in the organization. An independent director supervise the financial reporting process of the company and release the financial reports of the organization, they review the periodical financial records, revie... ... middle of paper ... ...r importance in corporate governance. The roles and responsibility of the independent directors shows how they perform their work in the organization and independent directors presence in board of director are very important in the organization and by giving the example of absence of independent director in kingfisher airline tells that they don’t have adequate number of independent directors because their financial crisis and example HCL Infosys shows need of the independent director because they have appoint new IDs in the organization. Despite having such function there is believe that independent directors have been failed. Therefore I have come to the conclusion that independent director plays a crucial role and if they gets good chances to show their skills then their will a phase when every companies will need independent director in their boards.

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