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Human bodies are one of the most complex organisms on this planet; however, it might not be as complex if you know the meaning behind the body systems. The human body is all linked together, forming the systems of the body that allow us to perform many different activities. How does the body perform different activities? It performs these activities by its nutrition that it is provided, and also by the diet of the human body. The human body is complex, but once you know the reasons of why the body works the way it does, you will no longer think that the human body is as complex. For the human body to grow and maintain, it must eat. But why do we eat? The answer is simple, yet confusing. The answer to this simple question might be confusing because we constantly eat when we are hungry, and when we have a appetite to eat, but we do not know the true reason behind this. The human body must eat because we need food to be healthy, be stronger, and to have energy. These different types of food give us nutrients that help us to grow and recover. If these are the reasons why we should eat, what should we be eating?

Diet simply refers to what we eat, in a certain period of time. It can also be defined as when an individual restrict himself to lose weight. When the human body eats, it is usually when they are hungry or when we have an appetite. However, most people do not know the difference between a good diet and a bad diet because we eat whatever we want, whenever we want. What we eat has a huge impact on our bodies, because our bodies are what we eat. A balanced diet, or a good diet refers to consuming the food in every food group in the right amount. Following a healthy diet is very important to every individual because by perfor...

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...e metabolism rate varies on the amount of energy that was used for every activity that you performed. The metabolism rate not only maintain the vital involuntary systems but it also burns calories through our daily activities, such as walking.

Energy content of food and the metabolism rate relate to thermoregulation. Thermoregulation is the ability of an organism to keep its body temperature. Energy and thermoregulation is related to each other because heat is the process of the energy moving. For the human beings, thermoregulation is needed because it reacts to different temperatures that surrounds the body. Our body shivers when the temperature around the body is too cold, and the body sweats when the temperature around the body is too hot. All organisms keep their temperature at a constant level by changing their behavior, and this is thermoregulation.

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