disguised discrimination

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Disguised Discrimination In Michelle Alexander’s speech on her book The New Jim Crow, she vividly describes the past forms of blatant oppression of minority groups, especially Latino, and even more so, African American men. Such political systems such as slavery and Jim Crow Laws, were discussed as government intended repression of African Americans. The War on Drugs is then blamed for unfairly targeting minorities, which results in staggering rates of Black and Hispanic arrests. She later relates the past direct forms of discrimination to today’s indirect forms, and informs her audience on how our present political system has a very similar effect to the Jim Crow laws. I feel she effectively and convincingly states her argument using clear and concise language. Alexander effectively reviewed and explained the racial caste that our country instilled on African Americans in the past, through purposeful discrimination. Even prior to the Jim Crow laws, Black men and women had very few if any rights to employment, own land, or equal opportunities in general. Preceding these however was a far worse form of dehumanization, it was the atrocity that was slavery. This persistently prejudice judicial system no doubt impressed an ongoing lie of racial inferiority, which was difficult to overcome. While I was unsure of the meaning of this “Racial Caste system” Alexander was referring to, it was later explained as a social structure that intentionally divides and belittles individuals due to their ethnicity. I found Michelle Alexander’s discussion on the “War on Drugs” to be especially interesting. She thoroughly explained how even though the laws claim to be indiscriminate, their application tends to focus heavily on minorities espec... ... middle of paper ... ...ential and succinct. It helped me to better understand the reality of America’s judicial system, and the underlying prejudices that exists in many the nations policies and law. Her arguments on mass incarceration were very convincing and well organized, as well as her description of the “War on Drugs”. She also effectively related the former Jim Crow Las to our judicial system today. This speech very closely relates to the information we have been discussing because it gives insight into reality of mass incarceration. This epic imprisonment of an increasing population has made a business out of penitentiaries, and has made prison cells the homes of millions. More than ever The United States is focusing on law enforcement, prisons and the judicial system as a whole. Michelle Alexander’s has called for the nation to switch focuses, from incarceration, to restoration.

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