Zoos are prisons for animals

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Animals are being forcefully taken from their natural habitats and their families, then put into unnatural and controlled environments. Most of the creatures are trapped in enclosures, unable to live real lives with socializing and exercise. Zoos are prisons for these animals. In the times when zoos were originally created, zoos were the only way to see the animals. Or to be read about in books written by explorers and scientists. Showing simply descriptions with drawings. Animals brought back from explorations where observed, killed, dissected and sometimes even eaten. Although, current conditions are not as severe as they were in the eighteen-hundreds. They still are not what they should be.
Most zoos do not or can not meet humane standards, even if they pass AZA (1Association of Zoos and Aquariums) inspections. Habitats need to be created that allow the animal to function normally, daily. They must be provided with appropriate diets and climate controlled environments. Like in Sweden has passed laws that all habitats must be large enough for each species and that no animal is to be only housed indoors. They have to have time outdoors as well.
But, no habitat will ever be as large as their natural home. For example, elephants in the wild can walk from twenty to fifty miles a day. 5The Knoxville Zoo's elephant exhibit is 0.6 acres. It takes a human 6 minutes to walk 4 acres. Maggie, an elephant, was kept at the Alaska Zoo in a small indoor enclosure for days because cold outside temperatures. Malnutrition kills hundreds of zoo animals all over the world. From the lack of food or being fed the wrong diet. In China eleven Siberian tigers died over the course of three months from malnurishment. Twenty animals died ,also wi...

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... fifteen percent of animals in captivity will die each year. At least seventy-five hundred up to two hundred-thousand die each year in Europe alone . Foundations and organizations, work to protect animals and keep them in the wild. Sanctuaries have cameras that make it possible to watch the animals all day long, at any time. You can also go to the sanctuaries to observe and view. They can be watched from afar and observed in nature. Not to be tampered with , abused, or manipulated or forced into conformity.


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