Zeus Essay

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Beginning around 700 B.C., stories by Homer and other Greek writers told of the stories of wonderful gods and goddesses who messed around in human lives. Zeus is one of the main gods that had many accomplishments in his time. Some of his accomplishments are defeating the Titans, living when his father tried to kill him, and overthrowing his father. Some other things about Zeus are his marriage, siblings, and how he is the ruler of Olympus.
The leader among the gods was Zeus. Zeus is the king of the gods and ruler of Olympus. Olympus is the heavens where the gods live and rule. Zeus is known in many ways like: Lord of the Sky and lightening, the Cloud gatherer, the god of rain, and Zeus the Thundered. All these names date back to ancient Greek time. Zeus was the youngest of his brothers and sisters his parents are Cronus and Rhea.
Cronus was warned that one of his children would overthrow him. Cronus knew what could happen, because he had overthrown his father, Uranus. To stop this from happening Cronus ate his children named Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades and Poseidon, but according to the story of Zeus his mother Rhea and her mother Gaia, wrapped a stone in some clothes in the place of Zeus. Cronus thinking it was the baby swallowed the stone whole. During this Rhea took her baby to Crete, and there, in a cave on Mount Dicte, the divine goat Amaltheia fed and raised Zeus.
When Zeus had grown into a young man he left the cave and returned to his father’s lands, and with the help of Gaia, tricked Cronus to vomit the five children he had already ate. This then led to war and Zeus led the attack against his father and the Titans. The Titans were defeated and banished to "Tartarus", which was a place lower than the underworld. Once Ze...

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...e lyceums became the word for wolves. Salmoneus thought he was a god that was better than Zeus so he pretended to be Zeus mocking him by pretended to be Zeus but way better by throwing flaming torches for lightning bolts and riding his large golden chariot to make a noise that sounded like thunder but it wasn’t thunder so Zeus hated this act that he preformed and quickly put a stop to his stupidity by killing him quickly with a real life lightning bolt. The list goes on but it’s clear that you behaved and didn’t do any wrong-doing or show lack of respect because it would be would be severely punished.
Zeus did many good things in his life time which is forever because he’s immortal. He overthrew his father, was raised in a cave, and defeated the titans in a war. He married his sister and had kids with multiple women. These are some of the things Zeus the god did.

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