Wrestling: The Oldest and Most Universal Sport

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Wrestling: The Oldest and Most Universal Sport

From the beginning of time, before there were written records, scholars believe that men wrestled. "Moreover, almost every known ancient people participated in some form of the game" (History of Sports 14). Originally, men were required to use wrestling skills to defend themselves from beasts of the field and other men. It is from this prehistoric way of life that wrestling was created. From this, men began to practice and create new holds and moves to improve upon the sport. They begin to compete with each other just as young brothers and sister's fight and grapple. So did the people of ancient times. This way of life, protection, and amusement, through growth, progressed into the magnificent sport of wrestling.

This sport, through its beginnings in ancient civilizations, has withstood the test of time. It has survived many obstacles through the years. Despite its difficulties, it has spread like wildfire and proven itself as the most prominent sport known to man. It has not only become the most popular sport but also was the first sport ever to be practiced in recorded history. The oldest artifact discovered, stone slabs, depict carvings of wrestlers in hold and leverage positions dating back at least fifteen to twenty thousand years (The Oldest Sport 1). Another famous artifact depicting the first known wrestling match was discovered in 1938, while digging at an ancient Sumerian temple near present day Baghdad, Iraq. This small bronze sculpture dates back to 3000 B.C. Wrestling was such a respected sport even before this time that "the famous Epic of Gilgamesh compiled about 2000 B.C." was about a champion wrestler who became king over his land (History of ...

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...the artifacts and the references in many major works of art and language. Wrestling is mentioned in many books and even in the Bible. This sport builds character and physical prowess unlike any other. Through the years it has grown and subsided in many different societies but has remained a strong sport till this day. They still have wrestling in the Olympics and hold many national and world competitions. Every year the high school and college programs continue to grow in their numbers and competitiveness throughout the United States. Up to this day wrestling has shown itself to be the most Universal sport know to man. Its participants will always remember that we compete for the enjoyment and glory of the sport. Its memories will never leave us. And as many of us say till this day, once a wrestler, always a wrestler!

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