Women's Movement Thesis

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The Women's rights movement is known as the feminist movement. It is a group which does protests and walkouts to get their point across about women. It is women fighting for their rights and will continue until women get the same rights as men. The movement will continue until they accomplish their goals as well. For example, women in the 60s could not get a credit card if her husband was not present. But today there's not exactly a problem in America in today's society. The feminist groups usually focus on small things. For instance, having an equal number of bathrooms in a high school. Abortion was a big issue during the 60 but today there are still bits that are being fought for. Getting equal pay was also another issue for the women during …show more content…

In the 1960s women were not allowed to have abortions. Some women did not want to have children. Women did not want to ruin their bodies or even have to deal with the pressure of having another child. Some didn’t want it because they were in an abusive relationship with their spouse. So the women rights movement started to protest and eventually got their point across. The U.S. Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade legalized abortion nationwide in 1973. Today the women's movement is working on making abortion free at all clinics, so that the women who could not afford it will be covered. They are fighting so that a child could be born and not have a stable environment or loving parents. Giving it up for adoption means they have to remember every day that they have a child out there which they could not …show more content…

They were said to be very emotional and could easily be attached. Women in the 60s thought it was unfair how they were being looked at. They thought it was unjust for them to categorize all women as weak and sympathetic. So women protested and, meetings to get their voices heard. The Strauder v. West Virginia removed any states which forbid women to become juries. In 2016 the 1st women ran as president which marked a get accomplishment in history, unfortunately, she did not become president. The women's movement wants the next president to be a woman. They are protesting that young women stand up and take charge of the united states. But in the white house, there is a huge gap between men and women. There are approximately "362-men in the white house while as there are "76-women in the white house. Another goal for the women's rights movement is to make a difference in numbers basically to lessen the

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