Women In The American Revolution Essay

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Women had a role in the forming of our country that many historians overlook. In the years leading to the revolution and after women were political activists. During the war, women took care of the home front. Some poor women followed the army and assisted to the troops. They acted as cooks, laundresses and nurses. There were even soldiers and spies that were women. After the revolution, women advocated for higher education. In the early 1800’s women aided in the increase of factories, and the changing of American society. Women in America were an important and active part of achieving independence and the framing of American life over the years. Women were activists for our country. During the years just prior to the Revolutionary …show more content…

They were drinking coffee instead. The Daughters of Liberty also had spinning bees to make homespun clothing, and only wore homespun clothing, which was a political statement at the time. In the years of war, most women had to assume the care of the farms and businesses while their men went to war. These women were the ones to organize care for widows and orphans, in addition to organizing protests against some merchants held back hard to find items. The Daughters of the revolution also collected money, medications, pewter for bullets, and food for the army. The women who became the cooks, laundresses, and nurses for the army were camp followers. They were the poor wives, mothers, and children that followed the army around, doing jobs for half rations. George Washington recruited the women into service, even though these were …show more content…

Only a third of these girls went on to marry farmers. They instead chose to marry artisans or workers in the city . The young women were moving to the city, and away from the farms. Women were choosing their own husbands, and marrying for affection, instead of letting their parents pick their spouse. During this period was the Second Great Awaking in America, and women moving toward religion during the uncertain times. The leaders of the evangelical clergy preached against drunkenness. They also preached that women were morally stronger than men were. This led women into the temperance movement, increasing their political activities. The Second Great Awaking also led people to realize that slavery was wrong, and “a sin against humanity”. By the 1830s, many American women were involved in trying to end slavery. Women being involved in the movement to end slavery divided the abolitionists. This division was the beginning of the women’s rights movement. In 1840, Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton were told not to go to the World Anti-Slavery Convention in London. This refusal to let them attend, led them to discuss women’s rights. The launched the women’s right movement and changed the fabric of

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