Wireless Communication Essay

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Most Common Wireless Networking Access Methods

Wireless communication has created an ever-evolving need for devices that are faster and applicable to a variety of lifestyle situations. As new devices are created, security measures have to be implemented and policies have to be adapted as the way we live changes in response to the technology available to us. Two of the most common wireless communication access methods are Bluetooth and WiFi.
Bluetooth technology creates personal area connections with handheld / mobile devices. The Personal Area Network (PAN) created can operate at a distance up to 100 meters (328 feet) depending on the individual device specifications. Short-range radio waves are transmitted at 2.4 to 2.485GHz using a signal that hops at 1600 hops/sec. A users’ private data is stored and they are able to transfer data with other devices while keeping that data from being publicly available. In order to pair devices securely, there must be an authentication process, key generation, and key acceptance. Paired devices can share voice, data, music, photos, videos, and other information wirelessly (Bluetooth Technology 101: Fast Facts). It is a combination of both hardware inside a device and software used to create the connections.
WiFi or Wireless LANs define a short-range wireless network typically used in an office or home setting that allows several users to access the network resources. IEEE 802.11 sets the standard for wireless LAN equipment and speeds and products under this standard are marketed as the WiFi brand (Certification Partners, 2012). When speeds are mentioned, it is typically in reference to the top speeds available but generally, lower speeds are the expectation. Frequency ranges are ...

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