Willy Loman

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“Death of a Salesman”, is a play written by Arthur Miller in 1949, the play’s universality comes from the central theme and ideas. These concepts have the ability to allow a connection to be made with a universal audience because they take in to account basic human nature. As readers of the play, we can connect with the concepts that introduced throughout the paly because they are part of our everyday lives. Through the play’s theme of the “American Dream” and many concepts will allow the audience to connect to this modern tragedy. In “Death of the Salesman”, the theme of “the American Dream”, the pursuit of the one true dream, a goal you want to achieve. The “American Dream”, can and will be different for everyone but can always be described …show more content…

Even if we have dreams to fuel our goals and achievements, they may not always be able to grant us what we desire. We may only end up with just taking a few steps further but always end up being pushed even farther than where we started. Willy Loman was a hard worker who tries his best to strive in order to reach his dream; however everything did not go the way he wished it to be. “Oh, I’ll knock ‘em dead next week. I’ll go to Hartford. I’m very well liked in Hartford. You know, the trouble is, Linda, people don’t seem to take to me”, (I.). Willy was oblivious to want was in front of him, his failure; he was not able to accept defeat causing him to be blind to the truth, “I don’t know the reason for it, but they just pass me by. I’m not noticed”, (I.). The concept of failure and the not wanting to accept in which what is in front of us, is something anyone can relate to. It is a fact that human beings have a nature to aim for something they want and achieve it with high success, and failure is not an option. After all everyone, their dreams, their goals, and achievements just to end up as a failure of a dream. We always want to do our very best, however there are going to be people who will not accept what is in front of there, just like Willy

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